I can’t believe we’re almost halfway through 2013. It sure seems like time flies by faster and faster each year. I know that I joked about time a number of editorials ago using Fermat’s principle, but I can also quote William Penn on the subject: “Time is what we want most, but what we use the worst.” There’s a funnier reference that I don’t know who to attribute to: “If time is money, then all ATMs are time machines!” This month I am thinking about time because I have been Editor of Optical Engineering for three and a half years and it feels like yesterday that I accepted the assignment.
At Optical Engineering, we are using time (not in the worst way) to improve the journal. The journal staff and I are currently working on making the scope of Optical Engineering more well defined. If you look on the journal website, you will find a new description of the scope:
Imaging Components, Systems, and Processing
Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing
Adaptive Optics
Focal Planes and Imaging Detectors
Human Vision
Infrared and Electro-Optical Systems
Image Quality and System Performance
Image Processing for Optical Engineering
Laser Radar
Machine Vision and Pattern Recognition
Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Technologies
Multispectral and Hyperspectral Technologies
Pattern Recognition
Persistent Surveillance Systems
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Systems
Target Acquisition Systems
Telescopes (Ground-Based, Airborne, and Space-Based)
Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display Tracking
Unconventional Imaging and Wavefront Sensing
Video and Display Technologies
Virtual Reality
Instrumentation, Techniques, and Measurement
Active and Passive Signatures
Astronomical Instrumentation
Atmospheric Propagation
Compressive Sensing
Biometric Technologies
Diffractive Optics
Fourier Optics and Optical Signal Processing
Photonic Integration
Physical Optics
Modeling and Simulation
Nondestructive Characterization of Materials
Optical Design and Engineering
Astronomical and Space Optical Systems
Illumination and Nonimaging Optics
Optics and Lens Design
Optical Countermeasures
Optical System Design
Optical Fabrication
Optical System Alignment
Optical and System Testing
Thin Films
Unmanned Systems Technology
Zoom Lenses
Lasers, Fiber Optics, and Communications
Beam Control
Fiber Lasers
Fiber Optics
Fiber Optic Sensors
Fiber Optic Communications
Free Space Communications
High Power Lasers
Lasers and Laser Optics
Laser Applications
Laser Packaging
Nonlinear Optics
Quantum Optics and Photonics
Semiconductor Lasers
Slow Light
Ultrafast Optics
Vertical External Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers
Materials, Photonic Devices, and Sensors
Detector Materials
Integrated Optics
Laser Materials
Liquid Crystal and LED Technology and Devices
Ocean and Atmospheric Sensing and Monitoring
Optical Components
Optical Computing and Optical Storage
Optical Materials
Optical Sensors
Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits
Optoelectronic Materials and Devices
Photonic Devices
Chemical and Biological Sensors
Smart MaterialsSmart Structures and Integrated Systems
X-Ray, Gamma Ray, and Particle Technologies
This scope provides a number of improvements. First, there are now five major categories under which papers will be published. This reduces the number of papers that may seem to be misplaced in the table of contents when the papers could fall under more than one category. Second, the subcategories provide the potential author with more information to decide whether Optical Engineering is an appropriate journal for their work. Third, the subcategories provide good alignment with previously published journal papers, as well as better alignment between Optical Engineering and SPIE’s conference structure. There are more subcategories now than there were topics in the previous scope description. Fourth, the new scope should provide a more appropriate structure for the recruitment of special sections, review papers, and tutorial papers.
I have been working closely with the journal staff to redefine the scope to further improve the service that Optical Engineering provides to the optical engineering community. In the next few weeks, I will be working with the editorial board to develop a structure to support this new scope. Hopefully this will ultimately help improve journal downloads, impact factor, and time to publication. It is our desire to provide you with the best journal possible for the publication of your most important work in optical engineering. This way, you won’t waste time thinking about other less appropriate journals.