15 February 2016 Dual-arm multiple-reflection Michelson interferometer for large multiple reflections and increased sensitivity
Charles Joenathan, Ashley Bernal, Youn Woonghee, Robert M. Bunch, Christopher Hakoda
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Funded by: National Science Foundation and the Smart Lighting Engineering Research
Michelson interferometer is one of the most popular optical interferometric systems used in optical metrology. Typically, Michelson interferometers are used to measure object displacement with wavefront shapes to one half of the laser wavelength. As testing components and device sizes reduce to micro and nano size, a sensitivity of half the wavelength of light cannot be used to measure several hundred picometer displacement. Multiple-reflection interferometers have been proposed and are used to increase the sensitivity in a Michelson interferometer; however, when altering the number of reflections, the system alignment becomes cumbersome. We describe some of the problems associated with the current multiple-reflection interferometer and introduce a setup for matching path lengths to increase the resolution and allow for the reduction of the stringent requirement on the coherence length of the lasers used. Theoretically, we show that more than 1000 reflections can be achieved. Experimental results of up to 100 reflections are presented in this paper.
© 2016 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 0091-3286/2016/$25.00 © 2016 SPIE
Charles Joenathan, Ashley Bernal, Youn Woonghee, Robert M. Bunch, and Christopher Hakoda "Dual-arm multiple-reflection Michelson interferometer for large multiple reflections and increased sensitivity," Optical Engineering 55(2), 024101 (15 February 2016). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.55.2.024101
Published: 15 February 2016
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Cited by 8 scholarly publications.
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Michelson interferometers

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