Dr. Andrew Kissil
at Jet Propulsion Lab
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (18)

Proceedings Article | 16 September 2015 Paper
Karl Stapelfeldt, Frank Dekens, Michael Brenner, Keith Warfield, Ruslan Belikov, Paul Brugarolas, Geoffrey Bryden, Kerri Cahoy, Supriya Chakrabarti, Serge Dubovitsky, Robert Effinger, Brian Hirsch, Andrew Kissil, John Krist, Jared Lang, Mark Marley, Michael McElwain, Victoria Meadows, Joel Nissen, Jeffrey Oseas, Chris Pong, Eugene Serabyn, Eric Sunada, John Trauger, Stephen Unwin
Proceedings Volume 9605, 96050T (2015) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2191720
KEYWORDS: Telescopes, Stars, Spectroscopy, Wavefronts, Imaging spectroscopy, Coronagraphy, Exoplanets, Space telescopes, Planets, Space operations

Proceedings Article | 28 August 2014 Paper
Karl Stapelfeldt, Michael Brenner, Keith Warfield, Frank Dekens, Ruslan Belikov, Paul Brugarolas, Geoffrey Bryden, Kerri Cahoy, Supriya Chakrabarti, Serge Dubovitsky, Robert Effinger, Brian Hirsch, Andrew Kissil, John Krist, Jared Lang, Mark Marley, Michael McElwain, Victoria Meadows, Joel Nissen, Jeffrey Oseas, Eugene Serabyn, Eric Sunada, John Trauger, Stephen Unwin
Proceedings Volume 9143, 91432K (2014) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2057115
KEYWORDS: Telescopes, Mirrors, Stars, Wavefronts, Coronagraphy, Exoplanets, Space telescopes, Planets, Space operations, Iterated function systems

Proceedings Article | 27 September 2012 Paper
David Woody, Steve Padin, Eric Chauvin, Bruno Clavel, German Cortes, Andy Kissil, John Lou, Paul Rasmussen, David Redding, Jeff Zolkower
Proceedings Volume 8444, 84442M (2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.925229
KEYWORDS: Actuators, Reflectors, Telescopes, Mirrors, Cameras, Sensors, Image segmentation, Wavefronts, Control systems, Distortion

Proceedings Article | 10 November 2011 Paper
Proceedings Volume 8336, 83360Q (2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.916694
KEYWORDS: Actuators, Telescopes, Mirrors, Phase modulation, Sensors, Image segmentation, Error analysis, Wavefronts, Control systems, Motion measurement

Proceedings Article | 17 September 2011 Paper
Proceedings Volume 8127, 81270M (2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.899355
KEYWORDS: Telescopes, Sun, Stars, Space telescopes, Thermal analysis, Chemical elements, Optical aberrations, Space operations, Commercial off the shelf technology, Thermal modeling

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