Dr. Byron Alderman
at Rutherford Appleton Lab
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (7)

Proceedings Article | 12 May 2016 Paper
Hui Wang, Matthew Oldfield, Itziar Maestrojuán, Duncan Platt, Nick Brewster, Colin Viegas, Byron Alderman, Brian Ellison
Proceedings Volume 9830, 983008 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2229246
KEYWORDS: Receivers, Diodes, Antennas, Waveguides, Sensors, Imaging systems, Oscillators, Information security, Radiometry, Amplifiers

Proceedings Article | 9 June 2014 Paper
Naomi Alexander, Byron Alderman, Fernando Allona, Peter Frijlink, Ramón Gonzalo, Manfred Hägelen, Asier Ibáñez, Viktor Krozer, Marian Langford, Ernesto Limiti, Duncan Platt, Marek Schikora, Hui Wang, Marc Andree Weber
Proceedings Volume 9078, 907802 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2049926
KEYWORDS: Information security, Imaging systems, Prototyping, Receivers, Antennas, Scanners, Spatial resolution, Control systems, Classification systems, Reflectivity

Proceedings Article | 29 April 2010 Paper
Iñigo Ederra, Irina Khromova, Ramón Gonzalo, Byron Alderman, Axel Murk, N. Delhote, Dominique Baillargeat, Peter de Maagt
Proceedings Volume 7711, 77110J (2010) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.855124
KEYWORDS: Waveguides, Receivers, Heterodyning, Extremely high frequency, Metamaterials, Manufacturing, Antennas, Photography, Terahertz radiation, Imaging arrays

Proceedings Article | 27 April 2010 Paper
M. Henry, B. Alderman, H. Sanghera, P. de Maagt, D. Matheson
Proceedings Volume 7671, 76710U (2010) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.850205
KEYWORDS: Gallium arsenide, Quartz, Diodes, Waveguides, Aluminum nitride, Silicon, 3D modeling, Electromagnetism, Epoxies, Wave propagation

Proceedings Article | 2 October 2008 Paper
Proceedings Volume 7117, 71170N (2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.800258
KEYWORDS: Diodes, Terahertz technology, Receivers, Gallium arsenide, Amplifiers, Sensors, Electromagnetism, Terahertz radiation, Imaging systems, Semiconducting wafers

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