The development of the alignment techniques for small instruments is well validated throughout the history of the Optomechanical and astronomical instrumentation, nevertheless those techniques cannot be applied on large ones. This thesis proposes a procedure that allows to evaluate the position of optical elements in large volume very precisely. This enables the achievement of the scientific goals by minimizing the alignment procedure duration the costs.
In this work it is evaluated the possibility to use a laser tracker as essential embedded tool for the alignment and for the monitoring of the instrument, or better, evaluate if the uncertainty of the tracker measuring the optical elements stay within the alignment requirements.
The case study presented here is MORFEO which is a first-light instrument for the European Extremely Large Telescope. The study consists in the realization of a software that optimizes the position of the tracker inside the instrument considering the nominal position of the targets measured (SMRs) and the possible vignetting based on the prediction of the accuracy and repeatability of the measurements. This analysis is made by steps: the first one considers the error model gave from the manufacture of the tracker. The second one is based on a series of tests and characterizations performed in laboratory to determine more accurately the performances. The results obtained have been validated using a dummy version of an optomechanical element measured by using a Coordinate Measurement Machine (CMM).
In this paper we present the status of the Thermal Control System (ThCS) with a focus on the thermal and cooling circuits design. The prototyping plan foreseen for the future to validate this circuit is also presented.
MORFEO (formerly known as MAORY) is an adaptive optics module able to compensate the wavefront disturbances affective the scientific observation. It will be installed on the straight-through port of the telescope Nasmyth platform to serve the first-light instrument MICADO and with the provision for a future second instrument. The module underwent the Preliminary Design Review in 2021 and is expected to be commissioned in 2029.
In this paper we present the current status of the Thermal Control System (ThCS) including the modifications required during the Preliminary Design Review. Due to the peculiar optical and mechanical design, a number of FEM and CFD analysis have been performed to verify the compliance of the system to the technical budget. The results of those analysis are then showed together with the current thermal and cooling circuits design derived from them.MAORY stands for Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics RelaY (the name has been recently changed to MORFEO, which stands for Multiconjugate adaptive Optics For ELT Observations, thus in this article we will use MORFEO), and it is one of the instruments of the European Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). The main function of MORFEO is to relay the light beam from the ELT focal plane to the client instrument (initially MICADO) while compensating, through a multiconjugate adaptive optics system, the effects of the atmospheric turbulence and other disturbances affecting the wavefronts coming from the scientific sources of interest.
The MORFEO instrument is designed and developed by a European consortium composed of INAF (Istituto Nazionale di AstroFisica, Italy), CNRS/INSU (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/ Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers, France), NUIG (National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland) and ESO (European Southern Observatory, Europe).
The opto-mechanical design of MORFEO has been developed in 3 dimensions, using the volume between the ELT output focal plane and the Nasmyth floor. The design uses the available volume in a very efficient way, but this poses constraints on the orientation of the optical elements and adds complexity to the AIT operations. In this paper we describe the strategy of the AIT process which will be performed at INAF-OAS Bologna (Italy), which is conceived to maximize knowledge of the instrument and thereby optimize (and, possibly, minimize) the time requested at Armazones for the AIV operations.View contact details