This tutorial will provide an introduction to a broad range of system-level and architectural issues in metro-area and wide-area IP/WDM networks. One of the emphases will be on the benefits as well as challenges of WDM switching paradigms (such as wavelength-routing) and in particular, optical burst switching (OBS). Another emphasis will be on the interworking of the WDM switching paradigms with the ubiquitous IP framework. The attendees will be exposed to not only standardization activities in Multiprotocol lambda-switching (or lambda-labeling) but also the state-of-the-art perspective on, as well as research activities in QoS provisions, multicasting, traffic engineering and protection/restoration in IP/WDM networks under the Labeled OBS (or LOBS) framework. The target audiences include industry executives/managers/engineers, and university researchers who are interested in this exciting field.