Adaptive optics (AO) is receiving wide applications for diffraction-limited imaging in astronomical observations and biomedical research. In an AO system, the deformable mirror (DM) is commanded to correct wavefront errors (WFEs) and is a key component. However, a DM may not be perfect, and it may have strong static WFEs, which may be inherited from the DM manufacturing process or be induced by external factors such as the vibration during the transportation of delivery, which must be corrected before it is integrated into an AO system. To correct this static WFE, we introduce a simple approach. Our approach is based on a two-beam Michelson interferometer configuration, in which a high-quality flat mirror is used as a reference mirror whose surface wavefront can be copied to that of the DM, and thus the DM WFEs can be effectively corrected through an optimization procedure. Our experiments demonstrated that this approach is simple to conduct. Using an iteration optimization approach, the Strehl ratio of the DM can be improved from the initial 0.198 to the 0.997, within 30 min of the optimization run.
We propose a multiconjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) system called pupil-transformation MCAO (PT-MCAO) for solar high-angular resolution imaging over a large field of view. The PT-MCAO, consisting of two deformable mirrors (DMs), uses a Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensor located on the telescope pupil to measure the wavefront slopes from several guide stars. The average slopes are used to control the first DM conjugated on the telescope aperture by a solar ground-layer adaptive optics (AO) approach while the remaining slopes are used to control the second DM conjugated on a high altitude by a conventional solar AO via a geometric PT. The PT-MCAO uses a similar hardware configuration as the conventional star-oriented MCAO. However, a distinctive feature of our PT-MCAO is that it avoids the construction of tomography wavefront, which is a time-consuming and complex process for the solar real-time atmospheric turbulence correction. For the PT-MCAO, current widely used and fully understood conventional solar AO closed-loop control algorithms can be directly used to control the two DMs, which greatly reduces the real-time calculation power requirement and makes the PT-MCAO easy to implement. In this publication, we discuss the PT-MCAO methodology, its unique features, and compare its performance with that of the conventional solar star-oriented MCAO systems, which demonstrate that the PT-MCAO can be immediately used for solar high-resolution imaging.
Almost all high-contrast imaging coronagraphs proposed until now are based on passive coronagraph optical
components. Recently, Ren and Zhu proposed for the first time a coronagraph that integrates a liquid crystal array (LCA)
for the active pupil apodizing and a deformable mirror (DM) for the phase corrections. Here, for demonstration purpose,
we present the initial test result of a coronagraphic system that is based on two liquid crystal spatial light modulators
(SLM). In the system, one SLM is served as active pupil apodizing and amplitude correction to suppress the diffraction
light; another SLM is used to correct the speckle noise that is caused by the wave-front distortions. In this way, both
amplitude and phase error can be actively and efficiently compensated. In the test, we use the stochastic parallel gradient
descent (SPGD) algorithm to control two SLMs, which is based on the point spread function (PSF) sensing and
evaluation and optimized for a maximum contrast in the discovery area. Finally, it has demonstrated a contrast of 10-6 at an inner working angular distance of ~6.2 λ/D, which is a promising technique to be used for the direct imaging of young exoplanets on ground-based telescopes.
We have developed a portable solar and stellar adaptive optics (PSSAO) system, which is optimized for solar and stellar high-resolution imaging in the near infrared wavelength range. Our PSSAO features compact physical size, low cost and high performance. The AO software is based on LabVIEW programing and the mechanical and optical components are based on off-the-shelf commercial components, which make a high quality, duplicable and rapid developed AO system possible. In addition, our AO software is flexible, and can be used with different telescopes with or without central obstruction. We discuss our portable AO design philosophy, and present our recent on-site observation results. According to our knowledge, this is the first portable adaptive optics in the world that is able to work for solar and stellar high-resolution imaging with good performances.
We propose a dual-beam polarimetry differential imaging test system that can be used for the direct imaging of the
exoplanets. The system is composed of a liquid crystal variable retarder (LCVR) in the pupil to switch between two
orthogonal polarized states, and a Wollaston prism (WP) that will be inserted before the final focal focus of the system to
create two polarized images for the differential subtraction. Such a system can work separately or be integrated in the
coronagraph system to enhance the high-contrast imaging. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed system, here
we show the initial test result both with and without integrating our developed coronagraph. A unique feature for this
system is that each channel can subtract with itself by using the retarder to rotate the planet's polarization orientation,
which has the best performance according to our lab test results. Finally, it is shown that the polarimetry differential
imaging system is a promising technique and can be used for the direct imaging observation of reflected lights from the
We propose a polarimetry imaging subtraction test system that can be used for the direct imaging of the reflected light
from exoplanets. Such a system will be able to remove the speckle noise scattered by the wave-front error and thus can
enhance the high-contrast imaging. In this system, we use a Wollaston Prism (WP) to divide the incoming light into two
simultaneous images with perpendicular linear polarizations. One of the images is used as the reference image. Then
both the phase and geometric distortion corrections have been performed on the other image. The corrected image is
subtracted with the reference image to remove the speckles. The whole procedure is based on an optimization algorithm
and the target function is to minimize the residual speckles after subtraction. For demonstration purpose, here we only
use a circular pupil in the test without integrating of our apodized-pupil coronagraph. It is shown that best result can be
gained by inducing both phase and distortion corrections. Finally, it has reached an extra contrast gain of 50-times
improvement in average, which is promising to be used for the direct imaging of exoplanets.
We present the initial test of the dark-hole correction for the high-contrast imaging coronagraph that is based on the step-transmission
filter. The dark hole is created by a 12x12 actuator deformable mirror (DM) that has been put in the
conjugate plane of the pupil image of the coronagraph. In this test, we use the stochastic parallel gradient descent
(SPGD) optimization algorithm to directly control the DM to provide an optimal phase to minimize the intensity in target
regions, where the dark hole is created and the contrast can be enhanced. For demonstration purpose, the test is carried
out in a single wavelength and should be improved in next step for broad-band high-contrast imaging. Finally, it is
shown in the test that an extra contrast ~50 times improvement has reached in the dark hole in the coronagraphic image
plane. Such a technique could be used for a future space-based high-contrast observation and is promising for the direct
imaging of an Earth-like exoplanet.
The portable solar adaptive optics is a compact adaptive optics system that will be the first visitor solar instrument in the
world. As so, it will be able to work with any solar telescope with a aperture size up to ~ 2.0 meters, which will cover the
largest solar telescope currently operational. The portable AO features small physical size, high-flexibility and high-performance,
and is a duplicable and affordable system. It will provide wave-front correction down to the 0.5-μm
wavelength, and will be used for solar high-resolution imaging in the near infrared and the visible. It will be the first AO
system that uses LabVIEW based high quality parallel and block-diagram programming, which fully takes advantage of
today's multi-core CPUs, and makes a rapid development of an AO system possible. In this publication, we report our
recent progress on the portable adaptive optics, which includes the laboratory test for performance characterization, and
initial on-site scientific observations.
Solar-adaptive optics (AO) are more challenging than night-time AO, in some aspects. A portable solar adaptive optics (PSAO) system featuring compact physical size, low cost, and good performance has been proposed and developed. PSAO can serve as a visiting instrument for any existing ground-based solar telescope to improve solar image quality by replacing just a few optical components. High-level programming language, LabVIEW, is used to develop the wavefront sensing and control software, and general purpose computers are used to drive the whole system. During October 2011, the feasibility and good performance of PSAO was demonstrated with the 61-cm solar telescope at San Fernando Observatory. The image contrast and resolution are noticeably improved after AO correction.
We proposed a dual-channel imaging polarimetry system .It will be integrated in our coronagraph that was proposed for
direct imaging of Jupiter-like planets, providing an extra high contrast for the extra-solar planet imaging. This system
uses a Wollaston prism, which separates the unpolarized starlight and the polarized planet light. The two point images in
perpendicular polarizations are imaged simultaneously. We describe the design of the imaging polarimetry system, and
discuss the data reduction algorithm. In particular, the correction of distortion of the two channels is discussed in detail.
Liquid crystal modulator is an active optical component that is promising to replace traditional passive optical
components. For high-contrast imaging coronagraphs that are used for direct imaging of extra-solar planets, passive
coronagraph optical components are often adopted. It is impossible to actively optimize such a coronagraph system to
achieve its best performance. Thus we've proposed a novel high-contrast imaging coronagraph which uses a liquid
crystal array (LCA) for pupil apodizing. In our test, the LCA is well calibrated for amplitude errors and amplitude non-uniformity
with the entire coronagraph optics. Close-loop compensations are applied according to the amplitude
calibration results. By doing so, a contrast of 10-4 or 10-5 can be achieved in an angular distance down to 3~5λ/D, which
can be used for the direct imaging for young and Jupiter-like planets. The contrast can be further improved if a
deformable mirror (DM) is deployed to correct wave-front errors induced by the LCA and the coronagraph optics.
We propose a high-contrast coronagraph based on the step transmission filters for the direct imaging of an Earth-like
exoplanets. To demonstrate the performance of the coronagraph, two 50-step transmission filters were manufactured and
several experiments have been performed. At present, the coronagraph can reach a high contrast around 10-7 at an inner
angular distance of ~2λ/D in the visible wavelength. Such a coronagraph should be installed on an off-axis space
telescope which will be promising for the direct imaging of an Earth-like exoplanet in the future.
We present our recent process on a portable solar adaptive Optics system, which is aimed for diffraction-limited imaging
in the 1.0 ~ 5.0-μm infrared wavelength range with any solar telescope with an aperture size up to 1.6 meters. The realtime
wave-front sensing, image processing and computation are based on a commercial multi-core personal computer.
The software is developed in LabVIEW. Combining the power of multi-core imaging processing and LabVIEW parallel
programming, we show that our solar adaptive optics can achieve excellent performance that is competitive with other
systems. In addition, the LabVIEW's block diagram based programming is especially suitable for rapid development of
a prototype system, which makes a low-cost and high-performance system possible. Our adaptive optics system is
flexible; it can work with any telescope with or without central obstruction with any aperture size in the range of 0.6~1.6
meters. In addition, the whole system is compact and can be brought to a solar observatory to perform associated
scientific observations. According to our knowledge, this is the first adaptive optics that adopts the LabVIEW high-level
programming language with a multi-core commercial personal computer, and includes the unique features discussed
We present the latest laboratory test of a new coronagraph using one step-transmission filter at the visible wavelength.
The primary goal of this work is to test the feasibility and stability of the coronagraph, which is designed for the
ground-based telescope especially with a central obstruction and spider structures. The transmission filter is circular
symmetrically coated with inconel film on one surface and manufactured with a precisely position-controlled physical
mask during the coating procedure. At first, the transmission tolerance of the filter is controlled within 5% for each
circular step. The target contrast of the coronagraph is set to be 10-5~10-7 at an inner working angle around 5λ/D. Based
on the high-contrast imaging test-bed in the laboratory, the point spread function image of the coronagraph is obtained
and it has delivered a contrast better than 10-6 at 5λ/D. As a follow-up effort, the transmission error should be controlled
in 2% and the transmission for such filter will be optimized in the near infrared wavelength, which should deliver better
performances. Finally, it is shown that the transmission-filter coronagraph is a promising technique to be used for the
direct imaging of exoplanets from the ground.
We are developing a portable adaptive optics system for solar telescopes. The adaptive optics has a small physical size
and is optimized for diffraction-limited imaging in the
1.0 ~ 5.0-μm infrared wavelength range for 1.5-m class solar
telescopes. By replacing a few optical components, it can be used with a solar telescope of any aperture size that is currently available. The software is developed by LabVIEW. LabVIEW's block diagram based programming makes it suitable for rapid development of a prototype system. The portable adaptive optics will be used with a 1.5-meter solar telescope for high-resolution magnetic field investigation in the infrared. We discuss the design philosophy for such a portable, low-cost, and high-performance system. Estimated performances are also presented.
We have developed a state-of-the-art image slicer Integral Field Unit (IFU) for the McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope (McMP) located at Kitt Peak National Solar Observatory. The IFU will be used for high-resolution 3-dimensional spectroscopy and polarimetry over a small field of view that is well corrected by adaptive optics. It consists of 19 effective slices that correspond to a field of view of 6.27"x 7". The IFU delivers a 152" long slit to an existing spectrograph producing diffraction-limited 3-dimensional spectroscopy. The 3-D instrument is being used for highspatial and high-temporal resolution imaging of the Sun, which is crucial for the magnetic field and spectroscopic studies of 2-dimensional solar fine structures. We discuss the instrument construction, laboratory test and on-site trial observations with the McMP.
LAMOST is a 4m spectroscopic telescope recently operational at Xinglong, China. Several active optics are being used to remove optical aberration of the telescope, but large residual aberration exists since the active optics actuators on the telescope's segmented mirrors cannot provide enough precision. We proposed a wave-front sensing system and the corresponding algorithm to measure this low frequency residual aberration. We developed a compact Shack-Hartmann wave-front sensor that can use point source as well as extended structure images for wave-front sensing and can achieve good
measurement accuracy. The wave-front sensing algorithm is realized by LabVIEW that is based on block-diagram programming and is suitable for rapid prototype development. Combined with
deformable mirrors, the system will be able to provide a fine wave-front correction and therefore eventually remove the residual aberration for LAMOST. The wave-front sensor and the DMs will also
be used for our high-contrast imaging coronagraph to remove speckle noise for the direct imaging of exoplanets.
We present the latest results of our laboratory experiment of the coronagraph with step-transmission filters. The primary
goal of this work is to test the stability of the coronagraph and identify the main factors that limit its performance. At
present, a series of step-transmission filters has been designed. These filters were manufactured with Cr film on a glass
substrate with a high surface quality. During the process of the experiment of each filter, we have identified several
contrast limiting factors, which includes the non-symmetry of the coating film, transmission error, scattered light and the
optical aberration caused by the thickness difference of coating film. To eliminate these factors, we developed a
procedure for the correct test of the coronagraph and finally it delivered a contrast in the order of 10-6~10-7 at an angular
distance of 4λD, which is well consistent with theoretical design. As a follow-up effort, a deformable mirror has been
manufactured to correct the wave-front error of the optical system, which should deliver better performance with an
extra contrast improvement in the order of 10-2~10-3. It is shown that the step-transmission filter based coronagraph is
promising for the high-contrast imaging of earth-like planets.
This paper presents the first results of a step-transmission-filter based coronagraph in the visible wavelengths. The
primary goal of this work is to demonstrate the feasibility of the coronagraph that employs step-transmission filters, with
a required contrast in the order of better than 10-5 at an angular distance larger than 4λ/D. Two 13-step-transmission
filters were manufactured with 5% transmission accuracy. The precision of the transmitted wave distortion and the
coating surface quality were not strictly controlled at this time. Although in perfect case the coronagraph can achieve
theoretical contrast of 10-10, it only delivers 10-5 contrast because of the transmission error, poor surface quality and
wave-front aberration stated above, which is in our estimation. Based on current techniques, step-transmission filters
with better coating surface quality and high-precision transmission can be made. As a follow-up effort, high-quality
step-transmission filters are being manufactured, which should deliver better performance. The step-transmission-filter
based coronagraph has the potential applications for future high-contrast direct imaging of earth-like planets.
Ground-based telescopes can achieve diffraction-limited images when equipped with adaptive optics (AO). A major limitation of AO is the small field of view, which is due to the limited isoplanatic patch size. Nevertheless, conventional long-slit spectrographs cannot sample the entire AO-corrected field of view in a single exposure. However, equipped with a modern, large detector array, the Integral Field Unit (IFU) technique will allow a 3-dimensional (3-D) data cube to be recorded simultaneously over the entire AO corrected field of view, with a conventional long-slit spectrographs. We are building a state-of-the-art image slicer IFU for the National Solar Observatory's (NSO) McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope (McMP). This will be the first time that an advanced image slicer IFU is used for 3-D spectroscopy and polarimetry at a solar telescope. The IFU consists of 25 slices that will sample a 6.25" x 8" AO corrected field of view simultaneously, and produces a 200" long slit for diffraction-limited 3-D spectroscopy and polarimetry. This IFU 3-D technique will provide the most high spatial, high temporal resolution with high throughput for solar spectroscopy and polarimetry. This is critical for state-of-the-art spectral diagnosis of solar velocity and magnetic fields. We discuss the design, construction, and testing of this new IFU.
C. Denker, P. Goode, D. Ren, M. Saadeghvaziri, A. Verdoni, H. Wang, G. Yang, V. Abramenko, W. Cao, R. Coulter, R. Fear, J. Nenow, S. Shoumko, T. Spirock, J. Varsik, J. Chae, J. Kuhn, Y. Moon, Y. Park, A. Tritschler
The New Solar Telescope (NST) project at Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) now has all major contracts
for design and fabrication in place and construction of components is well underway. NST is a collaboration
between BBSO, the Korean Astronomical Observatory (KAO) and Institute for Astronomy (IfA) at the University
of Hawaii. The project will install a 1.6-meter, off-axis telescope at BBSO, replacing a number of older solar
telescopes. The NST will be located in a recently refurbished dome on the BBSO causeway, which projects
300 meters into the Big Bear Lake. Recent site surveys have confirmed that BBSO is one of the premier solar
observing sites in the world. NST will be uniquely equipped to take advantage of the long periods of excellent
seeing common at the lake site. An up-to-date progress report will be presented including an overview of the
project and details on the current state of the design. The report provides a detailed description of the optical
design, the thermal control of the new dome, the optical support structure, the telescope control systems, active
and adaptive optics systems, and the post-focus instrumentation for high-resolution spectro-polarimetry.
The direct detection of the earth-similar planets nearby bright stars needs high-contrast imaging. We proposed a nulling
coronagraph that can, in principle, totally cancel the on-axis point-source starlight for broadband high-contrast imaging.
The nulling coronagraph also features close angular distance imaging and high throughput. Equipped with a telescope
with only 1.5-m aperture size, it has the potentiality to be able to resolving and directly detecting earth-similar planets at
0.1" (1 λ/D) close-distance in the visible wavelength range. The requirement for a small telescope is a significant
advantage for future space missions. We discuss the working principle, instrument realization, error and sensitivity
analysis, and the estimated performance of the nulling coronagraph.
An all sky survey for extrasolar planets with wide field telescopes, Sloan 2.5m and WIYN 3.5 telescopes, is being developed. This survey will use a multi-object version of current Exoplanet Tracker (ET) Doppler instrument commissioned at the KPNO 2.1m telescope in June 2004. This instrument is based on dispersed fixed-delay interferometer, a combination of a Michelson interferometer with a moderate dispersion spectrometer (Ge 2002). This custom designed instrument (f/2 optics) has a wavelength coverage of ~ 600 Å with a 4kx4k CCD camera at a spectral resolution of R = 5,000. The measured instrument detection efficiency, including telescope, fiber, interferometer, spectrometer and detector losses, has ~ 18% (or 50% throughput from the fiber input to the detector), more than 4 times higher than current echelle instruments being used for planet detection. ET has been able to routinely obtain S/N ~ 80 data for V ~ 8 mag. stars in 15 min exposures with the KPNO 2.1m. It allows us to reach ~ 3.5 m/s Doppler precision for radial velocity (RV) stable stars with S/N ~ 120 per pixel. It also allows us to confirm an exoplanet curve of HD 130322 (V = 8.05) with rms Doppler error of 12.3 m/s (preliminary results). We are in the middle of design of two prototype multiple object RV instrument for the Sloan and WIYN telescopes, which are capable of observing 50 stars (V ~ 8-13) in a single exposure. We plan to conduct the all sky survey for planets around ~ 1 millions of stars with Sloan starting in 2008. Our goal is to identify ~ 100,000 extrasolar planets with ~ 1,000 solar analogues through this survey.
The Exoplanet Tracker (ET) is a new concept of instrument for measuring stellar radial velocity variations. ET is based on a dispersed fixed-delay interferometer, a combination of Michelson interferometer and medium resolution (R~6700) spectrograph which overlays interferometer fringes on a long-slit stellar spectrum. By measuring shifts in the fringes rather than the Doppler shifts in the absorption lines themselves, we are able to make accurate stellar radial velocity measurements with a high throughput and low cost instrument. The single-order operation of the instrument can also in principle allow multi-object observations. We plan eventually to conduct deep large scale surveys for extra-solar planets using this technique. We present confirmation of the planetary companion to 51Peg from our first stellar observations at the Kitt Peak 2.1m telescope, showing results consistent with previous observations. We outline the fundamentals of the instrument, and summarize our current progress in terms of accuracy and throughput.
A versatile near IR instrument called Penn State near IR Imager and Spectrograph (PIRIS) with a 256 x 256 PICNIC IR array has been developed at Penn State and saw its first light at the Mt. Wilson 100 inch in October 2001. The optical design consists of five optical subsystems including (1) the slit aperture wheel, (2) an achromat collimator optic, (3) a grism/filter and pupil assembly, (4) a pupil imaging optic, and (5) achromat camera optics. This instrument has imaging, spectroscopy and coronagraph modes. It is being updated to have an integral field 3-D imaging spectroscopy mode and a very high IR spectroscopy mode (R ~ 150,000) with an anamorphic silicon immersion grating in 2003. The instrument is designed to take full advantage of high Strehl ratio images delivered by high order adaptive optics systems. Its imaging mode has f/37 and f/51 optics to allow diffraction-limited imaging in H and K bands, respectively. Its spectroscopy mode has R = 20, 180, 400, 2000, and 5000. The lowest resolution is obtained with a non-deviation prism. The medium resolution spectroscopy mode is conducted with three commercial fused-silica grisms. They can be either used in long slit spectroscopy mode with a blocking filter or used as a cross-disperser for a high resolution silicon grism. High resolution spectroscopy is done with silicon grisms and cross-disperser grisms, which are designed to work on high orders (~ 80) to completely cover H and K bands for R = 5000 separately, or simultaneously cover H and K bands for R = 2000. Coronagraphy is done by inserting an apodizing mask, held in the slit aperture wheel, in the focal plane and a Lyot stop (pupil mask) at a reimaged pupil inside the dewar. Image contrast can be enhanced by using different combinations of the apodizing mask and pupil mask. Several of Gaussian pupil masks have also been installed in the pupil wheel for high contrast imaging. We have successfully detected two substellar companions during our first light at Mt. Wilson 100 inch telescope. We were also able to evaluate our cononagraphy and gaussion pupil mask modes, which demonstrate 10-3 - 10-4 contrast 1 arcsec region around a bright point source. A hybrid coronagraph mode, a combination of an apodizing focal plane mask with a Gaussian shaped pupil mask, has been tested and produces 10-5 - 10-6 deep contrast as close as 4 λ/D at 2.2 μm in the lab. Low resolution spectroscopy modes including a vision prism (R = 20) and three fused silicon grisms (R = 200 - 400) have been tested in the lab. The spectroscopy results are reported here.
Two key infrared instrument components, high resolution silicon grisms and cryogenic image slicers, are being developed at Penn State under NASA support for potential applications in future Mars missions. These new instrument components are planned to be used in a new kind of instrument called a CUBE Machine for detecting and characterizing possible organic compounds on the martian surface through spectroscopically observing martian rocks, soil, and organic matter in IR wavelengths (1-5 μm). It is a compact, robust and light-weight 3D near-IR imaging spectrometer and takes full advantage of these new instrument components to enable an order of magnitude improvement in spectral resolution and observing efficiency and also large simultaneous wavelength coverage (~1-5 μm). Due to high dispersion (n = 3.4), silicon grisms provide at least 2 times higher spectral dispersion than any commercially made grisms. These silicon grisms will be the key elements for making the instrument compact enough to fit into spacecrafts and simultaneously provide high enough spectral resolution to resolve the weak spectral features from organic materials. The reflective imaging slicers enable us to collect spectral information from the Mars surface in three dimensional form - two spatial dimensions and one spectral dimension. This unique capability obviates the need to make many scans to build up the data cube as traditional instruments such as spot scanned spectrometers, or slit scanned spectrometers, resulting in an order of magnitude increase in observing efficiency. In addition, use of the Cube Machine to produce spectral maps of a target body will result in dramatically reduced operational complexity, data processing complexity, and increased geometric fidelity of the final data. With current available large IR arrays such as 2kx2k HgCdTe arrays this new instrument will provide large simultaneous wavelength coverage at high spectral resolution. We have successfully developed silicon grisms with 1 inch in dimension and 54.7 degree in blaze angle. These grisms can provide a diffraction-limited spectral resolution of R~20,000 at 2 μm, which is already high enough for most astrobiology space mission applications. The grisms have very smooth grating facets, with typical rms roughness of ~9 nm, indicating a total integrated scattered light level less than 1% in the entire IR wavelengths to allow high precision spectroscopy. The optical design of the image slicers has been finished. The optics required to assemble a prototype image slicer is being procured.
We present a high-order adaptive optical system for the 26-inch vacuum solar telescope of Big Bear Solar Observatory. A small elliptical tip/tilt mirror is installed at the end of the existing coude optical path on the fast two-axis tip/tilt platform with its resonant frequency around 3.3 kHz. A 77 mm diameter deformable mirror with 76 subapertures as well as wave-front sensors (correlation tracker and Shack-Hartman) and scientific channels for visible and IR polarimetry are installed on an optical table. The correlation tracker sensor can detect differences at 2 kHz between a 32×32 reference frame and real time frames. The WFS channel detects 2.5 kHz (in binned mode) high-order wave-front atmosphere aberrations to improve solar images for two imaging magnetographs based on Fabry-Perot etalons in telecentric configurations. The imaging magnetograph channels may work simultaneously in a visible and IR spectral windows with FOVs of about 180×180 arc sec, spatial resolution of about 0.2 arc sec/pixel and SNR of about 400 and 600 accordingly for 0.25 sec integration time.
Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) can provide two-dimensional spatial and one spectral information for spectroscopic observation simultaneously. This is important for solar observatory because of the nature of the extended object of the solar observatory. Integrated Field Unit (IFU) is the key and basic tool for IFS. An innovative IFU was designed at National Solar Observatory which will deliver good image quality at visible (0.39 - 1.0 mm) and near infrared (1.0-1.6 mm) wavelength ranges simultaneously. The IFU is realized by using image slicer and will take the full advantage of the excellent corrected image of a high order Adaptive Optics (AO) and provide powerful image spectroscopic ability for a spectrograph/ polarimeter. This may be the first time that advanced IFU will achieve at visible and near infrared simultaneously and be used for solar observatory.
A unique design is a key importance to ensure that the IFU image slicer can work at visible and near infrared wavelengths with excellent optical performance. The IFU design is discussed in detail in this paper. It is demonstrated that the IFU image slicer technique is suitable for both visible and near infrared solar observatories and will be particularly useful for 4 or 8-meter telescopes.
The National Solar Observatory (NSO) and the New Jersey Institute of Technology are jointly developing high order solar Adaptive Optics (AO) to be deployed at both the Dunn Solar Telescope (DST) and the Big Bear Solar Telescope (BBST). These AO systems are expected to deliver first light at the end of 2003.
We discuss the AO optical designs for both the DST and the BBST. The requirements for the optical design of the AO system are as follows: the optics must deliver diffraction-limited imaging at visible and near infrared over a 190"×190" field of view. The focal plane image must be flat over the entire field of view to accommodate a long slit and fast spectrograph. The wave-front sensor must be able to lock on solar structure such as granulation. Finally, the cost for the optical system must fit the limited budget.
Additional design considerations are the desired high bandwidth for tip/tilt correction, which leads to a small, fast and off-the-shelf tilt-tip mirror system and high throughput, i.e., a minimal number of optical surfaces. In order to eliminate pupil image wander on the wave-front sensor, both the deformable mirror and tip-tilt mirror are located on the conjugation images of the telescope pupil.
We discuss the details of the optical design for the high order AO system, which will deliver high resolution image at the 0.39 - 1.6 μm wavelength range.
We present a progress report of the solar adaptive optics (AO) development program at the National Solar Observatory (NSO) and the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO). Examples of diffraction-limited observations obtained with the NSO low-order solar adaptive optics system at the Dunn Solar Telescope (DST) are presented. The design of the high order adaptive optics systems that will be deployed at the DST and the BBSO is discussed. The high order systems will provide diffraction-limited observations of the Sun in median seeing conditions at both sites.
The 4m Advance Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) will be the most powerful solar telescope in the world, providing a unique scientific tool to study the Sun and possibly other astronomical objects, such as solar system planets. We briefly summarize the science drivers and observational requirements of ATST. The main focus of this paper is on the many technical challenges involved in designing a large aperture solar telescope. The ATST project has entered the design and development phase. Development of a 4-m solar telescope presents many technical challenges. Most existing high-resolution solar telescopes are designed as vacuum telescopes to avoid internal seeing caused by the solar heat load. The large aperture drives the ATST to an open-air design, similar to night-time telescope designs, and makes thermal control of optics and telescope structure a paramount consideration. A heat stop must reject most of the energy (13 kW) at prime focus without introducing internal seeing. To achieve diffraction-limited observations at visible and infrared wavelengths, ATST will have a high order (order 1000 DoF) adaptive optics system using solar granulation as the wavefront sensing target. Coronal observations require occulting in prime focus, a Lyot stop and contamination control of the primary. An initial set of instruments will be designed as integral part of the telescope. First telescope design and instrument concepts will be presented.
Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) is a powerful tool for astronomy, of particular importance to large aperture telescopes. We have designed and constructed a prototype integral field unit (IFU) for multiple-IFS which may be deployed to any desired position in a 30' diameter field of view and will deliver a good image quality simultaneously at visible (0.45 - 1.0 μm) and near infrared (1.0 - 1.8 μm) wavelength ranges. The design and construction of the multiple-IFU for the prime focus of an 8-meter telescope is discussed in this paper. The IFU uses optical fibers whose flexibility is an important advantage for a multiple-IFU. Simple and compact optics is essential for the design of the IFU. Key design issues, such as the fore-optics, microlens array and fiber bundle, are described in detail. Finally the achievable performance of the IFU is estimated.
Design concept of the fiber multi-object spectrograph (FMOS) for Subaru Telescope together with innovative ideas of optical and structural components is presented. Main features are; i) wide field coverage of 30 arcmin in diameter, ii) 400 target multiplicity, iii) 0.9 to 1.8 micrometers near-IR wavelengths, and iv) OH-airglow suppression capability. The instrument is proposed to be built under the Japan-UK-Australia international collaboration scheme.
The GEMINI Multiobject Spectrograph (GMOS), due for delivery in late 2000, will include a powerful integral field spectroscopic capability. The instrument scan switch to this mode by the remote insertion of an integral field unit (IFU) into the focal plane in place of multiobject masks. The initial implementation of the GMOS IFU will cover a field in excess of 50 square arcsec with a sampling of 0.2 arcsec via 1500 spatial elements with spectra covering up to 3000 pixels. The spectrum length may also be doubled by halving the field. A separate field is provided at fixed offset to facilitate accurate background subtraction. The system employs a fiber-lenslet technique that provides significant benefits over unlensed fiber reformatters and fiberless lenslet arrays. The specific advantages are unit filling factor, high throughput and long spectra. The IFU has been designed in the light of our experience with two other successful devices of this type. We summarize the design of the device and discuss how the IFU will be operated within the context of GMOS and the GEMINI telescopes. Finally, we present options for implementing IFUs with finer spatial resolution on GMOS.
We have designed a compact all-reflective near infrared (1 - 2.5 micrometer) long slit spectrograph and imager (CAIRS) for the UK infrared telescope (UKIRT). CAIRS will provide a comprehensive spectroscopic and imaging capability in the near infrared. In spectrograph mode, it uses one slit or two slits for use with image slicers so that it can be used to provide two-dimensional spectroscopy over an extended field. Different gratings can be used in order to reach resolving powers up to 5000. As the instrument uses only mirrors, there is no chromatic aberration and all primary aberrations are almost completely eliminated over a large field of view.
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