Dr. Felicity C. McGrath
Manager at LCI Engineering Ltd
SPIE Involvement:
Author | Career Lab Leader | Leadership Workshop Facilitator
Area of Expertise:
Attoscience , High Harmonic Generation , Ultrashort Pulse High Power Lasers , Molecular Dynamics , Spectroscopy , Volatile Organic Molecules
Profile Summary

Upon completing my B.Sc in Experimental Physics at NUI Galway in May 2011 I spent a 4 month period working in the NCLA, NUI Galway. I was recruited on the "Attosecond Electron Dynamics in Molecular and Condensed Phase Systems" EPSRC grant, held by the QOLS group at Imperial College London,as a PhD student. This grant provides £6 million funding over a 6 year period commencing in June 2011.

My PhD is focused on revealing molecular structure and dynamics in molecules using High Harmonic Generation (HHG) spectroscopy. My PhD aims to apply spectroscopic experimental methods to determine electronic and nuclear motion in large organic molecules e.g. benzene, PENNA, uracil. The outcome of this PhD has applications across the chemical and biological sciences since the molecules under study are fundamental to chemical reactions and are typical components of interest in biological samples. I finished my PhD in November 2015 and currently work as a Scientific Products Specialist at M Squared Lasers in Glasgow.
Publications (1)

Proceedings Article | 7 March 2014 Paper
F. McGrath, P. Hawkins, E. Simpson, T. Siegel, Z. Diveki, D. Austin, A. Zair, M. Castillejo, J. Marangos
Proceedings Volume 8984, 89841B (2014) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2039123
KEYWORDS: Molecules, Molecular spectroscopy, Spectroscopy, Ionization, Molecular lasers, Liquids, Femtosecond phenomena, Pulsed laser operation, Ions, Microchannel plates

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