Cellulite is considered as a disease of the subcutaneous fat layer that appears mostly in women and consists of
changes in fat cell accumulation together with disturbed lymphatic drainage, affecting the external appearance of the
skin. The photodynamic and selective photothermal treatments may provide reduction the volume of regional or sitespecific
accumulations of subcutaneous adipose tissue on the cellular level. We hypothesize that light irradiation of
stained fat tissue at selected temperature leads to fat cell lypolytic activity (the enhancement of lipolysis of cell
triglycerides due to expression of lipase activity and cell release of free fat acids (FFAs) due to temporal cell
membrane porosity), and cell killing due to apoptosis caused by the induced fat cell stress and/or limited cell
Destructive fat tissue engineering using photodynamic and photothermal action is investigated in vitro. Samples of fat
tissue were processed by a photosensitizer indocyanine green (ICG) and irradiated by a diode laser (805 nm).
Computational methods of photo analysis are proposed for the quantitative estimation of the efficiency of actions on the
cellular level. Techniques based on the fractal dimension, a segmentation method and statistical data analysis of fat cell
structure during therapy are considered. The conducted experiments confirm the feasibility of the proposed methods.
Results allow one to conclude that the proposed method of image processing of digital photos is a promising tool in
estimation of structural changes of biological objects.
Destructive fat tissue engineering could be realized using the optical method, which provides reduction of regional or
site-specific accumulations of subcutaneous adipose tissue on the cell level. We hypothesize that light irradiation due to
photodynamic and selective photothermal effects may lead to fat cell lypolytic activity (the enhancement of lipolysis of
cell triglycerides due to expression of lipase activity and cell release of free fat acids (FFAs) due to temporal cell
membrane porosity), and cell delayed killing due to apoptosis caused by the induced fat cell stress and/or limited cell
Blood plasma pattern formation is a process sensitive to environment and carrier properties, and plasma biochemical
content. 96 patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) were involved in the study. Control group include 12 practically
health persons (PHP). Platelets poor plasma and serum were used to study functional morphology. Plasma and serum
samples of equal volume were placed on degreased glass carrier with after going wedge dehydration. The result of wedge
dehydration is a formation of a special structure called facia. To the samples of compare albumin solution was added.
Morphology of prepared facies was studied by means of light microscopy ("Lomo Biolam P2-1") with 10 times
All received facies were of the same principle structure with central, intermediate and edge zones. Zone index was
increasing in samples with albumin adding. Special structures obligatory to atherosclerosis, vessels stiffness increase and
hypoxia were found in facies of plasma and serum of patients with CHD. Quantity of these structures correlated to
protein concentration (p = 0.021). Samples' drying period was also increasing in samples of compare, and differed
significantly in patients with CHD and PHP. In our study gross proteins concentration increase modified plasma and
serum morphology. Albumin solution can be proposed as a probe to elucidate differences of facies of patients with CHD
and PHP.
Blood flow structure was studied by PC integrated video camera with following slide by slide analysis. Volumetric blood
flow velocity was supporting on constant level (1 ml/h). Silicone tube of diameter comparable with coronary arteries
diameter was used as vessel model. Cell-cell interactions were studied under glucose and anticoagulants influence.
Increased adhesiveness of blood cells to tube walls was revealed in patient with coronary heart disease (CHD) compare
to practically healthy persons (PHP). In patients with stable angina pectoris of high functional class and patients with
AMI shear stress resistant erythrocyte aggregates were predominating in blood flow structure up to microclots formation.
Clotting and erythrocytes aggregation increase as response to glucose solution injection, sharply defined in patients with
CHD. Heparin injection (10 000 ED) increased linear blood flow velocity both in patients with CHD and PHP.
After compare our results with other author's data we can consider that method used in our study is sensible enough to
investigate blood flow structure violations in patients with CHD and PHP. Several differences of cell-cell interaction in
flow under glucose and anticoagulant influence were found out in patients with CHD and PHP.
Dynamics of glucose concentration in human organism is an important diagnostic characteristic for it's parameters
correlate significantly with the severity of metabolic, vessel and perfusion disorders.
36 patients with stable angina pectoris of II and III functional classes were involved in this study. All of them were men
in age range of 45-59 years old. 7 patients hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction (aged from 49 to 59 years old)
form the group of compare. Control group (n = 5) was of practically healthy men in comparable age. To all patients
intravenous glucose solution (40%) in standard loading dose was injected. Capillary and vein blood samples were
withdrawn before, and 5, 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes after glucose load. At these time points blood pressure and
glucose concentration were measured. In prepared blood smears shape, deformability and sizes of erythrocytes, quantity
and degree of shear stress resistant erythrocyte aggregates were studied. Received data were approximated by
polynomial of high degree to receive concentration function of studied parameters, which first derivative elucidate
velocity characteristics of morphofunctional erythrocyte properties during intravenous glucose injection in patients with
coronary heart disease and practically healthy persons.
Received data show principle differences in dynamics of morphofunctional erythrocyte properties during intravenous
glucose injection in patients with coronary heart disease as a possible mechanism of coronary blood flow
Blood cell-cell and cell-vessel wall interactions are one of the key patterns in blood and vascular pathophysiology. We
have chosen the method of reconstruction of pulsative blood flow in vitro in the experimental set. Blood flow structure
was studied by PC integrated video camera with following slide by slide analysis. Studied flow was of constant
volumetric blood flow velocity (1 ml/h). Diameter of tube in use was comparable with coronary arteries diameter.
Glucose solution and unfractured heparin were used as the nonspecial irritants of studied flow.
Erythrocytes space structure in flow differs in all groups of patients in our study (men with stable angina pectoris (SAP),
myocardial infarction (MI) and practically healthy men (PHM). Intensity of erythrocytes aggregate formation was
maximal in patients with SAP, but time of their "construction/deconstruction" at glucose injection was minimal.
Phenomena of primary clotting formation in patients with SAP of high function class was reconstructed under
experimental conditions. Heparin injection (10 000 ED) increased linear blood flow velocity both in patients with SAP,
MI and PHP but modulated the cell profile in the flow.
Received data correspond with results of animal model studies and noninvasive blood flow studies in human. Results of
our study reveal differences in blood flow structure in patients with coronary heart disease and PHP under irritating
conditions as the possible framework of metabolic model of coronary blood flow destabilization.
Blood plasma can be considered as a special water system with self-organization possibilities. Plasma slides as the results of wedge dehydration reflect its stereochemical interaction and their study can be used in diagnostic
46 patients with coronary heart disease were studied. The main group was formed of men in age ranged from 54 to
72 years old with stable angina pectoris of II and III functional class (by Canadian classification) (n=25). The group
of compare was of those who was hospitalized with diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome, men in age range 40-82.
Clinical examination, basic biochemical tests and functional plasma morphology characteristics were studied.
A number of qualitative and quantitative differences of blood plasma morphology of patients with chronic and acute
coronary disease forms was revealed.
Erythrocytes system study can provide a framework for detailed exploration of blood cell-cell and cell-vessel wall
interactions, one of the key patterns in blood and vascular pathophysiology. Our objective was to explore erythrocytes
system in patients with stable angina pectoris II f.c. (Canadian classification). The participants (N = 56, age 40 - 55 years) without obesity, glucose tolerance violations, lipid lowering drugs treating,
heart failure of II and more functional classes (NYHA), coronary episode at least 6 months before study were involved in
the study. Blood samples were incubated with glucose solutions of increasing concentrations (from 2.5% to 20% with 2.5% step) during 60 mm (36° C). In prepared blood smears erythrocyte's sizes were studied. Plasma total cholesterol, triglyceride and glucose levels were also measured. Received data were approximated by polynomials of high degree, with after going first and second derivations. Erythrocytes system "behavior" was studied by means of phase pattern
constructing. By lipids levels all the patient were divided into five groups: 1) patients with normal lipids levels, 2) patients with borderline
total cholesterol level, 3) patients with isolated hypercholesterolemia, 4) patients with isolated hypertriglyceridemia and
5) patients with combined hyperlipidemia. Erythrocytes size lowering process was of set of "stages", which characteristics
differ significantly (p > 0.05) in all five groups. Their rate and acceleration characteristics allow us to detect type of lipid
profile in patients. Erythrocyte system disturbing by glucose concentration increase show to be most resistant in group of
patients with isolated hypercholesterolemia.
Near infrared (NIR) diode laser low-intensity (soft) phototherapy with the topical application of indocyanine green (ICG) has been suggested for treatment of acne vulgaris. Twelve volunteers with acne lesions on their faces and/or backs were enrolled in the experiment. Skin areas of the subjects that were 4×5 cm2 were stained with ICG solution for 5 min before laser irradiation (803 nm) at a power density up to 50 mW/cm2 for 5 to 10 min. For 75% of the subjects, a single treatment was provided and for the other 25%, eight sequential treatments over a period of a month were carried out. Observations a month after the completion of the treatment showed that only the multiple treatments with a combination of ICG and NIR irradiation reduced inflammation and improved the state of the skin for a month without any side effects. A month after treatment, the improvement was about 80% for the group receiving multiple treatments. Single treatments did not have a prolonged effect.
The near-infrared (NIR) laser radiation due to its high penetration depth is widely used in phototherapy. In application to skin appendages a high selectivity of laser treatment is needed to prevent light action on surrounding tissues. Indocyanine Green (ICG) dye may provide a high selectivity of treatment due to effective ICG uploading by a target and its narrow band of considerable absorption just at the wavelength of the NIR diode laser. The goal of this study is to demonstrate the efficacy of the NIR diode laser phototherapy in combination with topical application of ICG suggested for soft and thermal treatment of acne vulgaris. 28 volunteers with facile or back-located acne were enrolled. Skin sites of subjects were stained by ICG and irradiated by NIR laser-diode light (803 or 809 nm). Untreated, only stained and only light irradiated skin areas served as controls. For soft acne treatment, the low-intensity (803 nm, 10 - 50 mW/cm2, 5-10 min) or the medium-intensity (809 nm, 150 - 190 mW/cm2, 15 min) protocols were used. The single and multiple (up to 8-9) treatments were provided. The individual acne lesions were photothermally treated at 18 W/cm2 (803 nm, 0.5 sec) without skin surface cooling or at 200 W/cm2 (809 nm, 0.5 sec) with cooling. The results of the observations during 1-2 months after the completion of the treatment have shown that only in the case of the multiple-wise treatment a combined action of ICG and NIR irradiation reduces inflammation and improves skin state during a month without any side effects. At high power densities (up to 200 W/cm2) ICG stained acne inflammatory elements were destructed for light exposures of 0.5 sec. Based on the concept that hair follicle, especially sebaceous gland, can be intensively and selectively stained by ICG due to dye diffusion through pilosebaceous canal and its fast uptake by living microorganisms, by vital keratinocytes of epithelium of the canal and sebaceous duct, and by rapidly proliferating sebocytes, new technologies of soft and thermal acne lesions treatment that could be used in clinical treatment of acne were proposed.
The protocol of our study includes men with acute myocardial infarction, stable angina pectoris of II and III functional classes and unstable angina pectoris. Patients with arterial hypertension, disorders in carbohydrate metabolism were excluded from the study. Blood samples taken under standardized conditions, were stabilized with citrate sodium 3,8% (1:9). Erythrocytes and platelets aggregation activity under glucose influence (in vitro) was studied by means of computer aided microphotometer -- a visual analyzer. Erythrocyte and platelets were united in special subsystem of whole blood. Temporal and functional characteristics of their aggregation were analyzed by creation of phase patterns fragments. The received data testify to interrelation of erythrocytes and platelets processes of aggregation under conditions of increasing of glucose concentration of the incubatory environment, which temporal and functional characteristics may be used for diagnostics and the prognosis of destabilization coronary blood flow at an acute coronary syndrome.
Control of tissue optical properties is important for development of optical tomography, photodynamic therapy and selective photodamage of tissue components. As a scattering medium, tissue shows optical effects that are characteristic for turbid optical systems. Administration of the appropriate chemical agents like solutions of glucose, glycerol, propylene glycol, etc. can effectively change scattering properties of a living tissue. (Summary only available)
Distinction of hypodermic lipocells of practically healthy people and patients with NIDDM to temperature eposure is revealed. This distinction is caused not only by the peak size difference of lipoblasts in practically healthy people and in insulin metabolism disorders, but in the greater degree - by distinction of morpho-functional properties of lipocell membrane of practically healthy donors and patients with noninsulindependent mellitus.
The aggregation ability of erythrocytes of patients with coronary heart disease comparing to practically healthy persons and patients with coronary heart disease combined with non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus depending on different glucose concentration in unguentums of blood incubates with the help of computer microphotometer - visual analyzer was studied. Two-phase behavior of erythrocytes size changing of practically healthy persons depending on glucose concentration in an incubation medium and instability erythrocyte systems of a whole blood to the influence of high glucose concentration were revealed. Influence of high glucose concentration on aggregation ability of erythrocytes of patients with coronary heart disease and its combination with non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus was revealed.
The set of educational-research practical works for postgraduate students of the special training laboratory on optical biophysics is described. Presented materials were also discussed on SPIE 7th International Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics 2001, 26-30 November, 2001.
The study of optical clearing dynamics of various connective tissues was carried out by means of polarization microscopy. Rate difference of optical clearing of such types of tissues as cartilage, meniscus, nasal septum tissues, sclera and tunica testis was found. The areas of unidirectional orientation of collagen fibers in cartilage and tunica testis were determined.
New computer system for modeling and optimization of liquid crystal devices and other optical elements on the base of layered structures is presented. This system may be useful in designing and optimization of usual and projection liquid crystal displays, LC controllers and modulators, birefringent filters, antireflective coatings, Fabry-Perot interference filters, multi-layer mirrors, etc. The simulation of various optical experiments with liquid crystal cells can be carried out.
A special training laboratory on optical biophysics for the undergraduate and postgraduate students specialized in biophysics, biochemical physics and medical physics in the framework of sub-specialties on biomedical optics, laser medicine, information technologies and mathematical modeling in medicine, and biomedical transducers and sensors is described. The laboratory consists of several sets of topically united practical works: (1) Electronics; (2) Coherent optics of scattering media and interferometry of random phase objects; (3) Coherent-domain optical methods in bio-medicine; (4) In vivo reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy of human skin; (5) Educational-research setups for postgraduate students; (6) Tissue optics and spectroscopy.
Experimental results on in vivo and in vitro immersion clearing dynamics of the skin under action of the osmotic agent are presented. The significant decrease of the human skin reflectance in vivo under action of glucose solution is demonstrated. In vitro experiments with dyed immersion agents have shown that the immersion mostly penetrates into skin tissue though the dermal layer. Diffusion of the immersion agent through the stratum corneum barrier was insignificant. It was shown the hypodermic injection of the immersion agent is an effective way for the agent administration. The time-dependent contrast of the blood perfused areas in the cleared skin was estimated. The diffusion coefficient of 40%-glucose solution in skin in vivo was estimated as D equals (2.56+/- 0.13)(DOT)10-6cm2sec.
Theoretical and in vitro and in vivo experimental study of spectral and polarization characteristics of the human and rabbit eye tissues are presented. The possibility of control of optical properties of eye cornea, lens and sclera is discussed and realized experimentally for glucose solution as the refractive index matching factor.
To create a model of development of atherosclerosis and other major human diseases the structural and functional peculiarities of bradytrophic tissues were studied in series of investigations. Sclera, cornea, tendon, cartilage and some other tissues belong to bradytrophic tissues, which nutrition is the result of the diffusion of extravasal liquid. In this fragment of research isotropic properties of cartilage tissue were established before optical enlightenment, induced by tissue immersion, and after it. The sample of sarcoma (muscular tissue's tumor) is also isotropic. By its optical properties and enlightenment dynamics sarcoma is very like cartilage tissue. The enlightenment rate in the indicated tissue significantly higher than in sclera.
Results of development of spectrophotometric technique for human hair testing in the laboratory and clinical conditions are presented. Hair tester, which can be used for measurements of optical parameters of in vitro hair samples at three fixed wavelengths of illuminating light, is described. Usage of CCD sensor as photodetector allows one to provide spatial-resolved analysis of the hair optical properties and to measure geometric parameters of the hair sample. Experimental results obtained with designed instrumentation and technique are presented.
The comparison method of color coordinates measurements for estimation of the optical anisotropy of tissue is suggested. The anisotropy of form of fibrous tissue was measured, it makes (Delta) n equals 0.001 for both types of studied tissues. We have suspected that optics of the muscle tissue is similar to optical properties of a uniaxial crystal, which optic axis is parallel to fibrils of a tissue. Due to more complicated structure scleral tissue optics is similar to optics of a biaxial crystal. The estimated value of an optical anisotorpy of the clarified sclera allowed us to evaluate the mean length of collagen fibrils of about 2 mm at mean radius of fibrils of 50 nm.
The effective applications of universal modeling systems MOUSE-LCD for the development of new LCDs with high contrast and wide viewing angles are presented. The software enables to combine LCDs both with uni and biaxial phase retardation plates as well as to use double cell configuration for the purpose of optimization. Any type of the director distribution inside LC cell with arbitrary (nonsymmetric) tilts and twist angles can be taken into account. The wideness of viewing angles can be estimated using equi-contrast ratio and equi transmission curves for various angles of light incidence. Special examples demonstrate the effectiveness of application of MOUSE-LCD for the purpose of the design of new color displays with high brightness and wide viewing angles.
A new field-off technique for measuring polar anchoring energy of a nematic liquid crystal on a solid surface is offered. The technique is based on estimating anchoring strength from the experimental conditions under which symmetrical configuration of nematic director field occurs in wedge cells with the boundary conditions asymmetrical in the anchoring strength and easy axis orientation. The presence of symmetry elements is determined from the relation between the LC cell transmittances for various polarized components of incident light. The feasibility of the technique is proved by numerical simulation.
A new optical technique allowing one to obtain quantitative information on the director field configuration in LC layers with 1D unhomogeneity of the general form is offered. The numerical simulation results demonstrating the potentialities of the offered optical technique are given.
A universal modeling system of LC-electro-optics (MOUSE-LCD) is proposed. The system enables you to optimize the output characteristics of LCDs, i.e., B/W and color contrast, viewing angles, response times, multiplexing capability etc. for various LC physical parameters, display configurations, and driving modes.
The computer modelling of projection TV screen with additive and subtractive multicolor formation was made. The neutral polarizers with phase compensator films were shown to be suitable for LC subtractive color systems instead of color polarizers. The advantages of such construction of subtractive color systems include the application of three identical STN cells. This approach considerably simplifies the technology and results in a lower price of the color projection systems. The additive LC screen can be also produced on the basis of neutral polarizers and phase retardation plates instead of the conventionally used microfilters. The phase retardation plates can be generated, using photoanisotropic polymer films. According to calculations, the proposed construction of an additive LC screen enable to increase the brightness several times as much as compared with usual configurations.
A Modeling Universal System of LC-electrooptics (MOUSE-LCD) is proposed. The system enables to optimize the output optical characteristics of LCDs, such as B/W and color contrast, viewing angles, response times, multiplexing capability etc. for various LC physical parameters, display configuration and driving modes.
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