In this paper, we present the design and prototyping of the HARMONI Adaptive Optics Calibration Unit (AOCU). The AOCU consists of a set of on-axis sources (covering 0.5-2.4 μm) with a controllable wavefront shape. It will deploy into the instrument focal plane to inject calibration light into the rest of the system. The AOCU supports all-natural guide-star wavefront sensors for SCAO, HCAO, and LTAO.
The AOCU will be used to calibrate the WFSs, the internal interaction matrices of HARMONI, measure and compensate NCPAs between AO dichroics and the science detectors, and calibrate the pointing model zero position. The illumination assembly of the AOCU will consist of six diffraction-limited sources and a resolved source coupled into fibres. Because of the wide range of wavelengths and the spatial separations requirements, we use two endlessly single-mode fibres and a multimode fibre. In addition, several LED sources need to be coupled efficiently into the single-mode fibres. In this paper, we present the general AOCU design using off-the-shelf with a focus on the illumination and source module.RISTRETTO is the evolution of the original idea of coupling the VLT instruments SPHERE and ESPRESSO,1 aiming at High Dispersion Coronagraphy. RISTRETTO is a visitor instrument that should enable the characterization of the atmospheres of nearby exoplanets in reflected light, by using the technique of high-contrast, high-resolution spectroscopy. Its goal is to observe Prox Cen b and other planets placed at about 35mas from their star, i.e. 2λ/D at λ=750nm. The instrument is composed of an extreme adaptive optics, a coronagraphic Integral Field Unit, and a diffraction-limited spectrograph (R=140.000, λ =620-840 nm).
We present the status of our studies regarding the coronagraphic IFU and the XAO system. The first in particular is based on a modified version of the PIAA apodizer, allowing nulling on the first diffraction ring. Our proposed design has the potential to reach ≥ 50% coupling and ≤ 10−4 contrast at 2λ/D in median seeing conditions.HARMONI is the first light visible and near-IR integral field spectrograph for the ELT. It covers a large spectral range from 450nm to 2450nm with resolving powers from 3500 to 18000 and spatial sampling from 60mas to 4mas. It can operate in two Adaptive Optics modes - SCAO (including a High Contrast capability) and LTAO - or with NOAO. The project is preparing for Final Design Reviews.
The SCAO Sensors subsystem (SCAOS) is located within the Natural Guide Star Sensors (NGSS) system which includes several wavefront sensors (WFS) to cover the needs of the different HARMONI observing modes and operates in a cold, thermally stabilized (+2°C) and dry gas environment for thermal background limitation. To reach the required performance, the SCAOS will use different modules and mechanisms among which, two particularly critical devices have been prototyped and are tested: The SCAOS Pyramid Modulator Unit (SPMU) and the SCAOS Object Selection Mechanism (SOSM). Both devices are tip-tilt mirrors but have very different specifications (amplitude and speed). In this work, we will present and discuss the design, the assembly and the full test (performance, control) of the two systems, in both ambient and cold environments.HARMONI is the first light visible and near-IR integral field spectrograph for the ELT. It covers a large spectral range from 450nm to 2450nm with resolving powers from 3500 to 18000 and spatial sampling from 60mas to 4mas. It can operate in two Adaptive Optics (AO) modes - SCAO (including a High Contrast capability) and LTAO - or with NOAO. The project is preparing for Final Design Reviews.
The SCAO system for HARMONI is based on a pyramid wavefront sensor (PWFS) operating in the visible (700 – 1000 nm). Previous implementations on very large telescopes have demonstrated the challenges associated with optimising PWFS performance on-sky, particularly when operated at visible wavelengths. ELT operation will pose further challenges for AO systems, particularly related to the segmentation of the telescope and the control of badly seen ‘petal modes’. In this paper we investigate these challenges in the context of the HARMONI SCAO system. We present the results of end-to-end simulations of our baseline approach, using a coupled control basis to avoid the runaway development of petal modes in the control loop. The impact of key parameters are investigated and methods for optical gain compensation and optimisation of the control basis are presented. We discuss recent updates to the control algorithms and demonstrate the possibility of improving performance using a form of super resolution. Finally, we report on the expected performance across a range of conditions.ELT-HARMONI is the first light visible and near-IR integral field spectrograph (IFS) for the ELT. It covers a large spectral range from 450nm to 2450nm with resolving powers from 3500 to 18000 and spatial sampling from 60mas to 4mas. It can operate in two Adaptive Optics modes - SCAO (including a High Contrast capability) and LTAO - or with NOAO. The project is preparing for Final Design Reviews.
The High Contrast Module (HCM) will allow HARMONI to perform direct imaging and spectral analysis of exoplanets up to 106 times fainter than their host star. Quasi-static aberrations are a limiting factor and must be calibrated as close as possible to the focal plane masks to reach the specified contrast. A Zernike sensor for Extremely Low-level Differential Aberrations (ZELDA) will be used in real-time and closed-loop operation at 0.1Hz frequency for this purpose. Unlike a Shack-Hartmann, the ZELDA wavefront sensor is sensitive to Island and low-wind effects. The ZELDA sensor has already been tested on VLT-SPHERE1 and will be used in other instruments. Our objective is to adapt this sensor to the specific case of HARMONI.
A ZELDA prototype is being both simulated and experimentally tested at IPAG. Its nanometric precision has first been checked in 2020 in the case of slowly evolving, small wavefront errors, and without dispersion nor turbulence residuals. On this experimental basis, we address the performance of the sensor under realistic operational conditions including residuals, mis-centring, dispersion, sensitivity, etc. Atmospheric refraction residuals were introduced by the use of a prism, and turbulence was introduced by a spatial light modulator which is also used to minimise wavefront residuals in a closed loop in the observing conditions expected with HARMONI.Wavefront sensors (WFSs) encode phase information of an incoming wavefront into an intensity pattern that can be measured on a camera. Several kinds of WFSs are used in astronomical adaptive optics. Among them, Fourier-based WFSs perform a filtering operation on the wavefront in the focal plane. The most well-known example of a WFS of this kind is the Zernike WFS. The pyramid WFS also belongs to this class. Based on this same principle, WFSs can be proposed, such as the