In this paper, we demonstrate enhancing of the paper-based packaging by printing structures with inkjet printer. The most popular substrate within the logistic or grocery market is paper. Such printer can manufacture electroconductive or dielectric areas on paper type substrate. Due to low cost and high recyclability it is the most desired substrate for making improvements. We report on a significant increase of the quality of mentioned printouts by using Peltier Cell. Such structures can be printed on surface of the package or on special layer of the hydrophilic paper. Such porous paper can be implemented into box and be combined into sensing areas.
This paper presents flexible humidity sorption sensors, its construction and impedance measurement results. Based on the obtained results and models applied to various humidity sensors, a model with two resistors and two constant phase elements is chosen as the most appropriate. Fitting procedure is described and its results are presented. The dependence of model parameters on relative humidity is discussed and conclusions on model applicability are drawn.
This paper demonstrates hardware and software used for 24 hour long audio recording in real sanitary sewer. Experiment setup is also described. Applications for recording and for its analysis were developed using LabVIEW. Analysis of audio recording were performed in time and frequency domains. Results of the analysis were used to characterize use of sanitary sewer during a day. Determined day patterns can be used to detect malfunction, blockage or leakage in sewer. Day characteristics can also be used to schedule maintenance works when sewer is the least used.
In this work brief introduction to inertial sensors types and their errors is conducted. Two types of the sensors -
gyroscopes and accelerometers are described. Main part of the work is concentrated on the measurement errors. They are
divided into two categories: deterministic where it is possible to model and compensate error and stochastic one.
Stochastic error can be considered as a probabilistic variable. Additionally main components of both types are described.
Attempt is made in this paper to propose the use of galvanic skin response method to determine the level of emotion (stress), in case of normal activities. Special attention was put to develop measurement, which can minimize limiting of movements of a person, by implementing wearable sensor.
In this paper, we demonstrate an automatic image analysis for Micro Total Analysis Systems (μTAS) or Lab-on-Paper (LoP). By placing fiducial markers on μTAS, application can crop image and remove bending distortions, also it can perform colorimetric analysis. With previously taken photo of μTAS device with applied reagents, user can determine ie. illness presence by uploading photo into the program. In the paper was prepared μTAS sheet, algorithm for finding fiducial points and software for colorimetric analysis written in Matlab.
In this paper, we demonstrate a combination of foil and InkJet printed structures in Lab-on-Paper device. Such a device can be used to analyze a concentration of salt in water (or any other substance) by measuring the impedance of the analyte. Lab-on-Paper can perform an analysis on a microscopic volume of substances. Their advantages is low price, small size or can be easy disposable or stored. In the paper was presented manufacturing and testing of device with colorimetric pH testers and impedance measurement.
This paper demonstrates system constructed and deployed to check possible impact of shale gas well preparation and exploitation on groundwater quality. Used sensors, measurement station construction and process of deployment of system are described. Additionally measured groundwater parameters are presented. Results of preliminary analysis of measurement results show good status of groundwater on every phase of life of shale gas well.
The paper presents calibration effects of two different MEMS accelerometers of different price and quality grades and discusses different accelerometers errors types. The calibration for error determining is provided by reference centrifugal measurements. The design and measurement errors of the centrifuge are discussed as well. It is shown that error characteristics of the sensors are very different and it is not possible to use simple calibration methods presented in the literature in both cases.
This paper presents humidity sorption sensors with eight different polymer coatings. After the introduction of sensor construction, a presentation of tested sorption laters and measurement system is provided. Finally, the results are presented and discussed as well as validation tests are described. Two most suitable coatings are chosen.
In this paper, we demonstrate a manufacture of the Lab-on-Foil device used to analyze a composition or concentration of fluid by measuring an electrical capacitance of flowing analyte. Lab-on-Foil devices allow to perform a full-fledged action on a very small volume of the substance. Their popularity is due to the low production cost, small size and short production time. In the paper it will be presented technology of the manufacturing, testing and implementation of components in the complete device.
In this paper, we demonstrate a manufacture of the tapered optical fiber used to analyze the composition or quality of fluid by measuring the external refractive index of the desired analyte. They were made in two ways: using a laser plotter and professional station to do such a tapered fibers. The results prove that utilization of the tapered fiber is really useful to microfluidic domain.
In this paper the application of the ink-jet printing technology to microstrip line fabrication on tunable ferroelectric
ceramic-polymer composites for devices operating at sub-terahertz range have been presented. Measurement results
shown that the designed material is usable for creating structures able to tune some their electromagnetic characteristics.
Relatively low temperature technology process (ink-jet printing technology) is able to deposit conductive lines on the
ceramic polymer. The ink-jet printed silver microstrip lines can operate at sub-terahertz range.
KEYWORDS: Humidity, Control systems, Directed energy weapons, Microsoft Foundation Class Library, Temperature sensors, Temperature metrology, Sensors, Analog electronics, Nitrogen, LCDs
The paper describes design and construction of a two stream humidity generator with embedded electronic control unit.
To achieve maximum device performance mass flow controllers and digital control were used. By this way it was
possible to obtain higher accuracy, stability and repeatability than possible in generator with mechanical control.
This article describes the design and construction of diagnostic medical system for air temperature measurement in
nasal cavity. Concept of three-point thermometer is connected with single point electronic thermometer for air
temperature measurement in nasal cavity that was previously constructed [1]. Researches were done in Microsystems
and Sensors Research Group (WUT) with cooperation of physicians and laryngologists from Otolaryngology
Department, Military Medical Institute, Warsaw. Measurement system consist of microprocessor module which
periodically collects samples of air temperature from different part of nasal cavity, measurement head with three
temperature sensors, and computer software presenting on-line results, calculating breathing parameters and storing
data in database. Air temperature is measured in nasal cavity, middle part cavity and nasopharynx during regular
respiration process.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are currently very popular area of development. It can be suited in many applications
form military through environment monitoring, healthcare, home automation and others. Those networks, when
working in dynamic, ad-hoc model, need effective protocols which must differ from common computer networks
algorithms. Research on those protocols would be difficult without simulation tool, because real applications often use
many nodes and tests on such a big networks take much effort and costs. The paper presents Graphical User Interface
(GUI) for simulator which is dedicated for WSN studies, especially in routing and data link protocols evaluation.
Sensor networks are commonly used in a wide area of possible applications. In such network there is a great demand
for data transmission. Data can be transmitted either by cable or wireless. This paper presents possible solution for data
transmission - a wireless platform which consists of devices providing data acquisition, transmission and processing.
The paper includes also construction and potential functions of the network node.
Wireless interfaces are nowadays getting much more popular. They allow to get rid of all cables and problems related to them. Sensors often work in aggressive environment, so wireless communication is of great demand. The paper presents a simple interface we designed, based on a RFID technology with RF powering capability. A 40 MHz radio field is able to deliver enough energy to power simple analog and digital circuits. The circuit can be used to convert sensor signal into modulated load resulting frequency modulation.
KEYWORDS: Humidity, Sensors, Data analysis, Microcontrollers, Data acquisition, Temperature metrology, Head, Analytical research, Particles, Time metrology
The paper describes construction of a new specialized hygrometer and dedicated applications for data acquisition and analyzing that can be used for seeds moisture measurements. To find the correlation between seeds water content and measurements results obtained from the device the weight method was applied. This paper shows preliminary results from tests of fully functional system allowing estimation in a very easy end fast way of the water content in germinating seeds without seeds destruction.
KEYWORDS: Skin, Sensors, Humidity, Microcontrollers, Temperature metrology, Analog electronics, Power supplies, Data processing, Visualization, Human-machine interfaces
This paper describes design and construction of device for TransEpidermal Water Loss (TEWL) factor measurement. Principle of operation is based on humidity measurement of air flowing through the chamber applied to human's skin surface. Measured data is stored in an EEPROM memory and after finishing, the results can be transferred via RS-232 bus to computer. Special software was designed for data processing, visualization and saving on the PC computer. The goal of constructed device is to develop presented idea of TEWL measurement and compare with other well known methods.
The paper briefly describes Bluetooth standard and authors’ Bluetoth sensors modules construction. At the beginning the short comparison of existing on the market standards of wireless data transmission (IEEE802.11, IEEE802.11b/g, IEEE802.11a, HomeRF, Bluetooth, Radiometrix, Motorola, IrDA) brought out by main firms is presented. Next selected Bluetooth features and functions useful to sensors wireless network creations are discussed. At the end our own Bluetooth sensor based on the newest Ericsson ROK 101 007 module is specified.
A non-contact passive inductive interface to any type of capacitive sensor structure is presented in the paper. The interface performance is based on the magnetic coupling between two planar coils where one is located on the sensor die and the other is the pat of measurement circuit. The interface construction ins very simple in fabrication and reliable in operation. The theoretical calculations, metrological parameters analysis as well as a sensitivity on the interface parameters variation are discussed in the report.
Two new methods of sub-cooled water recognition in dew point hygrometers are presented in this paper. The first one- impedance method use a new semiconductor mirror in which the dew point detector, the thermometer and the heaters were integrated all together. The second one an optical method based on a multi-section optical detector is discussed in the report. Experimental results of both methods are shown. New types of dew pont hydrometers of ability to recognized sub-cooled water were proposed.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Mirrors, Directed energy weapons, Silicon, Solid state electronics, Aluminum, Temperature metrology, Convection, Chemical elements, Gold
The simulation results of temperature distribution in the new type silicon dew point detector are presented in this paper. Calculations were done with use of the SMACEF simulation program. Fabricated structures, apart from the impedance detector used to the dew point detection, contained the resistive four terminal thermometer and two heaters. Two detector structures, the first one located on the silicon membrane and the second one placed on the bulk materials were compared in this paper.
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