Dr. Joseph H. Silber
at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (27)

Proceedings Article | 11 September 2024 Presentation + Paper
Matthaeus Leitner, Jessica Aguilar, Zeeshan Ahmed, Kam Arnold, Amy Bender, Bradford Benson, Robert Besuner, Julian Borrill, John Carlstrom, Nick Emerson, Brenna Flaugher, Gunther Haller, Kelly Hanzel, John Kovac, Kevin Long, Laura Newburgh, Hogan Nguyen, Erik Nichols, Michael Niemack, Mauricio Pilleux, John Ruhl, Joseph Silber, James Strait, Aritoki Suzuki, John Thayer, Jeff Zivick
Proceedings Volume 13094, 130941N (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3018095
KEYWORDS: Telescopes, Design, Sensors, Semiconducting wafers, Polarization, Data acquisition, Visualization, Superconducting detectors, Receivers, Quantum experiments

Proceedings Article | 24 August 2024 Poster
Kaja Rotermund, Aritoki Suzuki, Joseph Silber, Jeremy McCauley, Stuart Bale, On behalf of the LuSEE-Night Team
Proceedings Volume 13092, 130927A (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3019116

Proceedings Article | 23 August 2024 Poster + Paper
Robert Besuner, Jessica Aguilar, Zeeshan Ahmed, Kam Arnold, Amy Bender, Bradford Benson, Julian Borrill, John Carlstrom, Nick Emerson, Brenna Flaugher, John Groh, Gunther Haller, Kelly Hanzel, John Kovac, Matthaeus Leitner, Kevin Long, Laura Newburgh, Elliot Newman, Hogan Nguyen, Erik Nichols, Michael Niemack, Mauricio Pilleux, John Ruhl, Joseph Silber, James Strait, Aritoki Suzuki, John Thayer, Jeff Zivick
Proceedings Volume 13099, 130992N (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3017697
KEYWORDS: Telescopes, Interfaces, Systems engineering, Project management

Proceedings Article | 18 July 2024 Poster + Paper
Maxime Rombach, Xiangyu Xu, Ricardo Araujo, Markus Thurneysen, Stefane Caseiro, Corentin Magnenat, Joseph Silber, Malak Galal, David Schlegel, Jean-Paul Kneib
Proceedings Volume 13096, 130969V (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3018315
KEYWORDS: Robots, Tolerancing, Deformation, Telescopes, Equipment, Vignetting, Manufacturing, Finite element methods, Design, Multiplexing

Proceedings Article | 29 August 2022 Poster + Paper
Guillermo Blanc, Joseph Harry Silber, Stephen Smee, Robert Barkhouser, Robert Besuner, Jeffrey Crane, Juna Kollmeier, Povilas Palunas, David Schlegel, Stephen Shectman, Ricardo Araujo, Charlie Baltay, Mohamed Bouri, Emily Farr, Julien Guy, Leopoldo Infante, Jean-Paul Kneib, Travis Mandeville, Claire Poppett, David Rabinowitz, Solange Ramirez, Michael Schubnell, Joshua Simon, Markus Thurneysen, Sarah Tuttle, William Van Shourt, Stefanie Wachter
Proceedings Volume 12182, 1218230 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2625992
KEYWORDS: Telescopes, Spectrographs, Mirrors, Optical design, Spectroscopy, Robots, Optical instrument design, Multiplexing, Robotics, Image quality

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