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Incorporating adaptive optics controls history in post-processing of ground-based coronagraph models
CLICK will demonstrate a crosslink between two CubeSats that each host a < 2U lasercom payload. Range control is achieved using differential drag in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), with attitude controlled using a three-axis reaction wheel assembly and attitude sensors, including star trackers.
The lasercom terminals are direct-detect and rate scalable, designed to achieve a 20 Mbps crosslink at ranges from 25 km to 580 km and operate full-duplex at 1537 nm and 1563 nm with 200 mW of transmit power and a 14.6 arcscecond (0.07 milliradian) full width half max (FWHM) beamwidth. The terminals also use a 976 nm, 500 mW, 0.75 degree FWHM beacon and a quadcell for initial acquisition, and a low-rate radio crosslink for exchanging orbit information.
The payload transmitter is a master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) with fiber Bragg grating for pulse shaping and MEMS fast steering mirror (FSM) for fine pointing, modeled after the MIT Nanosatellite Optical Downlink Experiment. The transceiver leverages UF’s Miniature Optical Communications Transmitter (MOCT) including a chip-scale atomic clock (CSAC). The receiver implements both a time to digital converter (TDC) as well as pulse recovery and matched filtering for precision ranging.
Assessment of gamma and proton radiation effects on 100 Gbps commercial coherent optical transceiver
Calibration and validation of small satellite passive microwave radiometers: MicroMAS-2A and TROPICS
This paper provides a description of how the CGI requirements flow from the top of the overall WFIRST mission structure through the Level 2 requirements, where the focus here is on capturing the detailed context and rationales for the CGI Level 2 requirements. The WFIRST requirements flow starts with the top Program Level Requirements Appendix (PLRA), which contains both high-level mission objectives as well as the CGI-specific baseline technical and data requirements (BTR and BDR, respectively). Captured in the WFIRST Mission Requirements Document (MRD), the Level 2 CGI requirements flow from the PLRA objectives, BTRs, and BDRs. There are five CGI objectives in the WFIRST PLRA, which motivate the four baseline technical/data requirements. There are nine CGI level 2 (L2) requirements presented in this work, which have been developed and validated using predictions from increasingly refined observatory and instrument performance models.
We also present the process and collaborative tools used in the L2 requirements development and management, including the collection and organization of science inputs, an open-source approach to managing the requirements database, and automating documentation. The tools created for the CGI L2 requirements have the potential to improve the design and planning of other projects, streamlining requirement management and maintenance.
The WFIRST CGI passed its System Requirements Review (SRR) and System Design Review (SDR) in May 2018. The SRR examines the functional requirements and performance requirements defined for the system and the preliminary program or project plan and ensures that the requirements and the selected concept will satisfy the mission, and the SDR examines the proposed system architecture and design and the flow down to all functional elements of the system
Sec. II provides additional information on how the fast steering mechanism is used in our lasercom system. Performance requirements and desirable traits of the mechanism are given. In Sec. III we describe the various types of compact tip-tilt mirrors that are commercially available as well as the justification for selecting a MEMS-based device for our application. Sec. IV presents an analysis of the device's transfer function characteristics and ways of predicting this behavior that are suitable for use in the control processor. This analysis is based upon manufacturer-provided test data which was collected at standard room conditions. In the final section, we describe on-going work to build a testbed that will be used to measure device performance in a thermal chamber.
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