Aerosols are significant atmospheric constituents that modulate radiation and cloud processes. We evaluated 17-year aerosol profile trends in Barcelona, Spain, from lidar measurements. In summer aerosol reaches 5 km, while in the other seasons it exhibits clear exponential decay. Sahara dust transport affects all seasons, with winter layers above and others penetrating the boundary layer. This study informs the formation of haze and urban preservation strategies in the Mediterranean. The analysis puts in evidence that the averaged net radiative effect is of cooling at both surface level and top of the atmosphere.
Advances in interference filter technology permit currently using selected parts of the N2 and O2 pure rotational Raman spectra with very low temperature sensitivity, while rejecting sufficiently the elastic return. The Raman technique to retrieve the aerosol extinction coefficient can then be used with higher signal-to-noise ratios, because of a higher (about 8 times) effective differential backscatter cross-section as compared to the cross-section of the N2 vibro-rotational spectra. The design and results of pure rotational Raman channels at 354 nm and 530 nm allowing daytime aerosol extinction measurements implemented at the EARLINET/ACTRIS Barcelona lidar station are presented and discussed.
Pollination is a biologically-relevant process that affects the structure of ecosystems since pollen contributes to determine the spatial distribution of plant species. It is thus of interest for mapping ecosystem services for policy support and decision making to increase our knowledge of pollen grain behavior in the atmosphere (source, emission, processes involved during their transport, etc.) at fine temporal and spatial scales. First simulations with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center MONARCH dispersion model (known before as NMMB/BSC-CTM) of Pinus pollen in the atmosphere were performed during a 5-day pollination event observed in Barcelona, Spain, between 27 – 31 March, 2015. MONARCH is an online atmospheric composition model that solves the life cycle of water vapor, gases and aerosols within a meteorological model. A new aerosol emission scheme for pollen grains has been implemented in the system. The emission scheme considers wind speed at 10 m, friction velocity, and temperature and specific humidity at 2 m as main drivers of the mobilization of Pinus pollen grains. The meteorological information is available for the emission scheme at each meteorological integration time step. The spatial distribution of the pine species (P. halepensis, P. pinea) that pollinate from February to April in Catalonia has been derived from the Cartography of habitats of Catalonia and the tree density was obtained from the Forest Inventory of Catalonia. A domain over north-east Spain at 9 km x 9 km horizontal resolution covering Catalonia is designed with 48 vertical layers. The initial and boundary meteorological conditions are derived from the fifth major global ECMWF ReAnalysis (ERA-5). To evaluate the model performances, the simulations are compared (i) to groundbased concentration measurements performed with a Hirst collector in Barcelona downtown, and (ii) to vertically-resolved measurements performed 4 km west of Barcelona downtown with a Micro Pulse Lidar (MPL). A method based on the lidar polarization capabilities was used to retrieve the contribution of the pollen to the total signal. The conversion from optical lidar-retrieved properties to concentration was optimized by minimizing the sum of the squared deviations between the lidar-retrieved concentration at the first height and the true (Hirst) concentration measured at the ground. In terms of surface concentration, the simulation performs well during the center of the event with major underestimation at the beginning. As far as the vertical distribution of airborne Pinus pollen is concerned, simulations reproduce well the shape of the profiles but the intensity tends to be underestimated. Three major limitations are identified with the model runs: (1) the poorly known phenology emission function, (2) the temporal development of the convective planetary boundary layer in coastal areas, which directly affects the vertical structure of the pollen dispersion; (3) the development of the sea breeze and a proper representation of the sea coast line, that play a significant role on the skills of the meteorological mesoscale model.
The water cycle strongly influences life on Earth. In particular, the precipitation modifies the atmospheric column thermodynamics through the process of evaporation and serves as a proxy for latent heat modulation. For this reason, a correct precipitation parameterization (especially low-intensity precipitation) at global scale, bedsides improving our understanding of the hydrological cycle, it is crucial to reduce the associated uncertainty of the global climate models to correctly forecast future scenarios, i.e. to apply fast mitigation strategies. In this study we developed an algorithm to automatically detect precipitation from lidar measurements obtained by the National and Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA) Micropulse lidar network (MPLNET) permanent observational site in Goddard. The algorithm, once full operational, will deliver in Near Real Time (latency 1.5h) a new rain mask product that will be publicly available on MPLNET website as part of the new Version 3 Level 1.5 data. The methodology, based on an image processing technique, can detect only light precipitation events (defined by intensity and duration) as the morphological filters used through the detection process are applied on the lidar volume depolarization ratio range corrected composite images, i.e. heavy rain events are unusable as the lidar signal is completely extinguished after few meters in the precipitation or no signal detected because of the water accumulated on the receiver optics. Results from the algorithm, besides filling a gap in precipitation and virga detection by radars, are of particular interest for the scientific community because will help to better understand long-term aerosol-cloud interactions and aerosol atmospheric removal (scavenging effect) by rain as multi-year database being available for several MPLNET permanent observational sites across the globe. Moreover, we developed the automatic algorithm at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) Barcelona, the unique permanent observation station member of MPLNET and the European Aerosol Lidar Network (EARLINET) In the future the algorithm can be then easily applied to any other lidar and/or ceilometer network infrastructure in the frame of World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Aerosol Watch (GAW) aerosol lidar observation network (GALION)
Hourly measurements of pollen near-surface concentration and lidar-derived profiles of volume and particle depolarization ratios during a 5-day pollination event observed in Barcelona, Spain, between 27 – 31 March, 2015, are presented. Maximum hourly pollen concentrations of 4700 and 1200 m-3 h-1 were found for Platanus and Pinus, respectively, which represented together more than 80 % of the total pollen. . The pollen concentration was found positively correlated with temperature (correlation coefficient, r, of 0.95) and wind speed (r = 0.82) and negatively correlated with relative humidity (r = -0.18). The ground concentration shows a clear diurnal cycle although pollen activity is also detected during nighttime in three occasions and is clearly associated with periods of strong wind speeds. Everyday a clear diurnal cycle caused by the vertical transport of the airborne pollen was visible on the lidar-derived profiles of the volume depolarization ratio with maxima usually reached between 12 and 15 UT. On average the volume depolarization ratios in the pollen plume ranged between 0.08 and 0.22. Except in the cases of nocturnal pollen activity, the correlation coefficients between volume depolarization ratio and near-surface concentration are high (>0.68). The dispersion of the Platanus and Pinus in the atmosphere was simulated with the Nonhydrostatic Multiscale Meteorological Model on the B grid at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center with a newly developed Chemical Transport Model (NMMB/BSC-CTM). Model near-surface daily pollen concentrations were compared to our observations at two sites: in Barcelona and Bellaterra (12 km NE of Barcelona). Model hourly pollen concentrations were compared to our observations in Barcelona. Better results are obtained for Pinus than for Platanus. Guidelines are proposed to improve the dispersion of airborne pollen by atmospheric models.
In the framework of the ChArMEx (Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment, initiative, a field campaign took place in the western Mediterranean Basin between 10 June and 5 July 2013 within the ADRIMED (Aerosol Direct Radiative Impact on the regional climate in the MEDiterranean region) project. The scientific objectives of ADRIMED are the characterization of the typical “Mediterranean aerosol” and its direct radiative forcing (column closure and regional scale). This work is focused on the multi-intrusion Saharan dust transport period of moderate intensity that occurred over the western and central Mediterranean Basin during the period 14 – 27 June. The dust plumes were detected by the EARLINET/ACTRIS (European Aerosol Research Lidar Network / Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network, lidar stations of Barcelona (16 and 17 June) and Lecce (22 June). First, two well-known and robust radiative transfer models, parametrized by lidar profiles for the aerosol vertical distribution, are validated both in the shortwave and longwave spectral range 1) at the surface with down- and up-ward flux measurements from radiometers and 2) at the top of the atmosphere with upward flux measurements from the CERES (Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System) radiometers on board the AQUA and TERRA satellites. The differences between models and their limitations are discussed. The instantaneous and clear-sky direct radiative forcing of mineral dust is then estimated using lidar data for parametrizing the particle vertical distribution at Lecce. The difference between the obtained forcings is discussed in regard to the mineralogy and vertical structure of the dust plume.
In the framework of the project ChArMEx (the Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment,, the variability of aerosol optical, microphysical and radiative properties is examined in three regional background sites on a southwest – northeast (SW–NE) straight line in the middle of the western Mediterranean Basin (WMB). The three sites are on the northward transport pathway of African dust: Ersa, Corsica Island, France (43.00ºN, 9.36ºW, 80 m a.s.l), Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca Island, Spain (39.55ºN, 2.62ºE, 10 m a.s.l) and Alborán, Alboran Island, Spain (35.94ºN, 3.04ºW, 15 m a.s.l). AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) sun-photometer products are mainly used. A preliminary analysis shows that at Ersa and Palma sites the annual aerosol optical depth (AOD) has a similar trend with a peak around 0.2 in July. The winter/spring AOD is lower in Palma than in Ersa, while it is reverse in summer/autumn. The aerosol particle size distribution (and the coarse mode fraction) shows clearly the SW–NE gradient with a decreasing coarse mode peak (and a decreasing coarse mode fraction from 0.5 - 0.35 - 0.2 in July) along the axis Alborán - Palma de Mallorca - Ersa. In addition to the seasonal and annual variability analysis, the analysis of AERONET products is completed with a large variety of ground-based and sounding balloons remote sensing and in situ instruments during the Special Observation Period (SOP) of the ADRIMED campaign in June 2013. The second part of the presentation will focus on the comparison of the observations at Palma de Mallorca and Ersa of the same long-range transported airmasses. The observations include lidar vertical profiles, balloon borne OPC (Optical Particle Counter) and MSG/SEVIRI AOD, among others.
The aerosol radiative effect in the longwave spectral range is often neglected in atmospheric aerosol forcing studies,
hence very few researches are conducted in this field at local scale, and even less at regional scale. However, strong
absorbing aerosols, like mineral dust, can have a small, but non-negligible heating effect in the longwave spectral range
which can slightly counteract the aerosol cooling effect in the shortwave. The objective of this research is to perform a
sensitivity study of an aerosol radiative transfer model as a function of dust particle properties. GAME model1, which
can compute vertically resolved shortwave and longwave values of aerosol radiative forcing, is used. Before developing
the sensitivity analysis, the aerosol radiative transfer model is validated by comparing its outputs with results published
previously. Radiative forcing simulations in the longwave have shown an important sensitivity to the following
parameters: aerosol size and refractive index, aerosol vertical distribution, humidity, surface temperature and albedo. A
couple of strong mineral dust intrusion observed by means of lidar and sun-photometer are also presented in terms of
shortwave and longwave radiative forcing.
The bidimensional auto-correlation for the lidar signal measured along a single line of sight (LOS) is spectrally analyzed
to estimate the wind turbulence variance, while a correlation contour analysis retrieves the mean wind speed. A
combined model of a turbulent wind field plus an isotropic gaussian aerosol concentration field is used to 1) estimate the
wind field variance causing diffusion on the aerosol structures and 2) to extend the contour autocorrelation analysis to
include the turbulence effect and correct the mean wind estimation. The present analysis is intended to be used on a
single LOS sensing, that can provide an estimation of the relative turbulence.
A method to estimate wind velocity using the backscatter lidar signals of transported aerosol particles is presented. The
lidar signal is correlated along range and time dimensions for each line of sight in which the lidar is pointing. The
method is based on the analysis of contours of these range-time auto-correlation functions. This analysis obtains ellipse
curve parameters which are related to the radial velocity and to the square wind speed, locally retrieved for a given line
of sight. The combination of data from several angular positions enables the wind direction retrieval. Two possible
implementations of the method are considered and tested with an actual measurement with the lidar of the Universitat
Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
A 6-channel dichroic-based polychromator is presented as the spectrally selective unit for the U.P.C. elastic/Raman
lidar. Light emission is made at 355-nm (ultraviolet, UV), 532-nm (visible, VIS) and 1064-nm (near infrared, NIR)
wavelengths. In reception, the polychromator is the spectral separation unit that separates the laser backscattered
composite return into 3 elastic (355, 532, 1064-nm wavelengths) and 3 Raman channels (386.7, 607.4 and 407.5-nm
(water-vapor) wavelengths). The polychromator houses photo-multiplier tubes (PMT) for all the channels except for the
NIR one, which is avalanche photodiode (APD) based.
The optomechanical design uses 1-inch optics and Eurorack standards. The APD-based receiver uses a XY-axis
translation/elevation micro-positioning stage due to its comparatively small active area and motorised neutral density
filters are used in all PMT-based channels to avoid detector saturation. The design has been specially optimized to
provide homogeneous spatial light distribution onto the photodetectors and good mechanical repeatability. All channels
are acquired in mixed analog and photon-counting mode using Licel® transient recorders, which are controlled by
means of a user friendly LabVIEWTM interface.
The paper focuses on the main polychromator optical design parameters, that is, light collimation trade-offs, end-to-end
transmissivity, net channel responsivity, light distribution and spot size onto the photodetectors.
The polychromator along with the rest of the U.P.C. lidar system has successfully been tested during a recent lidar
system intercomparison campaign carried out in Madrid (Spain) during Oct. 2010.
EARLINET, the European Aerosol Research Lidar NETwork, established in 2000, is the first coordinated lidar network
for tropospheric aerosol study on the continental scale. The network activity is based on scheduled measurements, a rigorous quality assurance program addressing both instruments and evaluation algorithms, and a standardised data
exchange format. At present, the network includes 27 lidar stations distributed over Europe.
EARLINET performed almost continuous measurements since 15 April 2010 in order to follow the evolution of the
volcanic plume generated from the eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, providing the 4-dimensional distribution of
the volcanic ash plume over Europe. During the 15-30 April period, volcanic particles were detected over Central Europe
over a wide range of altitudes, from 10 km down to the local planetary boundary layer (PBL). Until 19 April, the
volcanic plume transport toward South Europe was nearly completely blocked by the Alps. After 19 April volcanic
particles were transported to the south and the southeast of Europe. Descending aerosol layers were typically observed
all over Europe and intrusion of particles into the PBL was observed at almost each lidar site that was affected by the
volcanic plume. A second event was observed over Portugal and Spain (6 May) and then over Italy on 9 May 2010. The
volcanic plume was then observed again over Southern Germany on 11 May 2010.
A solution based on a Kalman filter to trace the evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) sensed by an elastic
backscatter lidar is presented. An erf-like profile is used to model the mixing layer top and the entrainment zone
thickness. The extended Kalman filter (EKF) enables to retrieve and track the ABL parameters based on simplified
statistics of the ABL dynamics and of the observation noise present in the lidar signal. This adaptive feature permits to
analyze atmospheric scenes with low signal-to-noise ratios without need to resort to long time averages or rangesmoothing
techniques, as well as to pave the way for an automated detection method. First EKF results based on
synthetic lidar profiles are presented and compared with a typical least-squares inversion for different SNR scenarios.
Coordinated lidar observations of Saharan dust over Europe are performed in the frame of the EARLINET-ASOS
(2006-2011) project, which comprises 25 stations: 16 Raman lidar stations, including 8 multi-wavelength
(3+2 station) Raman lidar stations, are used to retrieve the aerosol microphysical properties. Since
the launch of CALIOP, the two-wavelength lidar on board the CALIPSO satellite (June 2006) our lidar
network has been performing correlative aerosol measurements during CALIPSO overpasses over the
individual stations. In our presentation, we report on the correlative measurements obtained during Saharan
dust intrusions in the period from June 2006 to June 2008. We found that the number of dust events is
generally greatest in late spring, summer and early autumn periods, mainly in southern and south-eastern
Europe. A measurement example is presented that was analyzed to show the potential of a ground based lidar
network to follow a dust event over a specific study area, in correlation with the CALIOP measurements. The
dust transport over the studied area was simulated by the DREAM forecast model. Cross-section analyses of
CALIOP over the study area were used to assess the model performance for describing and forecasting the
vertical and horizontal distribution of the dust field over the Mediterranean. Our preliminary results can be
used to reveal the importance of the synergy between the CALIOP measurement and the dust model, assisted
by ground-based lidars, for clarifying the overall transport of dust over the European continent.
The Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, located on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands, is home of many
astronomical facilities. In the context of the Extremely Large Telescope Design Study, an intensive lidar campaign was
performed in the ORM near the Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope (17°52'41.2" W, 28°45'40.1" N, 2395 m asl) between 26th
May and 14th June 2008. The goal of the campaign was to characterize the atmosphere in terms of planetary boundary
layer height and aerosol stratification vs. synoptic conditions. As a by-product an estimate of the aerosol optical
thickness was also obtained and compared to the total atmospheric extinction coefficient measured by the Carlsberg
Meridian Telescope.
The European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) was established in 2000 to derive a comprehensive, quantitative, and statistically significant data base for the aerosol distribution on the European scale.
At present, EARLINET consists of 25 stations: 16 Raman lidar stations, including 8 multi-wavelength Raman lidar stations which are used to retrieve aerosol microphysical properties.
EARLINET performs a rigorous quality assurance program for instruments and evaluation algorithms. All stations measure simultaneously on a predefined schedule at three dates per week to obtain unbiased data for climatological studies.
Since June 2006 the first backscatter lidar is operational aboard the CALIPSO satellite. EARLINET represents an excellent tool to validate CALIPSO lidar data on a continental scale. Aerosol extinction and lidar ratio measurements provided by the network will be particularly important for that validation.
The measurement strategy of EARLINET is as follows: Measurements are performed at all stations within 80 km from the overpasses and additionally at the lidar station which is closest to the actually overpassed site. If a multi-wavelength Raman lidar station is overpassed then also the next closest 3+2 station performs a measurement.
Altogether we performed more than 1000 correlative observations for CALIPSO between June 2006 and June 2007.
Direct intercomparisons between CALIPSO profiles and attenuated backscatter profiles obtained by EARLINET lidars look very promising.
Two measurement examples are used to discuss the potential of multi-wavelength Raman lidar observations for the validation and optimization of the CALIOP Scene Classification Algorithm.
Correlative observations with multi-wavelength Raman lidars provide also the data base for a harmonization of the CALIPSO aerosol data and the data collected in future ESA lidar-in-space missions.
KEYWORDS: Signal to noise ratio, LIDAR, Interference (communication), Raman spectroscopy, Linear filtering, Receivers, Fermium, Frequency modulation, Analog electronics, Photon counting
In this paper we estimate the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the opto-electronic receiver output of both elastic and Raman lidar channels by means of parametric estimation of the total noise variance affecting the lidar system.
In the most general case, the total noise variance conveys contributions from photo-induced signal-shot, dark-shot and thermal noise components. While photo-inducted signal-shot variance is proportional to the received optical signal (lidar return signal plus background component), dark-shot and thermal noise variance components are not. This is the basis for parametric estimation, in which the equivalent noise variance in any receiving channel is characterized by means of a two-component vector modeling equivalent noise parameters.
The algorithm is based on simultaneous low-pass and high-pass filtering of the observable lidar returns and on weighted constrained optimization of the proposed variance noise model when fitting an estimate of the observation noise.
A noise simulator is used to compare different noisy lidar channels (i.e. with different pre-defined noise vectors or dominant noise regimes) with the two-component noise vectors estimate retrieved. Both shot-dominant and thermal-dominant noise regimes, as well as a hybrid case are studied. Finally, the algorithm is used to estimate the SNR from lidar returns from tropospheric elastic and Raman channels with satisfactory results.
Implementation of the pure-vibrational Raman spectra lidar method for simultaneous measurements of atmospheric water-vapour, aerosol extinction and backscatter coefficients is reported. A Q-switched Nd:YAG laser provides the three elastic wavelengths of 1064, 532 and 355 nm while the return signal is collected by a 40-cm aperture telescope. A spot-to-spot fiber bundle conveys the light from the telescope focal plane to a specific polychromator especially simulated and designed with care on minimizing optical losses and physical dimensions. The reception field of view, which is limited by the fiber bundle characteristics, is the same for all wavelengths. By means of four customised dichroic filters and beam splitters, light is separated into the three elastic wavelengths (355, 532, 1064 nm) as well as the 386.7- and 607.4-nm N2-Raman-shifted wavelengths, and the 407.5-nm H2O-Raman-shifted wavelength. Signal detection is achieved by using avalanche photodiodes at 1064 and 532 nm and analog acquisition while photomultiplier tubes and fast photon counting acquisition at the rest of the wavelengths. A specific design of the optoelectronics of the receiving channels is controlled by a distributed CPU thanks to a user-friendly LabViewTM interface. User-configurable scanning tools are built-in, but can also be customized. In this work an overview of the system though particularly geared to the polychromator unit is presented as well as a power link-budget assessment, which is to include simulation of end-to-end transmissivities, will be discussed for the main channels involved. The first measurements have already been made at 1064, 532, and 607.4 nm.
Information about atmospheric variables, such as presence and characteristics of supended particulates (aerosols), concentration of chemical species, humidity, temperature, etc., can be obtained remotely in an energetic-efficient manner from radiation produced by optical sources and backscattered by the atmosphere, drawing on the relatively strong interaction between electromagnetic radiation at optical wavelengths and particulates and molecules in the atmosphere. Atmospheric probing systems based on laser sources can provide information as a function of range and, being their operating principle essentially the same as that of radar (except for the fact that in atmospheric probing the target is by definiti8on the atmosphere zone illuminated by the laser, instead of a hard target), they are usually called laser radars or lidars (from Light Detection And Ranging). In addition to their ability to perform remote measurements- a characteristic that they share with other systems-lidars feature the availability of quasi-real-time data, high spatial resolution and a relative convenience to perform three-dimensional scans of the atmospheric volume under study. Basic lidar principles and capabilities are discussed in this work.
A method based on the advantage of a bi-wavelength lidar system has been developed and tested. The method departs from the fact that in nearly transparent atmospheres (weak extinctions), the ratio of the lidar signals at both wavelengths gives the Ångstrom exponent in backscatter with very low uncertainty. The method consists in (i) assuming a linear relationship between the Ångstrom exponent in backscatter and the Ångstrom exponent in extinction (usually called Ångstrom exponent), (ii) approximating by a first order development the ratio of the transmittances, (iii) and forcing the resulting Ångstrom exponent. Profiles of the Ångstrom exponent, and the aerosol backscatter coefficient at 1064 and 532 nm were retrieved. The aerosol backscatter coefficient profiles were compared to Klett inversion results in the lowest part of the atmosphere containing aerosols, [0 - 3 km], in a rural environment in summertime: the agreement is better than 12 % at 1064 nm, and better than 35 % at 532 nm, indicating a greater dependency to the initial assumptions in the visible range.
Regular aerosol backscatter measurements using an elastic-backscatter lidar were performed between May 2000 and November 2002 in Barcelona (Spain), in the frame of EARLINET (European Aerosol Research Lidar Network). The mixing layer height, required to understand the chemical and physical processes taking place in the low troposphere, was one of the major parameters to be retrieved. Three analytic definitions of the ML height have been tested using the range squared-corrected lidar signal: (1) the minimum of its first derivative, (2) the minimum of its second derivative, and (3) the minimum of the first derivative of its logarithm. The strong coastal and orographic influences and the climatological settling of Barcelona determine the complexity of its atmospheric boundary layer dynamics and the high heterogeneity of the lidar signals. Therefore, single lidar analyses do not allow an unambiguous determination of the mixing layer height in many cases and complementary data are needed, such as synoptic maps, backtrajectories, radiosoundings and solar irradiance profiles. The resulting mixing layer heights were compared to radiosoundings, and the second method was found to give statistically the best results. This definition was used to process the whole dataset. A number of 162 days and 660 profiles were examined. The mixing layer height was inferred in cases such as low clouds, Saharan dust events and sea breeze and mountain induced recirculation. Variations between 300 and 1450 m were observed over the three years.
Lidar (radar laser) systems take advantage of the relatively strong interaction between laser light and aerosol/molecular species in the atmosphere. The inversion of optical atmospheric parameters is of prime concern in the fields of environmental and meteorological modelling and has been (and still is) under research study for the past four decades. Within the framework of EARLINET (European Aerosol LIdar NETwork), independent inversions of the atmospheric optical extinction and backscatter profiles (and thus, of the lidar ratio, as well) have been possible by assimilating elastic-Raman data into Ansmann et al.’s algorithm [the term “elastic-Raman” caters for the combination of one elastic lidar channel (i.e., no wavelength shift in reception) with an inelastic Raman one (i.e., wavelength shifted)]. In this work, an overview of this operative method is presented under noisy scenes along with a novel formulation of the algorithm statistical performance in terms of the retrieved-extinction mean-squared error (MSE). The statistical error due to signal detection (Poisson) is the main error source considered while systematic and operational-induced errors are neglected. In contrast to Montercarlo and error propagation formulae, often used as customary approaches in lidar error inversion assessment, the statistical approach presented here analytically quantifies the range-dependent MSE performance as a function of the estimated signal-to-noise ratio of the Raman channel, thus, becoming a straightforward general formulation of algorithm errorbars.
The newly developed Nd:YAG portable 3-D-scanning lidar from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain) was used to improve our knowledge of the aerosols properties in the Barcelona area where an important number of pollution and saharan dust events can be observed all year round in the atmosphere. The system simultaneously operated at the 1064-nm and 532-nm elastic wavelengths, and was used in its scanning mode from 15 degrees to 70 degrees from zenith with 5 degree steps. A variational method was used to invert the multi-angular profiles and to retrieve the aerosols optical thickness and backscatter coefficient at each wavelength without making any assumption on the aerosol type. At the same time, the ratio of the backscatter profiles was used to retrieve the profile of the Angstrom coefficient in backscatter. The backscatter-to-extinction ratio could not be calculated directly but various values of this parameter were used in Klett method until backscatter coefficient profiles could match the one retrieved with the variational method (at least in some altitude regions). Very good agreement (differences less than 20%) was observed in the 0.3 - 2.5 km region with a value of 0.030 sr-1, whereas no agreement could be achieved above where supposedly mixed aerosols were initially observed. The lidar profiles closer to the zenith at both wavelengths allowed to calculate a new Angstrom coefficient in backscatter that is compared to the one retrieved by the variational method. The comparison showed good agreement in the lower layers and thus validated the backscatter-to-extinction ratio profiles used in the Klett method. However, the difficulties encountered to invert the lidar signal above an altitude of 1.6 km show that non negligible inhomogeneities of the atmosphere were present in each line of sight, proving the dense and fast-moving aerosol load over the Barcelona basin.
Structural and optical properties of aerosols and clouds can be retrieved by active remote sensing systems, such as lidars. Such parameters are of importance in the study of dynamics and radiation budget of the atmosphere. In that respect, a small, portable, eyesafe, unattended, elastic-backscatter lidar is being developed at Cimel Electronique, in collaboration with CNRS. It sues a compact, low-energy laser in the visible. The detection is made by a high-gain, high-speed PMT, and a single electronic card for fast acquisition. The aim of the system is also to be tunable to various pointing angles. A variational method was developed to make use of the multiangle measurements and tested on data collected during the INDOEX campaign in March 1999. The optical thickness and backscatter coefficient profiles were retrieved up to 1 km with a total uncertainty of 18 percent. The system has been assembled and first measurements have been made beginning of 2000 for comparison with the theoretical predictions. The system has shown it was satisfactory and the signal profiles obtained are in agreement with the ones simulated with the system parameters.
KEYWORDS: Radiometry, Calibration, Temperature metrology, Black bodies, Sensors, Mirrors, Signal detection, Transmittance, Remote sensing, Signal to noise ratio
KEYWORDS: Radiometry, Calibration, Black bodies, Temperature metrology, Optical filters, Sensors, Signal detection, Signal to noise ratio, Mirrors, Electronic filtering
A four-band, prototype, thermal-IR radiometer with a built- in radiance reference has been fabricated by CIMEL Electronique, Paris, France, for use as a field instrument. This paper briefly describes the instrument and discusses laboratory characterization measurements and results, including spectral response, linearity of better than 0.8 percent, field of view of 9.5 degrees, noise-equivalent temperature difference of 0.06-0.2 degrees C for temperatures of 0 to 75 degrees C, signal-to-noise ratio greater than 1100 for the broad band and greater than 400 for the other bands for temperatures between 10 and 80 degrees C, nonrepeatability of less than 0.35 percent after four field campaigns, and absolute calibration.
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