The Suborbital Imaging Spectrograph for Transition region Irradiance from Nearby Exoplanet host stars (SISTINE) is a rocket-borne ultraviolet (UV) imaging spectrograph designed to probe the radiation environment of nearby stars. SISTINE operates over a bandpass of 98 to 127 and 130 to 158 nm, capturing a broad suite of emission lines tracing the full 104−105 K formation temperature range critical for reconstructing the full UV radiation field incident on planets orbiting solar-type stars. SISTINE serves as a platform for key technology developments for future ultraviolet observatories. SISTINE operates at moderate resolving power (R∼1500), while providing spectral imaging over an angular extent of ∼6′, with ∼2″ resolution at the slit center. The instrument is composed of an f/14 Cassegrain telescope that feeds a 2.1× magnifying spectrograph, utilizing a blazed holographically ruled diffraction grating and a powered fold mirror. Spectra are captured on a large format microchannel plate (MCP) detector consisting of two 113×42 mm segments each read out by a cross-delay line anode. Several novel technologies are employed in SISTINE to advance their technical maturity in support of future NASA UV/optical astronomy missions. These include enhanced aluminum lithium fluoride coatings (eLiF), atomic layer deposition (ALD) protective optical coatings, and ALD-processed large-format MCPs. SISTINE was launched a total of three times with two of the three launches successfully observing targets Procyon A and α Centauri A and B.
Microchannel plate (MCP) detectors have been used on many ultraviolet (UV) space based observatories. Future NASA missions would benefit from scaled designs with larger areas, higher spatial resolution, and high counting rate capability. These prospects are being successfully demonstrated with cross strip (XS) anode readouts, but the electronics that read out such detectors would require reduction in size, weight, and power. The GRAPH ASIC was developed as an efficient high bandwidth solution to read out cross strip anodes for MCP detectors. First generation GRAPH ASICs have been wire bonded to circuit boards and initial testing and characterization have been done. Firmware and software have been implemented to process XS anode events producing X-Y photon positions. To further test and characterize performance of the GRAPH ASIC a GRAPH board is being used to read out photon events from an MCP detector with a cross strip anode. We present preliminary results on GRAPH design and operation. In addition we demonstrate photon detection with position and pulse height analysis and a description of the firmware currently being used to carry out these tests.
We report recent progress on microchannel plate (MCP) sealed, high-vacuum devices and open-face architectures. These can be configured with UV transmissive windows, bi-alkali or alkali-halide opaque photocathodes and atomic layer deposited (ALD) MCPs. Detectors with 100cm2 cross-strip (XS) readouts are currently under development, and we discuss our results with newly fabricated hermetic, high temperature co-fired ceramic XS anodes. We employ event driven electronics and make initial performance assessment of these new sensing elements. We also discuss the implementation of a first-generation GRAPH ASIC that couples charge sensitive amplification and digitization for XS signal conversion in a low power, small format. The approaches shared serve as candidates for creating large focal planes that can meet the requirements of future flagship UV missions. They also constitute a tailorable option for the community and can support smaller missions with a variety of detector formats.
The MANTIS (Monitoring Activity of Nearby sTars with uv Imaging and Spectroscopy) 16U CubeSat mission, led by the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado Boulder, plans to characterize the high-energy stellar radiation that drives atmospheric photochemistry and escape on extrasolar planets by conducting simultaneous observations of exoplanet host stars at extreme-ultraviolet (100–1200A; EUV), far-ultraviolet (1300–2200A; FUV), near-ultraviolet (2200–3500A; NUV), and visible (3500–10000A; VIS) wavelengths. The science payload's two-telescope design enables simultaneous coverage over the entire UV passband and the first EUV astrophysics capability in over 20 years. An 8.5cm diameter grazing incidence telescope feeds a low-resolution EUV spectrograph while a 14x9cm rectangular Cassegrain telescope feeds a dichroic beamsplitter to divide the light into both an NUV/VIS and FUV channel. The MANTIS design, detector systems, spacecraft bus and mission operations build off of the heritage of the CUTE and SPRITE CubeSats developed by the MANTIS team. This proceeding overviews the design of the MANTIS instrument and general mission concept.
In pursuit of maturing high priority UV optics technology for the Habitable Worlds Observatory, we present laboratory reflectivity results and ongoing environmental stability testing of band-selecting filters designed for the Lyman-ultraviolet bandpass (LUV; 90-120 nm) and the far-ultraviolet bandpass (FUV; 120-150 nm), and reflectance uniformity of broadband (90 – 2500 nm) coatings. The band-selecting coatings are multilayer depositions of Al+LiF+SiC+LiF, and LaF3 +AlF3. These narrowband filters were developed in coordination with the Grupo de Óptica de Láminas Delgadas (GOLD) at the Instituto de Óptica-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas for the Far- and Lyman-Ultraviolet Imaging Demonstrator (FLUID) sounding rocket payload. Environmental stability tests of Lyman alpha (Ly-α; 121.6 nm) suppressing filters that peak near 105 nm (“F110M”) and 140 nm (“F140M”) were conducted in the optical testing facilities at CU Boulder. Additionally, we present initial UV optics coating development results of MgF2 capped silicon wafers, and LiF capped aluminum, in collaboration with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. These coatings were deposited using atomic layer deposition (ALD) at JPL, to advance the throughput efficiency of MgF2 protective capping layers for UV optics. Several MgF2 depositions varying in silicon wafer temperature and dielectric thickness have been fabricated to explore the deposition parameters thoroughly. Exploring deposition uniformity on scales larger than a witness coupon, we also present initial results on the reflectance uniformity of (≤ 6 inches) MgF2/Al ALD coated optics.
The Integral Field Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Experiment sounding rocket is the first far ultraviolet integral field spectrometer. It features an f /16, 0.49 m Cassegrain telescope and a 26-element image slicer feeding 26 holographic gratings, with spectra imaged by the largest cross-strip microchannel plate detector flown in space. The first launch of INFUSE occurred from White Sands Missile Range on October 29th, 2023, and demonstrated spectral multiplexing, successfully detecting ionized gas emission in the XA region of the Cygnus loop. The second launch of INFUSE is projected for spring 2025 to observe the star-forming galaxy NGC 2366 alongside companion NGC 2363. Housed within NGC 2366 is the Mrk 71 region, a prototype for studying highly ionized starburst regions, making NGC 2366 a local analog to Green Pea type galaxies. Several enhancements are planned for INFUSE before this second science flight, including adding an improved baffle to reduce contamination by second order light, improving grating alignment to reduce overlap between different spectrograms, and iriditing several surfaces to reduce scattered geocoronal Ly-α. An additional grating coated with xenon diflouride-enhanced lithium fluoride will also be added to flight qualify a new coating that may support ultraviolet capability on the Habitable Worlds Observatory. The second flight will also feature a ride along mission, the Spectroscopic Ultraviolet Multi-Object Observatory. We report on the results from the first launch as well as outline progress towards preparation for the second flight.
The Arcus Probe mission addresses a wide range of Astro2020 Decadal and NASA Science Mission Directorate Priority science areas, and is designed to explore astrophysical feedback across all mass scales. Arcus' three baseline science goals include: (i) Characterizing the drivers of accretion-powered feedback in supermassive black holes, (ii) Quantifying how feedback at all scales drives galaxy evolution and large-scale structure, including the tenuous cosmic web, and (iii) Analyzing stellar feedback from exoplanetary to galactic scales, including its effects on exoplanet environments targeted by current and future NASA missions. These science goals, along with a robust General Observer program, will be achieved using a mission that provides a high-sensitivity soft (10-60Å) X-ray spectrometer (XRS), working simultaneously with a co-aligned UV spectrometer (UVS; 970-1580Å). Arcus enables compelling baseline science and provides the broader astronomy community a revolutionary tool to characterize the full ionization range of warm and hot plasmas - including hydrogen, helium, and all abundant metals - in the Universe, from the halos of galaxies and clusters to the coronae of stars.
The Far- and Lyman-ultraviolet imaging demonstrator (FLUID) is a rocket-borne arcsecond-level ultraviolet (UV) imaging instrument covering four bands between 92 and 193 nm. FLUID will observe nearby galaxies to find and characterize the most massive stars that are the primary drivers of the chemical and dynamical evolution of galaxies and the co-evolution of the surrounding galactic environment. The FLUID short wave channel is designed to suppress efficiency at Lyman-α (121.6 nm) while enhancing the reflectivity of shorter wavelengths. Utilizing this technology, FLUID will take the first ever images of local galaxies isolated in the Lyman UV (90–120 nm). As a pathfinder instrument, FLUID will employ and increase the technology readiness level of band-selecting UV coatings and solar-blind UV detector technologies, including microchannel plate and solid-state detectors; technologies that are prioritized in the 2022 NASA Astrophysical Biennial Technology Report. These technologies enable high throughput and high sensitivity observations in the four co-aligned UV imaging bands that make up the FLUID instrument. We present the design of FLUID, status on the technology development, and results from initial assembly and calibration of the FLUID instrument.
We present laboratory reflectivity results of two novel optical filters designed for the Lyman ultraviolet bandpass (LUV; 90-120 nm) and the far ultraviolet bandpass (FUV; 120-150 nm). These filters were developed in coordination with the Grupo de Óptica de Láminas Delgadas (GOLD) at the Instituto de Óptica-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientìficas for the Far- and Lyman-Ultraviolet Imaging Demonstrator (FLUID) sounding rocket payload. In addition to maturing high priority band-selecting UV filter technology, FLUID will measure the LUV and far ultraviolet (FUV; 120-200 nm) morphologies of nearby galaxies in four imaging bands to provide local analogs for JWST observations of high redshift galaxies. Images in the LUV will be used to make the first ever morphological classifications of local galaxies in this bandpass. FLUID comprises four f /28.7 Cassegrain telescopes with ⪅3 arcsecond angular resolution over a 20 arcminute wide field-of-view. Each telescope receives a unique band-defining filter covering the LUV through FUV (approximately 15 nm FWHM band centered on 105 nm, and 20 nm FWHM bands centered on 140 nm, 160 nm, or 180 nm). These filters are multilayer reflectance filters, and were developed by GOLD in collaboration with CU Boulder. Evaluation of the F140M filter and the Lyman alpha (Ly-α; 121.6 nm) suppressing F110M filter witness samples, as well as the secondary and primary mirrors, were completed with optical testing facilities at both GOLD and CU. We present the measured efficiencies of the F110M optics, which all demonstrate reflectivites ⪅3% at Ly-α while maintaining ⪆40% reflectivity at 105 nm, and the F140M optics, which show show peak reflectivities for 140 nm greater than 87%. These values are used to estimate the performance of the FLUID instrument in this band. Additionally we will conduct further testing of all four filters, as well as testing age and environmental stability of the filters over the course of the project.
The Arcus Probe is designed to measure the feedback cycle of material into and out of galaxies, and the inter-relation between these flows and the central black holes that drive many of these processes. Arcus consists of a high-resolution x-ray spectrometer (led by the Smithsonian Astrophysics Observatory; SAO) with a companion medium resolution (R ~ 24,500) far-ultraviolet imaging spectrograph covering the 970 - 1580 Å bandpass. The Arcus Ultraviolet Spectrograph (UVS) is designed in part to be a sucessor to the successful FUSE mission, with more than five-times the sensitivity in the essential Lyman UV, including rest-frame O VI 1032 ˚A, than any previous medium resolution spectroscopic instrument. The instrument consists of a 60 cm off-axis Cassegrain telescope feeding a two-channel spectrograph, with the spectra recorded on an open-face microchannel plate detector. The channels each consist of a medium resolution grating mounted to a grating selector: the G110M (970 - 1280 Å, optimized for 1000 - 1280 Å) and the G140M (1195 - 1580 Å). The Arcus UVS is led by the University of Colorado Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) and incorporates several technologies developed in the more than two decades since F USE, and matured on previous CU-LASP flight programs, including enhanced lithium fluoride protected aluminum mirror coatings (eLiF) and large-format borosilicate glass MCPs. We describe the recent development and TRL advancement of these enabling technologies, and then outline the UVS instrument and projected performance.
Arcus is a high-resolution soft X-ray and far-ultraviolet spectroscopy mission being developed for submission to NASA’s inaugural Astrophysics Probe solicitation. Arcus makes simultaneous observations in these two critical wavelength regimes to address a broad range of science questions highlighted by the 2020 Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, from the temperature and composition of the missing baryons in the intergalactic medium to the evolution of stars and their influence on orbiting planets. This proceeding presents the science motivation for and performance of the Arcus UltraViolet spectrograph (UVS). UVS comprises a 60 cm, off-axis Cassegrain telescope feeding an imaging spectrograph operating over the 970 – 1580 ˚A bandpass. The instrument employs two interchangeable diffraction gratings to provide medium-resolution spectroscopy (R ⪆ 20,000 in two grating modes centered at approximately 1110 and 1390 ˚A, respectively). The spectra are recorded on an open-face, photon-counting microchannel plate detector. The instrument design achieves an end-to-end sensitivity ⪆ 10 times that of the Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer over the key 1020 – 1150 ˚A range and offers arcsecond-level angular resolution spectral imaging over a six arcminute long slit for observations of extended sources. We describe example science investigations for FUV spectroscopy on Arcus, the resultant instrument design and predicted performance, and simulated data from potential Guest Observer programs with Arcus.
The Suborbital Imaging Spectrograph for Transition-region Irradiance from Nearby Exoplanet host stars (SISTINE) is a rocket-borne imaging spectrograph designed to probe a broad region of the far-ultraviolet (FUV; 976-1272, 1300-1565 Å) emission of nearby stars. The instrument is composed of an f /14 Cassegrain telescope feeding a 2.1x magnifying spectrograph with a blazed, holographically ruled diffraction grating and a powered fold mirror. The telescope optics employ enhanced-lithium fluoride overcoated Al, with the secondary mirror providing the first flight test of hot-deoposition LiF coatings employing an ALD deposited aluminum trifluoride (Al + LiF + AlF3) capping layer. Spectra are captured on a large-format microchannel plate detector consisting of two 110 x 40 mm segments. The third flight of SISTINE was successfully executed on July 6th, 2022, from Arnhem Space Center (ASC), Northern Territory, Australia. SISTINE-3 successfully obtained FUV spectra of α Centauri A and B, fully resolving the binary pair with a 7” separation on sky. The spectra contain a suite of FUV emission lines crucial for reconstructing the high-energy stellar radiation incident onto planets orbiting solar-mass stars. We present the pre-flight calibration at the University of Colorado Boulder, including predicted performance, effective area, and resolving power; the integration and assembly performed at NASA Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) and ASC; and preliminary science results from the in-flight data.
The Far-and Lyman-Ultraviolet Imaging Demonstrator (FLUID) is a rocket-borne multi-band arcsecond-level Ultraviolet (UV) imaging instrument covering four bands between 92 – 193 nm. FLUID will observe nearby galaxies to find and characterize the most massive stars, the primary drivers of the chemical and dynamical evolution of galaxies, and the co-evolution of the surrounding galactic environment. The FLUID short wave channel is designed to suppress efficiency at Lyman alpha wavelengths, while enhancing the reflectivity of shorter wavelengths. Utilizing this technology, FLUID will take the first ever images of local galaxies isolated in the Lyman ultraviolet. As a pathfinder instrument, FLUID will employ and increase TRL of band-selecting UV coatings, and solar-blind UV detector technologies including microchannel plate and solid-state detectors; technologies prioritized in the 2022 NASA Astrophysical Biennial Technology Report. These technologies enable high throughput and high sensitivity observations in four co-aligned UV imaging bands that make up the FLUID instrument. We present the design of FLUID, status on the technology development, and results from initial assembly and calibration of the FLUID instrument.
The Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment (CUTE) is a 6U cubesat housing a Cassegrain telescope and a nea rultraviolet (NUV) spectrograph designed to study the composition and mass-loss rates of exoplanet atmospheres. This instrument covers a bandpass of 250 - 330 nm with a peak effective area of ~28 cm2 and a resolving power of ~2000. The instrument focal plane consists of a back illuminated CCD driven by clocking and readout electronics developed at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP). Special consideration is given to achieving low noise readout due to typical observation signal levels and time constraints of exoplanet transit observations. Additionally, the electronics driving the CCD are space constrained and designed to fit in a cubesat 1/2U volume. Prior to installation in the flight instrument the detector system parameters are optimized and characterized at LASP in a custom ultraviolet detector test chamber. Engineering and technical details including system gain, quantum efficiency, and read noise are discussed. We present the development, optimization, and characterization results of the CCD and associated readout electronics developed for the CUTE instrument.
The Suborbital Imaging Spectrograph for Transition-region Irradiance from Nearby Exoplanet host stars (SIS- TINE) sounding rocket payload is an f /30 imaging spectrograph designed to measure the far ultraviolet (1000 - 1275 and 1300 - 1565 Å) output of exoplanet host stars. The instrument is composed of an f /14 Cassegrain telescope with a 500 mm diameter primary mirror feeding a 2.1x magnifying spectrograph. Light is dispersed by a blazed, holographically ruled grating, reflected off a powered fold mirror, and recorded on a large format microchannel plate (MCP) detector. The instrument incorporates enhanced LiF (eLiF) protected aluminum on the primary, secondary, and fold mirrors. The secondary mirror also has a protective AlF3 capping layer, applied using atomic layer deposition (ALD). The detector is composed of two windowless 113 x 42 mm segments with cross delay line anodes and CsI photocathodes. The detector utilizes ALD processed borosilicate plates, and additionally serves as a flight test for detectors on future astrophysics missions. The instrument reaches a peak effective area of 99.9 cm2 at 1145 Å. The assembly of SISTINE-2 included the application of new photocathodes to the detector, showing improvements in quantum efficiency after laboratory tests. SISTINE-2 will observe the nearby F star Procyon in late 2021, making the first simultaneous observation from O VI through C IV and setting new empirical constraints on the radiation fields experienced by planets orbiting mid-F stars.
The Dual-channel Extreme Ultraviolet Continuum Experiment (DEUCE) is a rocket-borne, ultraviolet spectrograph specifically designed to obtain the first flux-calibrated spectra of nearby B stars ϵ and β Canis Majoris (CMa) across the Lyman limit at 912 Å. These observations will help quantify the contribution of such stars to modern ionization in the intergalactic medium. The payload operates in two channels over the 700 to 1150 Å extreme ultraviolet/far ultraviolet (EUV/FUV) bandpass, with resolving powers of 180 (1850) and net effective areas (including slit transmission) of 4 cm2 ( . 15 cm2) in its large and small-slit channels, respectively. DEUCE features a large format 200 × 200 mm2 low-noise atomic layer deposition-activated microchannel plate detector of the type baselined for the Large Ultraviolet Optical Infrared (LUVOIR) Surveyor and has demonstrated its flight performance. DEUCE has obtained the first flux-calibrated spectrum of ϵ CMa from 730 to 895 Å. This paper outlines the science objectives, instrument design, calibration, launches, and observations of the mission.
The Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment (CUTE) is a 6U CubeSat designed to explore the upper atmospheres of short-period exoplanets via near-ultraviolet (2500 – 3300 Å) transmission spectroscopy, with an anticipated launch date of September 2021. The 4U science instrument comprises a Cassegrain telescope with a 20 × 8 cm primary mirror, a spectrograph, and a thermal-electrically cooled CCD detector. The spacecraft structure and a 1.5U XB1 avionics module are provided by Blue Canyon Technologies. CUTE’s novel and compact instrument design presents unique challenges to conducting component-level testing, alignment, instrument and spacecraft integration, calibration, and end-to-end performance testing. We provide a description of several custom test setups and procedures designed to characterize the spectrograph performance and its expected science return. We also outline the remainder of our integration and testing plan.
In this paper we describe the design, science objectives, and preliminary results of the Dual-channel Extreme Ultraviolet Continuum Experiment (DEUCE). DEUCE is a dual-channel, sounding-rocket borne spectrograph consisting of a Wolter-II telescope and the largest MCP detector ever own in space. The DEUCE science objective is to obtain the first 700-1150 A spectra of highly ionizing hot stars in order to calibrate stellar models and better understand the role of such stars in ionization upkeep. DEUCE launched in December 2018 and obtained a quality spectrum of B star Epsilon Canis Majoris, which is preliminarily presented and discussed.
We present the performance of a 200mm × 200mm microchannel plate detector during two suborbital flights in 2017 and 2018. The detector utilized ALD boro-silicate plates and a cross delay line readout. Background counts inflight were between 1.43 count/cm2/s. The quantum efficiency after two years and two flights was consistent with preflight measurements.
In this proceeding, we describe the scientific motivation and technical development of the Colorado Highresolution Echelle Stellar Spectrograph (CHESS), focusing on the hardware advancements and testing of components for the fourth and final launch of the payload (CHESS-4). CHESS is a far ultraviolet rocket-borne instrument designed to study the atomic-to-molecular transitions within translucent cloud regions in the interstellar medium. CHESS is an objective echelle spectrograph, which uses a mechanically-ruled echelle and a powered (f/12.4) cross-dispersing grating; it is designed to achieve a resolving power R > 100,000 over the band pass λλ 1000–1600 Å. CHESS-4 utilizes a 40 mm-diameter cross-strip anode readout microchannel plate detector, fabricated by Sensor Sciences LLC, to achieve high spatial resolution with high global count rate capabilities (∼ MHz). An error in the fabrication of the cross disperser limited the achievable resolution on previous launches of the payload to R ∼ 4000. To remedy this for CHESS-4, we physically stress the echelle grating, introducing a shallow toroidal curvature to the surface of the optic. Preliminary laboratory measurements of the resulting spectrum show a factor of 4–5 improvement to the resolving power. Results from final efficiency and reflectivity measurements for the optical components of CHESS-4 are presented, along with the pre-flight laboratory spectra and calibration results. CHESS-4 launched on 17 April 2018 aboard NASA/University of Colorado Boulder sounding rocket mission 36.333 UG. We present flight results for the observation of the γ Ara sightline.
The Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment (CUTE) is a near-UV (NUV), 6U CubeSat designed to characterize the interaction between exoplanetary atmospheres and their host stars. CUTE is dedicated to observing multiple transits of short period planets with a range of masses to measure the transit depths of atomic and molecular nearUV features. These observations will enable us to quantify as a function of wavelength the transit ingress, egress, and depth of exoplanet light curves in order to determine the presence of bow shocks and strong atmospheric mass loss. The CUTE optical system combines a novel rectangular Cassegrain telescope and a holographically-ruled, aberration-correcting diffraction grating. The high-throughput optical system is projected to obtain an average effective area of ≈24 cm2 , comparable to previous Explorer class missions (GALEX) in a CubeSat package. This proceeding provides an overview of the science motivation, the final telescope and spacecraft design, and an outline of the mission operation.
The Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment (CUTE) is a near-UV (2550 to 3300 Å) 6U CubeSat mission designed to monitor transiting hot Jupiters to quantify their atmospheric mass loss and magnetic fields. CUTE will probe both atomic (Mg and Fe) and molecular (OH) lines for evidence of enhanced transit absorption, and to search for evidence of early ingress due to bow shocks ahead of the planet’s orbital motion. As a dedicated mission, CUTE will observe ≳100 spectroscopic transits of hot Jupiters over a nominal 7-month mission. This represents the equivalent of >700 orbits of the only other instrument capable of these measurements, the Hubble Space Telescope. CUTE efficiently utilizes the available CubeSat volume by means of an innovative optical design to achieve a projected effective area of ∼28 cm2, low instrumental background, and a spectral resolving power of R∼3000 over the primary science bandpass. These performance characteristics enable CUTE to discern transit depths between 0.1% and 1% in individual spectral absorption lines. We present the CUTE optical and mechanical design, a summary of the science motivation and expected results, and an overview of the projected fabrication, calibration, and launch timeline.
The Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment (CUTE) is a near-UV (2550 - 3300 Å) 6U cubesat mission designed to monitor transiting hot Jupiters to quantify their atmospheric mass loss and magnetic fields. CUTE will probe both atomic (Mg and Fe) and molecular (OH) lines for evidence of enhanced transit absorption, and to search for evidence of early ingress due to bow shocks ahead of the planet’s orbital motion. As a dedicated mission, CUTE will observe ⪆ 60 spectroscopic transits of hot Jupiters over a nominal seven month mission. This represents the equivalent of > 700 orbits of the only other instrument capable of these measurements, the Hubble Space Telescope. CUTE efficiently utilizes the available cubesat volume by means of an innovative optical design to achieve a projected effective area of ∼ 22 cm2 , low instrumental background, and a spectral resolving power of R ∼ 3000 over the entire science bandpass. These performance characteristics enable CUTE to discern a transit depth of ⪅1% in individual spectral absorption lines. We present the CUTE optical and mechanical design, a summary of the science motivation and expected results, and an overview of the projected fabrication, calibration and launch timeline.
In this proceeding, we describe the scientific motivation and technical development of the Colorado HighResolution Echelle Stellar Spectrograph (CHESS), focusing on the hardware advancements and testing of components for the third launch of the payload (CHESS-3). CHESS is a far ultraviolet rocket-borne instrument designed to study the atomic-to-molecular transitions within translucent cloud regions in the interstellar medium. CHESS is an objective echelle spectrograph, which uses a mechanically-ruled echelle and a powered (f/12.4) crossdispersing grating, and is designed to achieve a resolving power R > 100,000 over the bandpass λλ 1000−1600 Å. Results from final efficiency and reflectivity measurements for the optical components of CHESS-3 are presented. An important role of sounding rocket experiments is the testing and verification of the space flight capabilities of experimental technologies. CHESS-3 utilizes a 40mm-diameter cross-strip anode microchannel plate detector fabricated by Sensor Sciences LLC, capable of achieving high spatial resolution and a high global count rate (∼1 MHz). We present pre-flight laboratory spectra and calibration results, including wavelength solution and resolving power of the instrument. The fourth launch of CHESS (CHESS-4) will demonstrate a δ-doped CCD, assembled in collaboration with the Microdevices Laboratory at JPL and Arizona State University. In support of CHESS-4, the CHESS-3 payload included a photomultiplier tube, used as a secondary confirmation of the optical alignment of the payload during flight. CHESS-3 launched on 26 June 2017 aboard NASA/CU sounding rocket mission 36.323 UG. We present initial flight results for the CHESS-3 observation of the β1 Scorpii sightline.
We present characterization results from a photon counting imaging detector consisting of one microchannel plate (MCP) and an array of two readout integrated circuits (ROIC) that record photon position. The ROICs used in the position readout are the high event rate ROIC (HEROIC) devices designed to handle event rates up to 1 MHz per pixel, recently developed by the Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation in collaboration with the University of Colorado. An opaque cesium iodide (CsI) photocathode sensitive in the far-ultraviolet (FUV; 122-200 nm), is deposited on the upper surface of the MCP. The detector is characterized in a chamber developed by CU Boulder that is capable of illumination with vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) monochromatic light and measurement of absolute ux with a calibrated photodiode. Testing includes investigation of the effects of adjustment of internal settings of the HEROIC devices including charge threshold, gain, and amplifier bias. The detector response to high count rates is tested. We report initial results including background, uniformity, and quantum detection efficiency (QDE) as a function of wavelength.
In this proceeding, we describe the scientific motivation and technical development of the Colorado High- resolution Echelle Stellar Spectrograph (CHESS), focusing on the hardware advancements and testing supporting the second flight of the payload (CHESS-2). CHESS is a far ultraviolet (FUV) rocket-borne instrument designed to study the atomic-to-molecular transitions within translucent cloud regions in the interstellar medium (ISM). CHESS is an objective f/12.4 echelle spectrograph with resolving power > 100,000 over the band pass 1000 - 1600 Å. The spectrograph was designed to employ an R2 echelle grating with "low" line density. We compare the FUV performance of experimental echelle etching processes (lithographically by LightSmyth, Inc. and etching via electron-beam technology by JPL Microdevices Laboratory) with traditional, mechanically-ruled gratings (Bach Research, Inc. and Richardson Gratings). The cross-dispersing grating, developed and ruled by Horiba Jobin-Yvon, is a holographically-ruled, "low" line density, powered optic with a toroidal surface curvature. Both gratings were coated with aluminum and lithium fluoride (Al+LiF) at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Results from final efficiency and reflectivity measurements for the optical components of CHESS-2 are presented. CHESS-2 utilizes a 40mm-diameter cross-strip anode readout microchannel plate (MCP) detector fabricated by Sensor Sciences, Inc., to achieve high spatial resolution with high count rate capabilities (global rates ~ 1 MHz). We present pre-flight laboratory spectra and calibration results. CHESS-2 launched on 21 February 2016 aboard NASA/CU sounding rocket mission 36.297 UG. We observed the intervening ISM material along the sightline to epsilon Per and present initial characterization of the column densities, temperature, and kinematics of atomic and molecular species in the observation.
The University of Colorado ultraviolet sounding rocket program presents the motivation and design capabilities of the new Suborbital Imaging Spectrograph for Transition Region Irradiance from Nearby Exoplanet host stars (SISTINE). SISTINE is a pathfinder for future UV space instrumentation, incorporating advanced broadband refl ective mirror coatings and large format borosilicate microchannel plate detectors that address technology gaps identified by the NASA Cosmic Origins program. The optical design capitalizes on new capabilities enabled by these technologies to demonstrate optical pathlengths in a sounding rocket envelope that would otherwise require a prohibitive effective area penalty in the 1020 - 1150 Å bandpass. This enables SISTINE to achieve high signal-to-noise observations of emission lines from planet-hosting dwarf stars with moderate spectral resolution (R ~ 10,000) and sub-arcsecond angular imaging. In this proceedings, we present the scientific motivation for a moderate resolution imaging spectrograph, the design of SISTINE, and the enabling technologies that make SISTINE, and future advanced FUV-sensitive instrumentation, possible.
The Colorado High-resolution Echelle Stellar Spectrograph (CHESS) is a far ultraviolet (FUV) rocket-borne experiment designed to study the atomic-to-molecular transitions within translucent interstellar clouds. CHESS is an objective echelle spectrograph operating at f/12.4 and resolving power of 120,000 over a band pass of 100 – 160 nm. The echelle flight grating is the product of a research and development project with LightSmyth Inc. and was coated at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) with Al+LiF. It has an empirically-determined groove density of 71.67 grooves/mm. At the Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy (CASA) at the University of Colorado (CU), we measured the efficiencies of the peak and adjacent dispersion orders throughout the 90 – 165 nm band pass to characterize the behavior of the grating for pre-flight calibrations and to assess the scattered-light behavior. The crossdispersing grating, developed and ruled by Horiba Jobin-Yvon, is a holographically-ruled, low line density (351 grooves/mm), powered optic with a toroidal surface curvature. The CHESS cross-disperser was also coated at GSFC; Cr+Al+LiF was deposited to enhance far-UV efficiency. Results from final efficiency and reflectivity measurements of both optics are presented. We utilize a cross-strip anode microchannel plate (MCP) detector built by Sensor Sciences to achieve high resolution (25 μm spatial resolution) and data collection rates (~ 106 photons/second) over a large format (40mm round, digitized to 8k x 8k) for the first time in an astronomical sounding rocket flight. The CHESS instrument was successfully launched from White Sands Missile Range on 24 May 2014. We present pre-flight sensitivity, effective area calculations, lab spectra and calibration results, and touch on first results and post-flight calibration plans.
We present the flight performance and preliminary science results from the first flight of the Sub-orbital Local
Interstellar Cloud Experiment (SLICE). SLICE is a rocket-borne far-ultraviolet instrument designed to study the diffuse
interstellar medium. The SLICE payload comprises a Cassegrain telescope with LiF-coated aluminum optics feeding a
Rowland Circle spectrograph operating at medium resolution (R ~ 5000) over the 102 – 107 nm bandpass. We present a
novel method for cleaning LiF-overcoated Al optics and the instrumental wavelength calibration, while the details of the
instrument design and assembly are presented in a companion proceeding (Kane et al. 2013). We focus primarily on
first results from the spring 2013 launch of SLICE in this work. SLICE was launched aboard a Terrier-Black Brant IX
sounding rocket from White Sands Missile Range to observe four hot stars sampling different interstellar sightlines. The
instrument acquired approximately 240 seconds of on-target time for the science spectra. We observe atomic and
molecular transitions (HI, OI, CII, OVI, H2) tracing a range of temperatures, ionization states, and molecular fractions in
diffuse interstellar clouds. Initial spectral synthesis results and future plans are discussed.
We present the fabrication and testing of the Sub-orbital Local Interstellar Cloud Experiment (SLICE), a rocket-borne
payload for ultraviolet astrophysics in the 1020 to 1070 Å bandpass. The SLICE optical system is composed of an
ultraviolet-optimized telescope feeding a Rowland Circle spectrograph. The telescope is an 8-inch Classical Cassegrain
operating at F/7, with Al optics overcoated with LiF for enhanced far-ultraviolet reflectivity. The holographically-ruled
grating focuses light at an open-faced microchannel plate detector employing an opaque RbBr photocathode. In this
proceeding, we describe the design trades and calibration issues confronted during the build-up of this payload. We
place particular emphasis on the technical details of the design, modifications, construction, and alignment procedures
for SLICE in order to provide a roadmap for the optimization of future ruggedized experiments for ultraviolet imaging
and spectroscopy.
A key astrophysical theme that will drive future UV/optical space missions is the life cycle of cosmic matter, from the
flow of intergalactic gas into galaxies to the formation and evolution of exoplanetary systems. Spectroscopic systems
capable of delivering high resolution with low backgrounds will be essential to addressing these topics. Towards this
end, we are developing a rocket-borne instrument that will serve as a pathfinder for future high-sensitivity, highresolution
UV spectrographs. The Colorado High-resolution Echelle Stellar Spectrograph (CHESS) will provide 2 km
s-1 velocity resolution (R = 150,000) over the 100 - 160 nm bandpass that includes key atomic and molecular spectral
diagnostics for the intergalactic medium (H I Lyman-series, O VI, N V, and C IV), exoplanetary atmospheres (H I
Lyman-alpha, O I, and C II), and protoplanetary disks (H2 and CO electronic band systems). CHESS uses a novel
mechanical collimator comprised of an array of 10 mm x 10 mm stainless steel tubes to feed a low-scatter, 69 grooves
mm-1 echelle grating. The cross-disperser is a holographically ruled toroid, with 351 grooves mm-1. The spectral orders
can be recorded with either a 40 mm cross-strip microchannel plate detector or a 3.5k x 3.5k δ-doped CCD. The
microchannel plate will deliver 30 μm spatial resolution and employs new 64 amp/axis electronics to accommodate high
count rate observations of local OB stars. CHESS is scheduled to be launched aboard a NASA Terrier/Black Brant IX
sounding rocket from White Sands Missile Range in the summer of 2013.
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