Dr. Pouya Jelvehgaran
Postdoctoral Fellow at Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam
SPIE Involvement:
Profile Summary

Pouya Jelvehgaran is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Heart Center, Clinical and Experimental Cardiology, at the Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, the University of Amsterdam in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He obtained his PhD titled "Optical coherence tomography od the esophagus in radiation therapy" in the Biomedical Engineering & Physics and Radiation Oncology departments at the Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, the University of Amsterdam and Biophotonics and Medical Imaging group at the LaserLaB Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He received his Master of Science degree in Medical Engineering (Medical Imaging) from the KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, in a joint program with the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. The focus of his research is advanced optical imaging of the esophagus during cancer therapy, image-guided radiation therapy, optical coherence tomography, Minimally-invasive treatment of ventricular tachycardia of the Heart, and translational research.

Publications (3)

SPIE Journal Paper | 12 April 2018 Open Access
Pouya Jelvehgaran, Daniel Martijn de Bruin, F. Javier Salguero, Gerben Roelof Borst, Ji-Ying Song, Ton van Leeuwen, Johannes de Boer, Tanja Alderliesten, Marcel van Herk
JBO, Vol. 23, Issue 04, 046004, (April 2018) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JBO.23.4.046004
KEYWORDS: Optical coherence tomography, Esophagus, Tissues, Scattering, Computed tomography, In vivo imaging, Visualization, Animal model studies, Lung cancer, Collagen

Proceedings Article | 20 April 2017 Presentation
Pouya Jelvehgaran, Tanja Alderliesten, Jelmer J. Weda, Daniel de Bruin, Dirk Faber, Maarten C.C. Hulshof, Ton van Leeuwen, Marcel van Herk, Johannes de Boer
Proceedings Volume 10056, 100560B (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2250911
KEYWORDS: Tumors, Optical coherence tomography, Endoscopy, Computed tomography, Visibility, Solids, Liquids, Radiotherapy, Cancer, Visualization

Proceedings Article | 27 April 2016 Presentation
Pouya Jelvehgaran, Tanja Alderliesten, Javier Salguero, Gerben Borst, Ji-Ying Song, Ton van Leeuwen, Johannes de Boer, Daniel de Bruin, Marcel van Herk
Proceedings Volume 9691, 96910S (2016) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2210829
KEYWORDS: Optical coherence tomography, Animal model studies, Esophagus, Lung cancer, Radiotherapy, Tumors, Computed tomography, Gold, Tissues, Scattering

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