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This paper is dedicated to highlighting the various challenges linked to these various optical fabrication projects and reporting about the progress of our work so far.
2015-07: the contract for thin glass petals of the Adaptive Optics M4 mirror unit,
2016-07: the contract for polishing the 4-m secondary convex mirror M2,
2017-02: the contract for polishing of the 4-m tertiary mirror M3,
2017-05: the contract for polishing and integration of the 931 1.45-m hexagonal segments constituting the giant 39-m primary mirror assembly M1.
This paper reports Safran Reosc’s work progresses along these four contracts with their various challenges and more specifically those related to the mass production of the M1 segments.
Sagem-REOSC High Performance Optics Unit works on the polishing, coating and integration technologies of SiC mirrors since more than ten year through various successful space programs for various customers: INSAT 3D scan mirror, ROCSAT II and SPIRALE main telescopes, GAIA large primary mirrors and Auto-collimation flats, …).
This paper aims to provide to the international space community an exhaustive vision of the work performed by Sagem-REOSC on the polishing, coating and integration of the three Three Mirror Anastigmats of the NIRSpec spectrographic instrument which is the main ESA contribution to the JWST.
Secondly we present our development in freeform and direct off-axis high performance optical manufacturing capabilities and the industrialization efforts conducted in the frame of the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) primary mirror segments.
A third subject is the demonstration of an extreme freeform surface manufacturing with the prototyping of a huge 500 mm aperture, 90° deviation angle, F/2.5 high output NA Off Axis Parabola (OAP), a unique achievement aimed to confirm the viability of potential new design opportunities involving such type of extreme optics.
Finally we present in this paper our technology development on polishing layer for SiC material, named R-SiC, a polishing layer that reduces costs, risks and schedule for advanced SiC optics manufacturing for Vis and IR applications.
Large mirrors with low stress and stable coatings.
Large lens elements with strong curvature and precise layer specifications.
Large filters with high spectral response uniformity specifications.
IR coatings with low stress and excellent resistance to cryogenic environment for NIR to LWIR domains.
Pixelated coatings.
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