The article is dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the FIRST in the world of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics ("Keldysh Institute"), created in the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and its achievements in the Soviet "Lunar Program". In the "Keldysh Institute" was developed and implemented the information and mathematical support of the Soviet "Lunar Program". The experience of participation in this program is useful for applying the radiation transfer theory with the hyperspectral approach in space projects of remote sensing of the global climate system of the Earth by analogy with approaches to studying the planets of the solar system and Galaxies. Spectral observations are one of the important channels of the information in astronomy and astrophysics. Modeling and measuring the spectral albedo and brightness of the Earth as a planet in all spectral ranges from ultraviolet to millimeter radiation allows to obtain the important information about the properties of the sources and the mechanisms of their emission, and about the dynamics of that medium that absorbs, scatters and reflects electromagnetic waves. Simulation modeling can provide an answer to the global question: the evolution of the Earth as a planet is going in the direction closer to the model of Mars or Venus? FOR THE FIRST TIME, openly began to talk about the two most important mechanisms: the climate control and the climate management.
In June 2018, 55 years have passed since the first scientific experiment in the history of world science was carried out by cosmonauts on manned "satellite-spacecraft ". This was the first scientific experiment on remote sensing of the Earth from space. Its results confirmed the existence of stratospheric aerosol layers formed due to powerful eruptions of volcanoes. In particular, it was justified that the discovered layers formed during the eruption of the Agung volcano on the Bali island in 1963. The eruptions of Agung volcano in 2017-2018 reminded of the pioneering achievements of Soviet cosmonauts and scientists in the exploration of outer space. Professor Georgy Vladimirovich Rosenberg theoretically substantiated this experiment and ensured the successful processing and objective analysis of space data. The publication is devoted to the 65th anniversary of the M.V.Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences, which provided the ballistic calculations of spacecraft "Vostok-5" and "Vostok-6" and the successful flight of Soviet cosmonauts Valery Fedorovich Bykovsky and Valentina Vladimirovna Nikolayeva- Tereshkova, the first female cosmonaut.
Mathematician-philosopher, academician N.N. Moisees in the middle of the XX-th Century has moved from the geographical concept of "climate" and "environment" to global climate change and sustainable development of the planet and created the scientific basis for studies of the complex climate system of the Earth and the coevolution of nature and society. The scenario of "nuclear winter" is a clear illustration of this under the influence of environmental changes. We are talking about the conjugate problems of ecology, climate, remote sensing and global monitoring of the Earth from space and radiation forcing on the environment and global climate. Only through the conquest of space, development of space research and the international observing systems, as well as parallel supercomputing and big date appeared the prospect of solving such problems for the future of our planet - "Future of the Earth".
We are talking about the national achievements of the world level in theory of radiation transfer in the system atmosphere-oceans and about the modern scientific potential developing in Russia, which adequately provides a methodological basis for theoretical and computational studies of radiation processes and radiation fields in the natural environments with the use of supercomputers and massively parallel processing for problems of remote sensing and the climate of Earth. A model of the radiation field in system "clouds cover the atmosphere-ocean" to the separation of the contributions of clouds, atmosphere and ocean.
60 years ago, on 4 October 1957, the USSR successfully launched into space the FIRST SPUTNIK (artificial Earth satellite). From this date begins the countdown of the space age. Information and mathematical software is an integral component of any space project. Discusses the history and future of space exploration and the role of mathematics and computers. For illustration, presents a large list of publications. It is important to pay attention to the role of mathematics and computer science in space projects and research, remote sensing problems, the evolution of the Earth's environment and climate, where the theory of radiation transfer plays a key role, and the achievements of Russian scientists at the dawn of the space age.
We are talking about russian achievements of the world level in the theory of radiation transfer, taking into account its polarization in natural media and the current scientific potential developing in Russia, which adequately provides the methodological basis for theoretically-calculated research of radiation processes and radiation fields in natural media using supercomputers and mass parallelism. A new version of the matrix transfer operator is proposed for solving problems of polarized radiation transfer in heterogeneous media by the method of influence functions, when deterministic and stochastic methods can be combined.
It is about the development and applications of the theory of radiation transfer in natural environments for theoretical and computational studies of radiation fields in the Arctic region for the benefit of the approach of hyperspectral remote sensing (ERS) of the atmosphere and Earth's surface in the range from UV to the millimeter range of wavelengths. Developed kinetic approach to the modeling of radiation transfer in a heterogeneous environment on the basis of a general boundary value problem for the linearized Boltzmann equation taking into account the multiple scattering and absorption. The transfer operator of the radiation transfer heterogeneous system built by the method of the influence functions. The underlying theory of the transfer operator, built T.A Sushkevich as a fundamental theoretical generalization of various private empirical approaches.
We are talking about the achievements in the theory of radiation transfer in natural environments and in developing the modern Russian scientific potential, which adequately provides the methodological basis of theoretical and computational studies of radiative processes and radiation fields in the Arctic region, using supercomputers and massively parallel. There is no doubt that the solution to such a massive task as the development of the Arctic without prejudice to the planet requires the interdisciplinary research by modeling of “forecasting scenarios” and expertise and international cooperation, including all Arctic countries - Russia, the USA, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden Finland.
In 1966, 50 years ago, in the department «Kinetic equations» of the Department of Applied Mathematics of V. A. Steklov Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences) T. A. Sushkevich - representative of the Moscow scientific school created Professor E. S. Kuznetsov, developed and implemented a global multi-dimensional spherical 4d-model of solar radiation transfer in the Earth's atmosphere in a spherical coordinate system. Nobody in the world has surpassed these results. Proposed spherical 5d-model for modeling the Earth radiation field at a planet scale based on the Boltzmann kinetic equation and deterministic approach.
Multiple scattering and absorption of inclined narrow beam can be obtained in theory of radiation transfer as a generalized solution in the five-dimensional phase domain of spatial and angular variables concerning boundary layer problem for kinetic equation with a mono-directional pointed source on the boundary of the plane layer. This solution is interpreted in wide classes of mathematical physics problems as an influence function and can be found by the spatial-frequency characteristics method with these characteristics being considered as Fourier-transforms of the influence function on horizontal coordinates.
A one-dimensional planar model is considered of the atmosphere with multi-layer clouds illuminated by a mono-directional parallel flux of solar radiation. A new approach is proposed to radiation transfer modeling and daylight bakground formation for the atmosphere with such clouds that is represented as a heterogeneous multi-layer system each layer of which is described by different optical characteristics. The influence functions of each layer are determined by solutions of the radiation transfer boundary problem with an external mono-directional wide flux while the contribution of multiple scattering and absorption in the layer is taking into account.
Boundary-value problem of radiation transfer in optically thick layers is considered while describing ocean, cloudiness, aerosol particle outbreaks, dust traces and other specific effects resulted from large fires (forest, peat-lands, in steppe regions, anthropogenic). Space and angular distributions of radiation in view of polarization and depolarization inside the relevant layer of these media as well as reflected and passed through the layer radiation are formed as a result of multiple scattering and absorption.
A more detailed modeling of interactions between the solar radiation and smoke medium and also of mechanisms of radiative transfer between air and smoke media is required. One-dimensional models of solar-radiation transfer in the atmosphere-smoke system (SAS), i.e. atmosphere with admixtures that arose under the effect of large scale fires (forest, peat, industrial) and lead to forming extending smoke screen, are being developed by us on the basis of two approaches. In one model, calculations are performed by the iteration method of characteristics ofr a two-medium SAS: underlying layer - smoke screen, upper layer- atmosphere. The second model uses the optical transfer operator (OTO) to express the SAS radiation through the influence functions (IFs) of the atmosphere and smoke.
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