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Another additional factor resulting in observing of the false absorption frequencies is disordered (or ordered) packing for the substance. In THz range of frequencies, the most part of the packing is a disordered photonic structure and developing of the strategy to avoid its influence on the efficiency of detection and identification of substance is a key problem. We discuss once more approach for solving this problem in this paper.
We demonstrate also high effectiveness of using IR Camera for the detection of objects hidden under the clothes. With this aim one needs to realize gradient of temperature along a travel line of a person.
For increasing of image quality we propose changing the temperature mode in a room where the detection of an object is provided. Using the temperature contrast between various rooms, in which sequentially a person is, one can essentially enhance the observability of an object hidden under clothes during about 5 minutes time interval, at least. We show that it is possible to see banknote (and other objects) concealed on the human body. It means enhancing many times of temperature resolution of IR camera.
Consideration is based on computer simulation of the laser pulse propagation with taking into account a self- and cross- modulation of interacting waves, and their SOD, and phase mismatching. Observed sub-pulse formation can be used for generation of sequence of attosecond pulses with soliton or soliton-like shape.
Obviously, one of these generation processes occurs with a big phase mismatching. We investigate comb generation efficiency in a dependence of the phase mismatching between interacting waves and other parameters. As a result, we observe various regimes of comb generation. It should be emphasized that we find out the generation regime with synchronic changing of the maximal intensities of all waves. At the same time, shape of the appearing sub-pulses at these frequencies are similar to Gaussian one.
Our consideration is based on computer simulation with taking into account the SOD, phase mismatching, selfand cross-modulation for interacting waves.
We discuss one more possibility to remove noise from background of the image as well as possibility of the image decomposition and its reconstruction.
We propose also new method for the substance identification by using the THz pulse frequency up-conversion and discuss an application of the cascade mechanism of molecules high energy levels excitation for the substance identification.
Below we continue a possibility of IR camera using for a detection of temperature trace on a human body. In contrast to passive THz camera using, the IR camera does not allow to see very pronounced the object under clothing. Of course, this is a big disadvantage for a security problem solution based on the IR camera using. To find possible ways for this disadvantage overcoming we make some experiments with IR camera, produced by FLIR Company and develop novel approach for computer processing of images captured by IR camera. It allows us to increase a temperature resolution of IR camera as well as human year effective susceptibility enhancing. As a consequence of this, a possibility for seeing of a human body temperature changing through clothing appears.
We analyze IR images of a person, which drinks water and eats chocolate. We follow a temperature trace on human body skin, caused by changing of temperature inside the human body. Some experiments are made with observing of temperature trace from objects placed behind think overall. Demonstrated results are very important for the detection of forbidden objects, concealed inside the human body, by using non-destructive control without using X-rays.
We carry out computer simulation of a few-cycle electromagnetic pulse interaction with a substance exhibiting nonlinear non-instantaneous response. An influence of the pulse duration and polarization relaxation rate on the pulse interaction with an uncovered medium and with a medium, which is covered by a linear disordered structure, is investigated. We demonstrate that the spectra of reflected or transmitted pulses may comprise multiple additional spectral lines, caused by various transitions between energy levels of molecules. The spectral intensity of these energy level transitions is affected by the pulse duration and the effective time of interaction which depends on polarization relaxation rate as well as the medium layer thickness.
We analyze IR images of a person, which drinks water. We follow a temperature trace on human body skin, caused by changing of temperature inside the human body. Some experiments were made with measurements of a body temperature covered by shirt. We try to see a human body temperature changing in physical experiments under consideration. Shown phenomena are very important for the detection of forbidden objects, cancelled under clothes or inside the human body, by using non-destructive control without using X-rays.
Influence of nanorod absorption spectrum width on superluminality effect for laser pulse propagation
We use a computer code that is available for treatment of the images captured by commercially available IR camera, manufactured by Flir Corp. Using this code we demonstrate clearly changing of human body skin temperature induced by water drinking. Nevertheless, in some cases it is necessary to use additional computer processing to show clearly changing of human body temperature. One of these approaches is developed by us. We believe that we increase ten times (or more) the temperature resolution of such camera.
Carried out experiments can be used for solving the counter-terrorism problem and for medicine problems solving. Shown phenomenon is very important for the detection of forbidden objects and substances concealed inside the human body using non-destructive control without X-ray application. Early we have demonstrated such possibility using THz radiation.
We developed new real-time algorithm, based on the correlation function, for the detection of cancelled objects by using computer processing of the passive THz images without their viewing. This algorithm allows us to make a conclusion about presence of forbidden objects on the human body. To see this object with high quality we propose one more algorithm which allows to increase the image quality. Current approach for computer processing of the THz images differs from approaches developed by us early.
We apply new algorithms with success to the images captured by passive THz camera TS4 manufactured by ThruVision Inc. The distance between the camera and person is changed from 4 to 10 metres.
For computer simulation of a problem under consideration, a new finite-difference scheme is proposed. The main feature of proposed method consists in constructed two-step iteration process. We pay a special attention for calculation of initial functions distributions. For their calculation we solve the set of 2D stationary partial differential equations by using additional iteration process that is similar to the iteration process, applied for the main problem solution.
We have shown, in particular, an existence of bistable mode for energy conversion from pump waves to signal wave under certain conditions. In general case, there are greater than 10 various modes of four-wave interaction. Knowledge about these modes is very important for spectroscopic experiment results understanding using four-waves mixing because its result depends on them in a strong way. Analytical solution and developed modes can explain complicated regime of four-wave interaction which may appear at high intensity of interacting waves.
We develop an analytical solution of the corresponding nonlinear eigenfunction problem for laser pulse propagation in medium with nonlinear absorption. This solution is confirmed by computer simulation of the eigenfunction problem for Schrödinger equation with considered nonlinearity.
This mode of laser pulse propagation is very important for powerful TW laser pulse propagating in glass.
We show a possibility of temperature trace on human body skin, caused by changing of temperature inside the human body due to water drinking. We use as a computer code that is available for treatment of images captured by commercially available IR camera, manufactured by Flir Corp., as well as our developed computer code for computer processing of these images. Using both codes we demonstrate clearly changing of human body skin temperature induced by water drinking.
Shown phenomena are very important for the detection of forbidden samples and substances concealed inside the human body using non-destructive control without X-rays using. Early we have demonstrated such possibility using THz radiation. Carried out experiments can be used for counter-terrorism problem solving.
We developed original filters for computer processing of images captured by IR cameras. Their applications for computer processing of images results in a temperature resolution enhancing of cameras.
Self-similar pulse-shape mode for femtosecond pulse propagation in medium with resonant nonlinearity