KEYWORDS: Target detection, Atrial fibrillation, Radar, Signal detection, Signal processing, Sensors, Data modeling, Interference (communication), Laser range finders, Gadolinium
The radar detection of targets in the presence of sea clutter has relied upon the radial velocity of targets with respect to
the radar platform either by exploiting the relative target Doppler frequency (for targets with sufficient radial velocity) or
by discerning the paths targets traverse from scan to scan. For targets with little to no rapid velocity component, though,
it can become quite difficult to differentiate targets from the surrounding sea clutter. The present paper addresses the detection
of slow-moving targets in sea clutter using the high resolution radar (HRR) based on the generalized detector
(GD) constructed in accordance with the generalized approach to signal processing (GASP) in noise such that the target
has perceptible extent in range. Under the assumption of completely random sea clutter spikes based on a ε-contaminated
mixture model with the signal and clutter powers known, the best detection performance results from using the GD
and is compared with that of the likelihood ratio test (LRT GD). For realistic sea clutter, the clutter spikes tend to be a localized
phenomenon. Based upon observations from real radar data measurements, a heuristic approach exploiting a salient
aspect of the idealized GD is developed which is shown to perform well and possesses superiority over the LRT GD
performance when applied to real measure sea clutter.
The parametric Rao test for multichannel adaptive signal detection by the adaptive generalized detector (GD) constructed
based on the generalized approach to signal processing in noise is derived by modeling the disturbance signal as a multichannel
autoregressive process. The parametric Rao test takes a form identical to that of parametric GD for space-time
adaptive processing in airborne surveillance radar systems and other similar applications. The equivalence offers new insights
into the performance and implementation of the GD. Specifically, the Rao/GD is asymptotically (in the case of large
samples) a parametric generalized likelihood ratio test generalized detector (GLRT GD) due to an asymptotic equivalentce
between the Rao test and the GLRT/GD. The asymptotic distribution of the Rao/GD test statistic is obtained in closed
form, which follows an exponential distribution under the null hypothesis (the target return signal is absent) and, respectively,
a non-central Chi-squared distribution with two degrees of freedom under the alternative hypothesis (the target
return signal is present). The noncentrality parameter of the noncentral Chi-squared distribution is determined by the output
signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio of a temporal whitening filter. Since the asymptotic distribution under the null
hypothesis is independent of the unknown parameters, the Rao/GD asymptotically achieves constant false alarm rate
(CFAR) GD. Numerical results show that these results are superior in predicting the performance of the parametric adaptive
matched filter detector even with moderate data support.
KEYWORDS: Atrial fibrillation, Pulse shaping, Signal processing, Wireless communications, Telecommunications, Receivers, Sensors, Interference (communication), Systems modeling, Monte Carlo methods
Probability of bit-error Per performance of asynchronous direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) wireless
communication systems employing the generalized detector (GD) constructed based on the generalized approach
to signal processing in noise is analyzed. The effects of pulse shaping, quadriphase or direct sequence quadriphase shift
keying (DS-QPSK) spreading, aperiodic spreading sequences are considered in DS-CDMA based on GD and compared
with the coherent Neyman-Pearson receiver. An exact Per expression and several approximations: one using the characterristic
function method, a simplified expression for the improved Gaussian approximation (IGA) and the simplified improved
Gaussian approximation are derived. Under conditions typically satisfied in practice and even with a small number
of interferers, the standard Gaussian approximation (SGA) for the multiple-access interference component of the GD
statistic and Per performance is shown to be accurate. Moreover, the IGA is shown to reduce to the SGA for pulses with
zero excess bandwidth. Second, the GD Per performance of quadriphase DS-CDMA is shown to be superior to that of bi-phase
DS-CDMA. Numerical examples by Monte Carlo simulation are presented to illustrate the GD Per performance for
square-root raised-cosine pulses and spreading factors of moderate to large values. Also, a superiority of GD employment
in CDMA systems over the Neyman-Pearson receiver is demonstrated
We consider a problem of detecting a random spatially distributed signal source by an array of sensors based on the generalized
approach to signal processing in noise. We derive some generalized detector (GD) structures under several assumptions
on the available statistics. The GD performance is evaluated and the effect of source angular spread is investigated.
We notice the degrees of freedom of detection statistic distributions depend on both the signal angular spread and
the number of data snapshots. At high signal-to-noise ratio and with small degrees of freedom, an increase of angular
spread improves the detection performance. With large degrees of freedom the increase of angular spread reduces the detection
performance. A comparison between GD and conventional beamformer is carried out by computer simulations.
The results indicate a superiority of GD as the angular spread becomes large over the conventional beamformer detector.
KEYWORDS: Atrial fibrillation, Target detection, Sensors, Radar, Signal processing, Signal to noise ratio, Scattering, Signal detection, Interference (communication), Environmental sensing
In this paper, we address an adaptive detection of range-spread targets or targets embedded in Gaussian noise with unknown
covariance matrix by the generalized detector (GD) based on the generalized approach to signal processing
(GASP) in noise. We assume that cells or secondary data that are free of signal components are available. Those secondary
data are supposed to process either the same covariance matrix or the same structure of the covariance matrix of the
cells under test. In this context, under designing GD we use a two-step procedure. The criteria lead to receivers ensuring
the constant false alarm rate (CFAR) property with respect to unknown quantities. A thorough performance assessment
of the proposed detection strategies highlights that the two-step design procedure of decision-making rule in accordance
with GASP is to be preferred with respect to the plain one. In fact, the proposed design procedure leads to GD that achieves
significant improvement in detection performance under several situation of practical interest. For estimation purposes,
we resort to a set of secondary data. In addition to the classical homogeneous scenario, we consider the case wherein
the power value of primary and secondary data vectors is not the same. The design of adaptive detection algorithms based
on GASP in the case of mismatch is a problem of primary concern for radar applications. We demonstrate that two-step
design procedure based on GASP ensures minimal loss.
KEYWORDS: Atrial fibrillation, Interference (communication), Signal processing, Receivers, Signal detection, Sensors, Statistical analysis, Monte Carlo methods, Signal to noise ratio, Signal attenuation
In this paper, we consider the problem of M-ary signal detection based on the generalized approach to signal processing
(GASP) in noise over a single-input multiple-output (SIMO) channel affected by frequency-dispersive Rayleigh distributed
fading and corrupted by additive non-Gaussian noise modeled as spherically invariant random process. We derive
both the optimum generalized detector (GD) structure based on GASP and a suboptimal reduced-complexity GD applying
the low energy coherence approach jointly with the GASP in noise. Both GD structures are independent of the actual
noise statistics. We also carry out a performance analysis of both GDs and compare with the conventional receivers. The
performance analysis is carried out with reference to the case that the channel is affected by a frequency-selective fading
and for a binary frequency-shift keying (BFSK) signaling format. The results obtained through both a Chernoff-bounding
technique and Monte Carlo simulations reveal that the adoption of diversity also represents a suitable means to restore
performance in the presence of dispersive fading and impulsive non-Gaussian noise. It is also shown that the suboptimal
GD incurs a limited loss with respect to the optimum GD and this loss is less in comparison with the conventional receiver.
We consider the problem of waveform design for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar systems employing the
generalized detector that is constructed based on the generalized approach to signal processing in noise. We investigate
the case of an extended target and without limiting ourselves to orthogonal waveforms. Instead, we develop a procedure
to design the optimal waveform that maximizes the signal-to-interference plus-noise ratio (SINR) at the generalized detector
output. The optimal waveform requires a knowledge of both target and clutter statistics. We also develop several
suboptimal waveforms requiring knowledge of target statistics only, clutter statistics only, or both. Thus, the transmit
waveforms are adjusted based on target and clutter statistics. A model for the radar returns that incorporates the transmit
waveforms is developed. The target detection problem is formulated for that model. Optimal and suboptimal algorithms
are derived for designing the transmit waveforms under different assumptions regarding the statistical information available
to the generalized detector. The performance of these algorithms is illustrated by computer simulation.
In this paper, we consider the problem of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radars employing the generalized detector
based on the generalized approach to signal processing in noise and using the space-time coding to achieve desired
diversity. To that end, we derive a suitable generalized detector structure after briefly outlining the model of the received
target return signal. The generalized detector performance is expressed in closed form as a function of the clutter statistical
properties and of the space-time code matrix. We investigate a particular case when the generalized detector requires
a priori knowledge of the clutter covariance, i.e., the decision statistics, under the null hypothesis of no target, is an ancillary
statistic, in the sense that it depends on the actual clutter covariance matrix, but its probability density function (pdf)
is functionally independent of such a matrix. Therefore, threshold setting is feasible with no a priori knowledge as to the
clutter power spectrum. As to the detection performance, a general integral form of the detection probability is provided,
holding independent of the target fluctuation model. The formula is not analytically manageable, nor does it appear to
admit general approximate expressions, which allow giving an insightful look in the system behavior. We thus restrict
our attention to the case of Rayleigh-distributed target attenuation (Swerling-1 model). To code construction we use an
information-theoretic approach. This approach offers a methodological framework for space-time coding in MIMO radar
systems, as well as simple and intuitive bounds for performance prediction.
A novel viewpoint based on the generalized approach to signal processing in the presence of noise and devoted to the collision
resolution problem is introduced in this paper for wireless slotted random access sensor networks. Signal separation principles borrowed from signal processing problems are used. The received collided packets are not discarded in this approach but are exploited to extract each individual sensor node packet information. In particular, if k sensor nodes collide in a given time slot, they repeat their transmission for a total of k times so that k copies of the collided packets are received. Then the receiver has to resolve a k x k source-mixing problem and separate each individual sensor node. The generalized receiver does not introduce throughput penalties since it requires only k slots to transmit k colliding packets. In
the course of analysis, we consider four channels models: ideal additive white Gaussian noise channel, in which the i-th sensor node’s gain is a deterministic but unknown constant; non-fading channel with power control but arbitrary phase, in which the amplitude of the i-th sensor node’s gain is constant (may be unknown), whereas the phase is random and uniformly distributed within the limits of the interval [0,2π]; Rayleigh fading channel, in which the phase is uniformly distributed within the limits of the interval [0,2π], whereas the amplitude is distributed with the parameter, σA and the amplitude and phase are independent; Rician fading channel, in which the phase is uniformly distributed within the limits of the interval [0,2π], whereas the amplitude is Rician distributed with the parameter A and σA and the amplitude and phase are independent. Performance issues that are related to the implementation of the collision detection algorithm based on the generalized approach to signal processing in the presence of noise demonstrate a great superiority in comparison with well-known methods. The protocol’s parameters are optimized to maximize the system throughput. Under the use of the generalized approach to signal processing in the presence of noise, the system throughput is higher in comparison with modern methods and algorithms.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Target detection, Signal detection, Signal to noise ratio, Radar, Analog electronics, Signal attenuation, Land mines, Interference (communication), Quantum efficiency
This article is devoted to a study of the power signal-to- noise ratio at the output of the generalized detector with the digital threshold device during radar scanning with the purpose of detecting the mines and minelike targets in deep water. The miens and minelike targets in deep water are considered as the targets with fluctuating parameters. Theoretical and experimental investigations of the generalized detector with the digital threshold device used in mine and minelike target detection system allows us to make the statement that the fluctuating parameters of the mines and minelike targets do not lead to power signal-to- noise ratio loses at the output of the generalized detector with the digital threshold device, if the number of target return signals within the limits of the beamwidth during radar scanning is very high. Whenthe number of the target return signals within the limits of the beamwidth during radar scanning is varied from 10 to 100, the power signal- to-noise ratio losses at the output of the generalized detector with the digital threshold device are approximately equal to 0.5 dB in comparison with the case of nonfluctuating parameters of the target return signals. These power signal-to-noise ratio loses at the output of the generalized detector with the digital threshold device are caused by fluctuations of parameters of the target return signals from target return signal to target return signal during radar scanning. The optimal value of the digital threshold of the generalized detector depends on the number of target return signals within the limits of the beam width during radar scanning. If the fluctuations of the parameters of the target return signals form target return signal to target return signal during radar scanning exist, the optimal value of the digital threshold is less than that in the case of nonfluctuating parameters of the target return signals. The use of the generalized detector with the digital threshold device in the mine and minelike target detection system allows us to obtain a larger number of better detection performances of the mines and minelike targets in deep water in comparison with modern optimal signal processing algorithms.
KEYWORDS: Signal detection, Sensors, Signal processing, Interference (communication), Statistical modeling, Signal to noise ratio, Statistical analysis, Systems modeling, Switches, Detection theory
This article is devoted to the experimental study of the generalized detector and comparison with the optimal detectors of classical and modern signal detection theories. Experimental investigations are carried out under the power signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) equal to 15.92 dB and 0.96 dB at the inputs of detectors. The signal is clearly detected by the generalized detector. But 0.96 dB is the region of the failure to detect signals by the optimal detectors. New features of signal detection, determination and estimation of the signal parameters using the generalized detector are discussed. Main functioning principles of the generalized detector are discussed. The purpose of the correlation and autocorrelation channels of the generalized detector is defined. The practical recommendations for employment of the generalized detector in various complex signal processing systems are discussed.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Signal to noise ratio, Signal detection, Signal processing, Signal attenuation, Analog electronics, Interference (communication), Quantization, Land mines, Target detection
This article concerns the problems of using the polarity coincidence generalized detector for detection of deep water mines and mine-like targets. The power signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the polarity coincidence generalized detector is determined under conditions that the power signal-to-noise ratio at the input is significantly below unit. The power signal-to-noise ratio losses at the output of the polarity coincidence generalized detector arising in consequence of clipping, sampling and amplitude quantization are determined as a function of the spectrum bandwidth of the signal at the detector input and sampling rate under three various energy spectrums of the input signals. Comparative analysis between the polarity coincidence generalized detector and detectors constructed in accordance with the optimum algorithms of classical and modern signal detection theories is carried out. Results of the comparative analysis demonstrate the superiority of the generalized detector over the correlation detector.
KEYWORDS: Receivers, Interference (communication), Signal processing, Signal to noise ratio, Signal detection, Target detection, Radar, Land mines, Radar signal processing, Signal attenuation
In deciding on a radar processing algorithms for detection systems of mines and minelike targets the essential attention is given to the problem of resolution and precision of these systems. The corresponding signal-to-noise ratio is determined for the high quality detection and accuracy of measurements. In this event the problem of signal amplitude precision that is very important for many other cases is not considered as usually. This article concerns to the problems of determination of information losses for detectors constructed in accordance with the generalized approach to signal processing. The information losses are an effect of interferences. The relation between the information losses and the ambiguity Woodward function is determined. Results of experimental researches for the generalized receiver are presented.
The method of estimation of the correlation functions of processes at the outputs of the optimal and generalized detectors is proposed. The time interval for the input stochastic process is bounded. Proposed method allows to determine the detection characteristics of the optimal and generalized detectors more carefully. Using the proposed method of the correlation function estimation we can make a prediction about the probability of detection with the great accuracy both for the optimal detector and for the generalized detector taking into consideration the signal base. In line with the proposed method of the estimation of correlation functions the probability distribution density of the background noise at the output of the generalized detector is determined more exactly. There is a correlation between the parameters of the probability distribution density of the background noise at the output of the generalized detector and the signal base. This correlation exerts the essential action the detection characteristics that is very important in practice.
Questions of detector synthesis based on the generalized signal processing algorithm for signals with random initial phase are considered. Variance and variance estimation of total noise component at the generalized detector output under the finite time interval [0, T] are determined. Comparative analysis of detection characteristics of the optimal and generali detectors is carried out. Investigation avenues to stabilization of detection characteristics under employment of the generalized detector independent of signal random parameters based on phase tracking system have been proposed.
KEYWORDS: Statistical analysis, Signal detection, Stochastic processes, Detection and tracking algorithms, Signal processing, Sensors, Interference (communication), Signal to noise ratio, Amplifiers, Correlation function
Questions of detector synthesis based on the generalized signal processing algorithm for signals with stochastic parameters are considered. Variance and variance estimation of total noise component at the generalized detector output under finite time interval are determined. Comparative analysis of detection characteristics of the optimal and generalized detectors is carried out. Investigation avenues to stabilization of detection characteristics under employment of the generalized detector independent of signal random parameters based on amplitude and phase tracking systems have been proposed.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Signal processing, Signal detection, Stochastic processes, Interference (communication), Detection and tracking algorithms, Signal to noise ratio, Signal generators, Land mines, Target detection
The questions of detector synthesis on the basis of the generalized signal processing algorithm in detection systems for mines and minelike targets are considered. The sensitivity to changing in the internal noise variance relative to the calculated variance and the probability of error for analog-to-digital conversion of input random process are investigated for the generalized and optimal detectors in digital detection systems for mines and minelike targets.
KEYWORDS: Signal processing, Signal detection, Sensors, Interference (communication), Detection and tracking algorithms, Visualization, Statistical modeling, Visual process modeling, Signal to noise ratio, Signal generators
The comparative analysis of experimental results of the optimal detector synthesized on the basis of the generalized signal detection algorithm is accomplished. Signal detection criterions by the generalized detector are defined. A greater informativeness of the generalized detector in comparison with the optimal one is marked.
KEYWORDS: Signal processing, Signal detection, Detection and tracking algorithms, Sensors, Algorithms, Detection theory, Interference (communication), Neodymium, Statistical analysis, Signal generators
Modifying of the initial prerequisites of the classical detection theory allows to synthesize the generalized signal detection algorithm. The optimal signal detection algorithms with a priori known and unknown amplitude-phase structure are particular cases of the generalized algorithm.
KEYWORDS: Signal processing, Interference (communication), Signal detection, Sensors, Signal to noise ratio, Detection and tracking algorithms, Video, Ions, Video processing, Electronic filtering
It is reported on the generalized methodology of signal detection in noise which is based on a comparison of statistical parameters of observation sample from region Z of frequency-time noise space where a signal may be present, and observation sample from region Z* of this noise space and it is known a priori about the latter that the signal is absent in this region.
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