18 April 2021 Online tender X-ray spectrometer for X-ray FELs (TXS): the first experience
Pavle Juranic, Jens Rehanek, Rasmus Ischebeck, Christopher J. Milne, Yunieski Arbelo Pena, Claudio Cirelli, Camila Bacellar, Karol Nass, Aldo Mozzanica, David Mueller, Dmitry Ozerov
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The stochastic nature of the self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) process in hard x-ray free electron laser (FEL) photon pulse generation often requires online spectral monitoring on a pulse-to-pulse basis. Experimenters and machine operators use the spectral information to better understand their data and guide the experiment, or to optimize the machine parameters through feedbacks to achieve a desired stability. Even experiments that use monochromators benefit from online spectral measurements as it allows the FEL operators to use machine feedbacks on the generated spectra so that the light would not jitter too far out of the monochromator’s acceptance bandwidth. Online spectrometers have existed for several years in several facilities like LCLS, SACLA, and SwissFEL, and have mostly been used to characterize hard x-rays at photon energies typically above 4 keV. This abstract presents ongoing work on the development of the online tender x-ray spectrometer (TXS)], meant to cover the energy range between 2000 and 4000 eV and fill a gap for online spectral measurements at SwissFEL.
Conference Presentation
© (2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Pavle Juranic, Jens Rehanek, Rasmus Ischebeck, Christopher J. Milne, Yunieski Arbelo Pena, Claudio Cirelli, Camila Bacellar, Karol Nass, Aldo Mozzanica, David Mueller, and Dmitry Ozerov "Online tender X-ray spectrometer for X-ray FELs (TXS): the first experience", Proc. SPIE 11776, EUV and X-ray Optics, Sources, and Instrumentation, 117760Q (18 April 2021);
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