8 February 2010 Array set addressing: making the world safe for hexagonal imaging
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Proceedings Volume 7532, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems VIII; 75320D (2010)
Event: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2010, San Jose, California, United States
It has been shown through various research efforts over the past few decades that there are numerous advantages to sampling images hexagonally rather than rectangularly. Despite the advantages, hexagonal imaging has not been generally accepted as being advantageous due to the lack of sensors that sample hexagonally, lack of displays for hexagonal images, and lack of an elegant addressing scheme. The advantages gained by sampling hexagonally are offset by the additional processing required to deal with the problems that are inherent with the previously proposed addressing schemes. Hence, there is insufficient motivation to develop sensors and displays that operate in the hexagonal domain. This paper introduces an addressing scheme, array set addressing, that solves the problems exhibited by other approaches. This new approach represents the hexagonal grid with a pair of rectangular arrays, supporting efficient linear algebra and image processing manipulation. Early results have shown that image processing techniques such as convolution, downsampling, calculating Euclidean distances, and vector arithmetic can be done with no more complexity than is required for processing rectangularly sampled images.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nicholas I. Rummelt and Joseph N. Wilson "Array set addressing: making the world safe for hexagonal imaging", Proc. SPIE 7532, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems VIII, 75320D (8 February 2010); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Image processing

Linear algebra


3D image processing

Imaging arrays

Vector spaces

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