29 November 2012 Chaotic characteristic in the BEC system of a 1D tilted optical superlattice potential with attractive interaction
Zhiying Zhang, Xiuqin Feng, Zhihai Yao, Shen Yang, Zuolin Tian
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The chaotic dynamic characteristic in Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) system of a 1D tilted optical superlattice potential with attractive interaction is investigated in this paper. The spatial evolution of chaos was shown numerically by resolving Gross-Pitaevskii (G-P) equation for the system with the fourth Runge-Kutta(RK) algorithm. Numerical analysis reveals that as the tilt or the amplitude of the optical superlattice potential is increased the chaos in the BEC system increases. These elements make the chaotic system more unstable and the phase-space orbit becomes more chaotic. The chaotic system can be effectively controlled to a stable periodic orbit through adjusting the amplitude of the optical superlattice potential and initial condition. Controlling chaos can also be realized by spatial constant bias in the BEC system of a 1D tilted optical superlattice potential with attractive interaction. Phase orbits are suppressed gradually then the chaotic states of the BEC system are converted into period one through quais-period.
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Zhiying Zhang, Xiuqin Feng, Zhihai Yao, Shen Yang, and Zuolin Tian "Chaotic characteristic in the BEC system of a 1D tilted optical superlattice potential with attractive interaction", Proc. SPIE 8554, Quantum and Nonlinear Optics II, 85541A (29 November 2012);
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Complex systems

Control systems


Ordinary differential equations

Numerical analysis

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