30 March 2023 Multi-focal structured illumination microscopy for deeper penetration superresolution imaging
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We developed an adaptive optics based multifocal structured illumination microscopy system (AO-MSIM) for deep penetration, superresolution imaging. A spatial light modulator was used to generate a multi-focus excitation lattice, and multi-focus structured illumination imaging is achieved by stacking the phase of the grating. Based on the detected wavefront information, a spatial light modulator and a deformable mirror were used to correct the aberrations of excitation and emission paths respectively. By using pixel relocation and deconvolution image reconstruction algorithm, spatial resolution of ~150nm was achieved at an imaging depth of 500μm. The applications of AO-MSIM technology in imaging thick brain tissue samples will be demonstrated.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Junle Qu "Multi-focal structured illumination microscopy for deeper penetration superresolution imaging", Proc. SPIE PC12390, High-Speed Biomedical Imaging and Spectroscopy VIII, PC1239001 (30 March 2023);

Super resolution

Adaptive optics

Imaging systems

Image restoration


Reconstruction algorithms

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