19 July 2023 Implementation of a universal fine-structure eraser for quantum dots
Maeve Wentland, Sonell Malik, Andreas Fognini, Val Zwiller, Dan Dalacu, Philip Poole, Michael E. Reimer
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Entangled photons are an important resource for quantum optics. Quantum dots are a source of on-demand and highly entangled photon pairs at a high repetition rate. However, fine structure splitting (FSS) in the biexciton-exciton cascade causes the photons to be emitted in a time-dependant state instead of an ideal Bell state. Current techniques to remove the FSS include applying a strain, electric, or magnetic field and require post-processing of the quantum dots which reduces device yield. We use a novel all-optical approach implemented by emulating a fast-rotating half-wave plate in a Lithium Niobate waveguide using a electro-optic modulator. This method allows us to frequency shift single photons and produce a time-independant entangled photon.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Maeve Wentland, Sonell Malik, Andreas Fognini, Val Zwiller, Dan Dalacu, Philip Poole, and Michael E. Reimer "Implementation of a universal fine-structure eraser for quantum dots", Proc. SPIE PC12633, Photonics for Quantum 2023, PC126330N (19 July 2023);

Semiconductor quantum dots

Quantum entanglement

Quantum sources

Electro optics


Quantum dots

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