Open Access
1 July 2013 Mode-locked 2-μm wavelength fiber laser using a graphene-saturable absorber
Marc Currie, Travis J. Anderson, Virginia D. Wheeler, Luke O. Nyakiti, Nelson Y. Garces, Rachael L. Myers-Ward, Charles R. Eddy Jr., Fritz J. Kub, D. Kurt Gaskill
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Soliton-like pulses with a 1984-nm center wavelength are produced from a Tm-doped mode-locked fiber laser. The linear cavity has a graphene saturable absorber mirror at one end and a fiber Bragg grating as the output coupler. The laser operates without dispersion compensation, and the repetition rate was tuned from 20 to 5 MHz by the addition of SMF-28 fiber. The dry transfer process used to place the graphene on a mirror could be extended to any optical substrate. This enables integration of graphene with optics such as an optical window coated with a graphene filter or a graphene-saturable absorber placed directly on a semiconductor laser facet.
CC BY: © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
Marc Currie, Travis J. Anderson, Virginia D. Wheeler, Luke O. Nyakiti, Nelson Y. Garces, Rachael L. Myers-Ward, Charles R. Eddy Jr., Fritz J. Kub, and D. Kurt Gaskill "Mode-locked 2-μm wavelength fiber laser using a graphene-saturable absorber," Optical Engineering 52(7), 076101 (1 July 2013).
Published: 1 July 2013 Logo
Cited by 7 scholarly publications.

Fiber lasers

Mode locking


Fiber Bragg gratings

Silicon carbide


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