Student Optical Design Challenge

The application period for the the 2019 Optical Design Challenge is now closed. See the winning papers and posters from the Student Optical Design Challenge at SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 below.

Learn more about SPIE's AR VR MR conference.

Student Optical Design Challenge

About the Challenge

The 2019 SPIE Student Optical Design Challenge is aimed at improving multiple aspects of the optics in head-mounted displays (HMD), in either smart glasses, AR, MR, or VR forms. Over $50,000 in prizes available, and the challenge is open to any full time student registered at an academic or research institute, performing their work either in an academic lab, a research institute, or at an internship in an external company. Applicants have a choice of working on any optical system, sub-system, or even technological building block to enhance AR, VR, or MR experience in an HMD device.


The winning papers and posters from the Student Optical Design Challenge at SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 are listed below. Read the rest of the papers from the DOID Student Optical Design Challenge for VR/AR and MR poster session as well.

First Place Winners:

Ultrathin full color visor with large field of view based on multilayered metasurface design

by Ori Avayu, Ran Ditcovski, Tal Ellenbogen (Israel)

Mitigating vergence-accommodation conflict for near-eye displays via deformable beamsplitters

by David Dunn, Praneeth Chakravarthula, Qian Dong, Henry Fuchs (USA)

Polarization-dependent metasurfaces for 2D/3D switchable displays

by Zhujun Shi, Federico Capasso (USA)

Second Place Winners:

Compact see-through AR system using buried imaging fiber bundles

by S. Thiele, P. Geser, H. Giessen, Alois M. Herkommer (Germany)

High-resolution head mounted display using stacked LCDs and birefringent lens

by Shuaishuai Zhu, Peng Jin, Wei Qiao, Liang Gao (China and USA)

Ultrathin optical combiner with microstructure mirrors in augmented realitys

by Miaomiao Xu, Hong Hua (USA)

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