18 August 2005 Evaluation of segmented and brazed mirror assemblies
David A. Bath, David Spain, Eric Ness, Steve Williams, Michel Bougoin
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Direct Sintered Silicon Carbide (SSiC) is a promising material for mirror optics due to its low density, high stiffness and high thermal stability. In order to make large mirror optics (over 1 meter diameter), processing limitations to create monolithic structures of this size class require that smaller segments need to be fabricated and then joined in a post sintering operation. Fabrication of segmented &nullset;300mm lightweighted concave mirrors to demonstrate different fabrication methods is presented here. The mirrors are comprised of 6 radial segments joined by means of silicon braze technology and are coated with a SSiC Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) layer for improved surface finish to reduce straylight scatter. Evaluation of conventional pitch lap polishing of brazed and coated optic surfaces has shown no degradation to surface figure and surface roughness.
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David A. Bath, David Spain, Eric Ness, Steve Williams, and Michel Bougoin "Evaluation of segmented and brazed mirror assemblies", Proc. SPIE 5868, Optical Materials and Structures Technologies II, 586805 (18 August 2005); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.
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Chemical vapor deposition


Surface finishing


Silicon carbide


Diamond machining


SiC coatings on RB SiC mirrors for ultrasmooth surfaces
Proceedings of SPIE (December 06 1993)
Surface quality of x ray mirrors evaluated at the advanced...
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CVD Replication For Optics Applications
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Proceedings of SPIE (March 26 1992)
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Proceedings of SPIE (February 18 2011)

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