5 October 2015 Laser processing of metamaterial structures (Presentation Recording)
Alberto Piqué, Nicholas A. Charipar, Heungsoo Kim, Eric Breckenfeld, Scott A. Mathews
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The use of metamaterials structures has been the subject of extensive discussions given their wide range of applications. However, a large fraction of the work available to date has been limited to simulations and proof-of-principle demonstrations. One reason for the limited success inserting these structures into functioning systems and real-world applications is the high level of complexity involved in their fabrication. Direct-write processes are ideally suited for the fabrication of arbitrary periodic and aperiodic structures found in most metamaterial and plasmonic designs. For these applications, laser-based processes offer numerous advantages since they can be applied to virtually any surface over a wide range of scales. Furthermore, laser direct-write or LDW allows the precise deposition and/or removal of material thus enabling the fabrication of novel metamaterial designs. This presentation will show examples of metamaterial and plasmonic structures developed at the Naval Research Lab using LDW, and discuss the benefits of laser processing for these applications. This work was sponsored by The Office of Naval Research.
Conference Presentation
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alberto Piqué, Nicholas A. Charipar, Heungsoo Kim, Eric Breckenfeld, and Scott A. Mathews "Laser processing of metamaterial structures (Presentation Recording)", Proc. SPIE 9544, Metamaterials, Metadevices, and Metasystems 2015, 95441M (5 October 2015);

Laser processing


Laser applications

Laser development

Current controlled current source


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