Dr. Thomas M. Cantey
SPIE Involvement:
Author | Science Fair Judge
Area of Expertise:
Mid-IR lasers , Supercontinuum generation , opto-mechanical design , Biofluorescence , Solar simulator , cryogenic vacuum design and operation
Profile Summary

Dr. Cantey was a scientist at Optical Sciences Corporation for 16 years. He primarily won and led several successful Phase I and Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) projects relating to new infrared sources, lasers, and advanced optical technologies for the defense Test and Evaluation community. He has extensive experience in Hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) simulations for the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (AMRDEC). Significant research activities included mid-infrared lasers and infrared supercontinuum generation for the simulation of high apparent temperature blackbody radiation.

He also serves as the CEO and Chairman of the Board of the Huntsville Electro-Optical Society (HEOS), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit professional organization dedicated to promoting and facilitating the knowledge of optics and photonics to its members and the public. We believe optics and photonics can make the world a better place and alleviate some of the challenges in the human condition.

Core Excellencies:
Creativity, optimism, vision, writing, optical alignment, and opto-mechanical design.
Other Capabilities include:
Leadership, research, development, and optical sensors and systems; biofluorescent illumination and microscopy; THAAD
seeker test and analysis; laser systems design, analysis, and operation; semi-
active laser seeker test and analysis; semiconductor laser characterization; optical
scanning; infrared solar testing and simulator
Publications (7)

SPIE Journal Paper | 1 August 2008
OE, Vol. 47, Issue 08, 086401, (August 2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.2968247
KEYWORDS: Semiconductor lasers, Infrared radiation, Infrared imaging, Imaging systems, Projection systems, Black bodies, Temperature metrology, Staring arrays, Optical engineering, Infrared technology

Proceedings Article | 11 April 2008 Paper
Proceedings Volume 6942, 69420Q (2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.784575
KEYWORDS: Projection systems, Nonuniformity corrections, Infrared radiation, Fermium, Frequency modulation, Imaging systems, Telescopes, Staring arrays, Camera shutters, Collimators

Proceedings Article | 11 April 2008 Paper
Proceedings Volume 6942, 69420J (2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.784100
KEYWORDS: Sensors, High dynamic range imaging, Quantum wells, Calibration, Imaging systems, Resistors, Infrared imaging, Infrared radiation, Projection systems, Semiconductor lasers

Proceedings Article | 30 April 2007 Paper
Proceedings Volume 6544, 654409 (2007) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.725632
KEYWORDS: Mid-IR, Infrared technology, High dynamic range imaging, Resistors, Temperature metrology, Imaging systems, Infrared imaging, Projection systems, Infrared radiation, Semiconductor lasers

Proceedings Article | 20 May 2005 Paper
Proceedings Volume 5785, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.604376
KEYWORDS: Fermium, Frequency modulation, Projection systems, Mirrors, Mid-IR, Electronics, Infrared radiation, Missiles, Control systems, Infrared imaging

Showing 5 of 7 publications
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