Presentation + Paper
3 October 2022 Calibration, modeling, parameterization, and verification of the instrument transfer function of an interferometric microscope
P. Z. Takacs, S. Rochester, I. Lacey, K. Munechika, V. V. Yashchuk
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Interferometric microscopes are used to measure surface roughness, from which the computed power spectral density function can be used to extract bandwidth-limited values of the various surface properties, such as root-mean-square (rms) height and slope errors. Measurements with a microscope equipped with different objectives that have an overlapping spatial frequency range usually give different rms results over the common frequency bandwidth. This is a result of different instrument transfer functions (ITFs) that attenuate spatial frequencies by different amounts over the overlapping range. We report on the use of binary pseudo-random array (BPRA) standards to characterize the ITF of an interferometric microscope with the various objectives. We use a simple model of a 1D binary Results show that the spectrum for an undersampled array is a cosine function, rather than a straight line, constant white noise spectrum. We have an analytical model of the ITF that includes the effects of an obscured aperture and defocus, in addition to the usual parameters of numerical aperture, wavelength, and sampling period. In addition, the model includes the effect of aliasing of spatial frequency components beyond the Nyquist back into the sub-Nyquist region. We compare the model PSD predictions to the measurements performed with different objectives. Departures of the measured PSDs from the model predictions indicate that there are higher-order ITF corrections yet to be identified and included in the model.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
P. Z. Takacs, S. Rochester, I. Lacey, K. Munechika, and V. V. Yashchuk "Calibration, modeling, parameterization, and verification of the instrument transfer function of an interferometric microscope", Proc. SPIE 12223, Interferometry XXI, 1222308 (3 October 2022);
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Modulation transfer functions


Data modeling



Spatial frequencies

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