Dr. Yagya D. Sharma
Focal Plane Sr. Principal Engineer at HRL Laboratories
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (22)

Proceedings Article | 31 May 2012 Paper
Jun Oh Kim, Saumya Sengupta, Yagya Sharma, Ajit Barve, Sang Jun Lee, Sam Kyu Noh, Sanjay Krishna
Proceedings Volume 8353, 835336 (2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.919458
KEYWORDS: Quantum dots, Sensors, Infrared radiation, Infrared photography, Quantum well infrared photodetectors, Photodetectors, Quantum wells, Gallium arsenide, Indium arsenide, Staring arrays

Proceedings Article | 21 May 2011 Paper
Proceedings Volume 8012, 801241 (2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.892025
KEYWORDS: Absorption, Quantum dots, Quantum efficiency, Quantum wells, Quantum well infrared photodetectors, Infrared radiation, Infrared photography, Photodetectors, Sensors, Staring arrays

Proceedings Article | 4 May 2010 Paper
H. Kim, E. Plis, N. Gautam, A. Khoshakhlagh, S. Myers, M. Kutty, Y. Sharma, L. Dawson, S. Krishna
Proceedings Volume 7660, 76601U (2010) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.850284
KEYWORDS: Stereolithography, Sensors, Diodes, Gallium antimonide, Mid-IR, Staring arrays, Long wavelength infrared, Indium arsenide, Superlattices, Doping

Proceedings Article | 9 September 2009 Paper
H. S. Kim, E. Plis, S. Myers, A. Khoshakhlagh, N. Gautam, M. Kutty, Y. Sharma, L. Dawson, S. Krishna
Proceedings Volume 7467, 74670U (2009) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.826775
KEYWORDS: Laser sintering, Staring arrays, Sensors, Mid-IR, Gallium antimonide, Superlattices, Infrared sensors, Infrared detectors, Diodes, Indium

Proceedings Article | 9 September 2009 Paper
Proceedings Volume 7467, 74670V (2009) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.827070
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Long wavelength infrared, Infrared detectors, Quantum dots, Gallium arsenide, Quantum efficiency, Mid-IR, Staring arrays, Indium arsenide, Infrared radiation

Showing 5 of 22 publications
Conference Committee Involvement (2)
5 May 2014 |
SPIE Photonics West,
1 February 2014 |
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